Selling all the fresh blue apples I got. (its very fresh and juicy) You can inbox me. Or you can find me in game but I'm afk most of the time. <33 oh and selling this too. https://image.TemuTemuTemuTemuTemuTemu/c5KZnG/Untitled.jpg Taking SERIOUS offers. Panda chair sold to @iTears for 7b.
What's the posibility to take my offer as a real one and not try to laught? Since you dosn't even have a sb.
Serious question what is the advantage of not having a starting bid and not taking offers below a certain amount?
Serious question as well, can you set a SB before to asking about offers so i can take this siriously? just 2 examples. if you are serious about buying this chair you would've offer a reasonable price.
I'm sirirous about this one, but i won't offer 6b just becouse someone sell for a/w. You should just taking this as a reference and get a SB, since how i say before, i can't offer until a saw a SB, since (how the most of 90% of people at royals) see a offer and they just ignored. Even if i offer, i'm risky myself, since you gonna laught or something like the old post on this thread. Anyways, if you have a sb, please juas let me know. Edit: I forgot the point (.) at the end, since we're all "Sirious" RIGHT?
If I put a SB means I'm allowing people to bid for this chair which is not what I want. This is not the first time I'm selling this chair and I don't get serious offer all the time + I'm not desperate for mesos so its fine if the chair stays with me as long as I don't get a good offer. Thanks
This whole thing is making me dumber by reading.... "Selling" "Taking offers" "dont wan't bid" "Not desperate" "want good offer" So in the end you want somewhere close to 6b for the chair. Could have just said that to start off. Poor Dann