Even if he did join then, that's like 3 months ago. Most people 30 these anyway, if you're really determined and/or lucky it isn't that hard to make it due to Ulu 1 & 2 being a great spot to sell leech and farm cravens at the same time. If you want to troll successfully, please do a little research first lmao.
Because everyone can earn 50 ws/cs in 70 days (November+December+10 days) starting from no account at all. Sorry I must be too nub/have a life. I'm not denying that he might have joined in 2016. Compared to your forced theory I rather believe he joined last year. Calm your titties, there are plenty of rwters out there and we ought not to doubt? If he doesn't have any friends defending him then it'll prob be a different scenario. Gotta love this community.
Sorry if math is too hard, but it's easily feasible if you made a mage first and farmed your own. 50 cs/ws is the selling price, some people are lucky and finish 7 slots in less than 40, let alone pefect cravens that many 30 the first 2-3 slots. Not saying you shouldn't be wary, but accusing someone of rwt is a serious thing and can affect their ability to sell items when they're completely legit. But yes, let's doubt him publicly and assume he's a rwt for an item that can be made or bought rather easily for any mage that sells leech. You can make about 3b a week selling leech + npcing for only 3 hrs a day every day. This does not include any godly items he may have sold or picked up and scrolled himself. Three hours isn't an absurd amount of time and many people play more. Furthermore, mages are fairly easy to level so hitting level at which you can sell leech at ulu 2 is not that hard and would not take long at all depending on how long you played and if you bought leech as well. This is not taking into account any gaching or ap resets he might have sold. 70 days of 8k nx is 560k nx which also goes quite a long way regardless of how you choose to use it. I think you're the one that needs to calm down and not accuse people of rwting unless it's about an item that is actually improbable. Gotta love this community full of misinformed vigilantes who harm other peoples' gameplay in the name of "justice" and then get defensive when they're called out on it. On that note @Rannn would you be willing to accept 1b coins at all? (if this hasn't sold yet).
Yes yes of course he only made a 91/19 craven in 70 days. He definitely don't need any bish equips/mastery books for leech. You want to do math? Let's do it chronologically assuming you're not a complete no life who spend 5+ hrs in this game every day. Day 1: Made an account, created a bish, leveled it to lvl 30 cuz I have no money for teeth or whatsoever, and I'm completely new. Day 2-7: made some friends, leveled up with party quests, made it to 4th job. Day 7-14: figured out how leech works, did gene quest, bought mediocre bish equips, set up for low level leech business Day 14-70: The server is so stable and I don't have any life commitments so I leech every single day for 3 hrs. Lets not go overboard and assume he earn 130m per hr, which is already generous enough. (Now if you argue he earns 200m/hr, u gonna have to add gene 30 + decent int gear costs, which gonna make your little 91/19 project event more impossible.) That's 168*130=21.84b. Which equates to roughly 43 ws/cs. Some of these money goes to buying int equips and gene 20 so he can sell leech better/1 hit etc. Take out 15 ws/cs at least. Now you have 27 ws/cs, plus the 6ws/cs u get from 560k nx assuming you sell ap resets. You have a grand total of 33 ws. Gonna need more luck and more no life points to make 91/19 happen. Hmm when have doubt, keep your mouth shut cuz that's gonna solve the problem? Or what? Should I make a report thread? lmao. Perhaps if I express my doubt he will explain himself like he just did? Or perhaps he won't be able to so we know who's at fault? People will make judgements based on what we talked about. Why are you so defensive on something you don't even know lol
I'm done arguing it, it's easily doable if you're lucky and still doable even if you're not. You're the one who sees nothing wrong with accusing people first then asking for explanations first. I never said it was wrong to ask or to keep in mind that rwt is a possibility. I'm saying the way you approached it was wrong and because you painted him in the light of a rwter without knowing the details. You planted the seed of doubt for anyone who has read this thread and some might never be convinced otherwise now even if he is 100% legit. Had you asked him in a different way without automatically assuming he was a rwter then this conversation would never have happened. I'm simply fed up with people who think that they can get away with ruining other people's game experience for their own sense of "justice". Also, I'm going to stop responding to you now as this is heavily off the point of his thread and if you don't see anything wrong with what you did, then there's really nothing left for me to say. If I a/w it, how much time could you give me to come up with the money @Rannn ? Also, the buyer already pays taxes on 1b coins, it is removed from the buyer's inventory not the seller's.