You can call me Ze, which is the nickname I've become so used to people calling me. I'm a graduate art student and I have a passion for gaming, storytelling and art. I like anime and films so don't be afraid to approach me about anything of the sort. I just recently joined after someone I followed recommended this server to me. Sadly the game crashes in 5-10 minute intervals so I haven't had the chance to fully be able to sit down and enjoy it without problems but... from what I was able to sit down and enjoy it, the game brought back a lot of nostalgia. I really like that about this server and potentially the Maplestory Global 2005. I miss the old MapleStory but the game was pretty fun when they added in the Cygnus Knights (before the revamp) it's been awhile since I played Maplestory but this is giving me a whole new experience and a lot to enjoy. So I hope we can play together! My IGN is LittleZe | don't be afraid to say hi.
Yeah, from Cygnus Knights onwards it was just a whole tide of changes that made Maple not recognisable anymore. This server does pretty good and replicating the times before that, so I hope you enjoy your stay here!
Welcome to the server Ze! I was also an art student (sorta) during college, and I'm super into storytelling, games, and film as well. I'm usually around the Shoutbox if you want to hang out with us there. Hope to see you around!
I agree, I noticed that a lot had changed in the direction of the game when they release ARAN and EVAN while it was cool to try and implement the whole MAPLE easter egg into the game it really just slowly dragged the game and changed it. I really like MapleRoyals eye in recreating what the old maplestory captured. Thanks I will! Thanks! That's awesome you took art in college as well. I'm honestly such a nerd about all those things because I tend to ramble when I get on the subject of it. Especially since I've been working on a comic for over 5 years and now just realising "Maybe a game would be better?" It's all about how you want to tell it. I'll have to check out the shoutbox for sure. I know I tend to be a little shy about talking to people in large groups but I tend to relax after a bit. See you around! I hope I did this kind of response properly...because every forum is different like "reply only with @'s or quotes" OTL