Name | IGN: FoolishDove Age: 20 nearly to 21 Level: 145 Country: Taiwan Do you have Discord? Ya, but not often on line. Why did you choose SoonTM? I see MiruTea in fm4, so i wanna have fun with u guys ~ Previous Guilds? nope ! my friend was gone T^T Tell me about yourself <3 Hi there, nice to meet u guys. I am a poor Shadower (hp washing after lvl 99 till now). I felt a little bit upset recently because my bishop friend was gone. No kindly and free leech anymore.... haha and i have a question that why do u name the guild SoonTM, what's the meaning of TM ? Have a nice day ~
Accepted! Don't worry, we'll be your friend TM means Trademark or 商標 in chinese. It's sort of hard to explain but SoonTM is just something used by the creator of Royals (Matt) a lot. I'll be adding you soon
Name | IGN: C | Moderato, trains, rockets Age: 22 Level: 189 on Moderato Country: USA Do you have Discord? Yes. Why did you choose SoonTM? Guild with a Discord that looks like it's growing. Previous Guilds? Jr. of Shade and Pixel, Taiwan, Dudulu, Radiance, Inspire, Pantsu. Tell me about yourself <3 I haven't been back in 2 years. I'm have burned more mesos than I had back then in the week or two that I've been back, so I am now poor and broken on the inside. I'm also Taiwanese-American.
Name: Euwern IGN: Trashbag Age: six(teen) Level: 11X Country: Malaysia Do you have Discord? I most certainly do. Why did you choose SoonTM? I didn't choose SoonTM, SoonTM chose me. Previous Guilds? Crap Tell me about yourself <3 Wants to give free leech but will never hit 120. And @mirutea is my creator.
Name: Jan IGN: uwishxo Age: 19 Level: 35 Country: Russia Do you have Discord? No, but will make 1, if necessary. Why did you choose SoonTM? I want to join a laid-back guild that's suitable for a casual new player. Previous Guilds? None Tell me about yourself <3 Take me to a dinner first and we can talk business ;¬) xoxo
Name: Daniel IGN: PigOoO Age:19 Level:192 Country:Taiwan Do you have Discord? YESSSS Why did you choose SoonTM? Because I love the guild's name Previous Guilds? Revenant Tell me about yourself <3 : I am sexy and active
Name: Tyler IGN: Fapsaku Age: 29 Level: 40 bandit Country: Bermuda, just moved to Sweden over the summer. Do you have Discord? Yes Why did you choose SoonTM? You guys seem fun, looking for some people to grind with and later on, do some boss runs. Previous Guilds? None on here. Tell me about yourself <3 I just started playing yesterday, hit lvl 40 tonight. My wife is also playing, and will most likely want to join as well. LVL 40 cleric I think. We actually met on EMS and quit around big bang. Did all the end game bosses up to horn tail. Although it has been a while. We have been talking about getting back into maple for a while and will be very active.
First of all, welcome back to maple! You're accepted. I'll be adding you when I'm online (in about 3 hours or so) or you could try whispering one of the Jrs. I'm more than happy to accept your wife as well if she applies for our guild!
Name | IGN: NoFcukGiven Age: 23 Level: 136 Country: Malaysia Do you have Discord? Yeah Why did you choose SoonTM? The community seems fun and friendly Previous Guilds? Breakfast Tell me about yourself <3 Hi, my name is Howard. Started playing Royals since 3 months ago. HP-washing a hero right now. I wish to participate in bossing activities.
Accepted! I'm guessing NoFcukGiven is the Hero? I'll be adding you soon! Please whisper me or one of my Jrs when you're available.
Name: Justin Age: 21 Level: 38 Country: USA - california Ban History: nonexistent Do you have Discord? Yes. I use discord copiously. I'm always on voice chat. I prefer speaking over typing. Generally good with words and can create bonds very easily. Why did you choose SoonTM? It is evident the guild leader and several juniors are dedicated to recruiting and growing the guild. i'd like to contribute to this growing community. I feel like I can be an asset due to my previous leadership experience in other servers. I think this guild is a good prospect and would like an opportunity to invest my time in it and help as I can. Previous Guilds? leader of Flavour (in Reboot GMS) Tell me about yourself C: I'm a very enthusiastic mapler. I quit Reboot due to an expiration of passion. The game had too much content to go over and it became more of a daily chore to keep up progress than fun activity. In contrast, Royals is much more exciting and re sparks my desire to play. I like its simplicity and the Party quest aspect. Prior to coming to the server, I led a guild in Reboot for over 1 year, from when it only had 3 members to now where it has 20-30 active members on during peak hours. I credit my success to a positive attitude in servant leadership and helping people first. Doing the right thing has made the Guild Master position an enhancement to my gaming experience rather than a burden. I am inspired by the passion and effort this team is putting towards recruitment. I want to join and if this turns to be the right place for me I hope to a big asset to your team
Damn, you're one dedicated person. Accepted! I'll be adding you soon. Whisper me or one of my Jrs when you're available!