I'm going to make an Ice/Lightning Mage after my main goal of one shot Skelesaurus is finished and was wondering what sort of build and training spots are available for these mages.
Maybe I want to train it regularly? Where's the fun in making a class if you're just gonna leech it. I like the struggle levels.
Well, 10-14 hunting ground 1 14-21 bubble slime 21-30 kpq 30-51 cpq (solo is very good with lightning) 51-75 gs2 (so fast with lightning) 75+ WS hope it helped
How long should I be at Wolf Spiders? I'm going to be pretty godly funding this account so potion costs are negligible. Any feedback on the new Ulu City Maps?
The new ulu maps are more a replacement for himes than they are for wolfspiders, so you'll still stick there until 95 ish.
I found that at lvl 85 Ulu estate 1 was slightly faster than WS for my I/L mage, so it's actually a good step up to himes
Yup there is one platform with only Veetrons (don't have stun) from which you can freeze attack the lower ground (only berserkies) and the platform above (berserkies and veetrons) So you just need to stay on that platform and you'll never get stunned.
Which one is that one? I know the entire bottom platform is Berserkies, but the higher up ones have a few berserkies as well.
It's the one above the bottom (so the one you can jump on from the bottom portal) every now and than a berserkie does spawn on it but normally it's just veetrons
I was just wondering, is it possible to leech yourself all the way from the lower levels? I thought there was a limitation on lower levels benefitting from higher levels
I tried it out on a Level 15 and they were only able to get around ~15% of the actual XP. Not great, but beats training regularly by a long shot.
As for skill build you have 2 options: The first one, you raise your skill by taking account what it will be in 4th job, it is also the fastest build. Second one, is that you want to experience more variation in skill, for alot of people this is more fun. I'm gonna explain you the one that focus on training and getting to 4th job. From 2nd job: 1 teleport Max thunder bolt Max teleport 3 mp eater Max Meditation Max Mp eater Max slow 3rd job: Max ice strike, get 1 seal in the way 11 spell booster Max element amplification, you can get one seal if you're planing on training at goby Max Spell Booster or Seal If you plan to train alot at goby, max seal first, it get really handy Max Element composition Max Partial Resist 1 thunder spear 4th job 1 chain lightning(it's stronger than any other 1 on 1 attack max you had previously) 10 Blizzard 10 maple warrior(max it if it's possible) Max chain lightning Than from there you should pretty much start understand mage class and be able to make your own decision. Why this build : Lightning bolt is your fastest training skill, so training wize you don't really need cold beam and it get replace with elemental composition in 3rd job. Through elemental composition is weaker on some mob, in general it do the job. Also slow is a nice skill to have for some boss, like papulatus when the people you kill it with aren't zomfg over power. As for 3rd job, thunder spear get replace with 1 point in chain lightning, so why bother getting 2 one on one attack, go for the one that freeze, anyway training wize, you will relay on ice strike, so why bother. Seal is nice to force mobs to group together or for goby, as you seal the goby house and magic claw it. It's mainly focus on training till 4th job where you get chain lightning
Thanks for the detailed build. The one thing I was mainly curious about was the 3rd job build. So maxing out Ice Strike first is the most optimal and after that, booster until +2 and max amplification. I could care less about the other 3rd job skills if they don't add any additional training purposes and I think I might skip Gobies for Ulu maps.
is Ulu estate 2 with a party actually better than himes? only for mages? just curious as I just reached Himes grinding lvl.