Want to give a big welcome to @Tylapia @Sila @Wafer @vonverde @Castro and @Clouds to the guild! Hope you all enjoy your time with us. To all other applicants, please be patient for a JR or myself to contact you!
Name: Cal Age: 21 IGN: Quanta Alternate character: Quantization Previous guilds: Radiance Ban history: n/a Reason for wanting to join: I'm a loner and I think it's time I started making some more friends :OOO
Name: Jacob Age: 17 IGN: Starleaf (with an L) Alternate character: Place and Compulsion (old mains) Previous guilds: None Ban history: I was 3 day banned a long time ago for being in a smuggle party in lmpq. (Won't be doing that again) Reason for wanting to join: I would love to stick around in Royals, but I have never been able to find people to talk to; I used to J>guild in the fm and via megaphone, but would never get a response. If I were to join a friendly and active guild and have people to welcome me back (and vice versa), I would love to stay in the server. I have the potential to be a great and helpful attribute to both the guild and the whole server. I think this guild would suit me well because I am always looking to help people. I do a lot of volunteer work in real life, and my helping spirit will be the same in royals I like to have fun and grow with people in game. I hope you will consider having me join Radio. (I love the guild name btw ) Edit: I didn't see the last question, but I have discord and skype.
Name: Thijs Age: 23 IGN: Spinner Alternate character: - Previous guilds: - Ban history: - Reason for wanting to join: Hi! Wanted to join mapleroyals in january but couldnt join because of the new source. Now im playing i want to make some friends to boss, train, talk, help and grind with and your guild seems perfect for that! Im mostly online at gmt 17.00 because of school stuff and in the weekends im almost all day online if i have the time and chance! Im a verry active player! Discord and skype are no problem got both of them. Hope to hear from you guys.
Name: Xuan Age: 18 IGN: Weaaboo Alternate character: None Previous guilds: Comme Ban history: None Reason for wanting to join: Looking for Bossing guild
Name: Charlie Age: 21 IGN: Imbos Alternate character: Imboze Previous guilds: I have been in Tempest since I joined Mapleroyals on 'Imbos', just recently left. My alt is in Arcady. Ban history: - Reason for wanting to join: I'm looking for a new stable 'home' after leaving Tempest and from what I can tell this will be a suiting guild for me. Socializing is a big part of this game for me so having some chill guildies to hang out with whenever im online is needed.
@Zygel @Purpose @Tuturu @dayzakub @racecar224 and any other applicants that I might have missed, Been trying to contact you in-game for a while and cant ever seem to find you. If you're still interested, please send me a PM on the forum.
Name: Amy Age: 22 IGN: Amymator Alternate character: Amynator | Amytator Previous guilds: None Ban history: None Reason for wanting to join: I am looking for a great guild where I can socialise and have fun with other Royalers!
Name: Jake Age: 17 IGN: RunaWave Alternate character: None Previous guilds: None Ban history: None Reason for wanting to join: Just joined the server, looking for a guild
Name: Demetrios Age: 25 IGN: Voyeur Alternate character: None yet, working on a Night Lord. Previous guilds: Was way too long ago to remember. Ban history: None Reason for applying: I love playing/composing music and I would like to join a guild after being without one for a long time.
Name: Adrian Age: 23 IGN: Vermilion Alternate character: lAdrianl, Arepitamagic Previous guilds: new character Ban history: none Reason for wanting to join: i like this guild :d
Name: Wout Age: 21 IGN: Aversion Alternate Character: None Previous guilds: Synergy (just found it I was lol, forgot about it). Been playing for about 6 months, then took a break from it all. Just came back 2 days ago . Reason for wanting to join: I'd like to get in touch with more peeps in the game, so that I can be more involved! I play in the evening mostly, but since I have vacation now, I'll play more
Name: davey Age: it's lower than you think IGN: squiffy Alternate Character: too noob to worth mentioning Previous guilds: yes Ban history: got banned once for being too aggressively handsome Reason for wanting to join: I like justin bieber and bubble tea
Name: Danny Age: 25 IGN: DapperDan Alternate character: None Previous guilds: None Ban history: None Reason for wanting to join: Looking for a chill group of guys and gals to relive that nostalgic time in my childhood when nothing else mattered besides friends, family, and leveling.
Thank you for everyone's interest in Radio. We are currently not recruiting. If interested, please apply when we open recruitment again.
Name: Itay Age: 24 IGN: Demodog Alternate character: --- Previous guilds: --- Ban history: --- Reason for wanting to join: Looking for a friendly guild with people to talk to in game and bossing at higher levels I guess
Winter break is coming, and so are new players. Applications are now open to all, feel free to submit an application! Name: Age: IGN: Alternate character: Previous guilds: Ban history: Reason for wanting to join:
Name: Ansh Age: 21 IGN: DankM3m3s Alternate character: ShinyTie Previous guilds: None Ban history: None Reason for wanting to join: Succumbed to nostalgia and started playing MapleRoyals. Looking for a friendly guild to join