Hello there, it seems that the Bubble bath chair of mine is acting weird, to my hat (hoodie) and my hair style, as seen in the picture below (#1 & #2) There just appear to be a bubble moving up and down around my forehead, even when i take my hat off, and when i see Derek with the same chair, it's not happening to him, just me. Maybe because the hat or the hairstyle? Also, that little gap between my face and the hoodie (#3) is see-through, you can also see another bubble through it. This doesn't appear to be the case for every hat (#4) Special thanks to Derek and Doram and Vations for helping me out. NOTE: It is MUCH easier to see the difference, distinguish or spot out the effect IN GAME, this bubble thing also happen to other hats and hairstyles. 1. 2. 3. Doesn't happen to these hats tho 4.
Oooh mah LORD, is that how it's supposed to LOOK LIKE, omgggggg the bubble is also not overlapping the name label anymore. sooooooooo cute asodijfosaijdfoisdjfoisjdfoi thank you so much @Andreas