Would it be reasonable and possible to let system kick people out of snowman map after they are AFK for more than 3 minutes or so?
The number of people who think it's stupid that they can't answer the door or use the restroom or answer the phone or help a family member while on a training map without losing it and then will turn right around and get upset at people for being away from the computer doing the exact same things during a completely optional and free event boss is ridiculous... I vote no. It's a Christmas event. Let people have free stuff.
I'm always active during the snowman but sometimes shit happens and you have to afk for bit, sometimes during. Bathroom, phone call, unforseeable things. TBH as long as you get your box, it's whatever. People are AFKing, not stealing your Christmas. Like don't let yourself get bothered. Isssa game
Well i don’t know about you but time is a very valuable thing to me. So the difference of spending 20min with 50% afkers vs 10mins with 0% afkers for each snowman is a tremendous difference to me over hundreds of snowman runs. Also while it’s true that it’s just a game made up of pixels, we are all spending time and energy (which are two very valuable resources) to progress in this game so it’s not “just” a game, it’s what we put hours of our time and energy into and that in itself justifies our frustrations towards certain things that may happen within the game
How would it be faster if the map had no AFKers since the number of players hitting snowman does not change if the AFKers were removed from the map. But at the same time other players will be able to enter the map once the AFKers are kicked but what is the time frame for AFKers to be kicked? What determines a person being AFK? What if a player is in the map before Snowman spawns and AFKs will they still be kicked? Unless you are suggesting that the HP of the Snowman is decreased and AFKers are kicked from the map after inactivity. However does the Snowman’s HP scale with the number of people on the map? And if it does, does the map allow players to enter Snowman after the HP of Snowman decreases? Currently the HP of Snowman is fine. There just needs to be a mandatory minimum participation for Snowman that will allow players to AFK in Snowman but yet help players who are actively participating in Snowman.
If my time was so valuable that I couldn't bare to have afkers in my snowman map, I wouldn't be playing a bootlegged version of maplestory. I love mapleroyals pls don't ban me. I have no where to go. Bottom line is you're wasting time period. Chill out.
In other words you consider entertainment a waste of time and you don’t care about the quality of your entertainment. I guess to you it doesn’t matter if you watch a terrible movie or a great one since either way its a waste of time to you and that is all that it is. Your whole idea of “it’s a game so its a waste of time no matter what so who cares how the time is spent?” Is absurd to say the least. I’m really not trying to be aggressive here but every now and then someone brings up that middle school level argument and it makes me cringe at how little they must have thought about what they are saying
@Nine Yeah basically. Good movie, bad movie is all relative. You've got yourself fooled to think that watching a good movie is a better use of your time than watching a bad movie. End of the day, you've sat for 2hrs doing nothing but watching. Maybe the middle schoolers have the argument right. I do think Entertainment is enriching and personally fulfilling to our human experience but doing make believe in a game is enough for me. We just have different wants and expectations of how we want our time wasted.
Lol alright well that’s a rare perspective, if that’s how you see it then i guess that’s that. I don’t agree with you but you’ve made your point and I’ve made mine