IGN:WhatTheFoxk problem: My equipment and money were taken away by strangers Details:A few days ago, my friend found me online, but I no longer home, today on the line only to find my things gone, you can check the recent transaction record, hope something to get back, because I spent a lot of time in this game on. I do not know what exactly is missing, but there are a few more valuable things are gone. ex: + 11int eye accessory + 10int 6matt pgc +32 tma earring + 23tma maple shield NLC pendant And a lot of money I already changed my password I did not give anyone my account password If things take back the best... Can not help those who can help punish the player? thank you Gm ^^
Unfortunately gms don’t refund items that were hacked due to poor account security. Where u using the same id and password on another server ?
Seems like GMs do roll back ppl' s characters which were hacked , but the last time they saved databases was at 7/20. And I saw some ppl's equipments are without any stats after rolling back.
yes but that exploit were staff rolled back ppls inventory happened long ago and it was patched. the OP in his thread mentions his friend found him online few days ago so its not related to that issue at all and thus there shouldn't be a refund issued
Well I think there's another flaw since there're some ppl hacked these days , including me. It's impossible that everyone has poor account security and all hacked at the same time. https://royals.ms/forum/threads/account-has-been-hacked-what-do-i-do.105841/ https://royals.ms/forum/threads/account-has-been-hacked.106089/ https://royals.ms/forum/threads/hacked.106404/ https://royals.ms/forum/threads/items-lost.105461/