IGN : Merdian LVL : 20 JOB : Magician Country of residence : Korea Availability of Kakaotalk : 가능합니다. lf you read & agree on guild rules : 숙지했습니다. Reason for applying : 한국인분들과 같이 게임하고 싶어서 신청합니다.
IGN:kk6626 Lv:51 Job:Assasin Country of Residence : United States of America Availiability of Kakaotalk : 가능해요 Agree to Guild Rules: 다 숙지 했습니다 Reason for applying : 지난번에도 가입 했는데 그때 잠시 일 땜에 몇달동안 바빠서 못했어요. 이번엔 시간도 많고 여유도 있고 , 혼자 하니까 좀 어려운게 많더라군요. 열정으로 활동하겠습니다.(나이는 22살입니다)
IGN: Sinby LVL: 70 JOB: Dragon knight Country of Residence: south Korea Availability of Kakaotalk: 가능 If you read & Agree on Guild Rules: 오케이 Reason for applying: 외국갓다가 귀국해서 다시 재가입할려고합니다 ㅎㅎ
IGN: Taeri Level: 50 Job: Thief -Bendit Country of residence: Korea Availability of Kakaotalk: Yes Guild rules: Read and agreed Reason for applying: 한 달간 키우다보니 길드가입하고 싶어서 찾게됫네요 다른 한국분들과 친구맺고 같이 소통하고 싶습니다ㅎㅎ 가입 부탁드려요.
IGN: JamesKeem LVL: 45 JOB: Bandit Country of Residence: USA Availability of Kakaotalk: None Agree Guild Rules: Yes Reason for applying: Avid Korean Mapler, ready to get into the community of others playing on the server. I can read Korean, but I can't type it.
IGN: Cursor Level: 117 Job: Ranger Country of Residence: US Availability of Kakaotalk: Yes Agree Guild Rules: Yes