current store location: n/a ign: rod3o offer or something (accepting p/c) 9 str 8 dex blood valkyrie skirt c/o - ?? a/w - ?? chocolate fondue chair c/o - ?? a/w - ?? god of wealth chair c/o - ?? a/w - ?? polar bear chair c/o - ?? a/w - ?? Valentine's NX Red Rose (weapon) - 66m Coin Sword (weapon) - 66m Green Heart Balloon - 66m Yellow Heart Balloon - 66m Looking for Love (effect) - 9m Pumping Heart (effect) - 9m My Girlfriend (effect) - 9m My Boyfriend (effect) - 9m Van Hat with Heart (female, hat) - 15m Red Rose Label Ring - 30m Red Rose Chat Ring - 30m Spoiler: SOLD 17 tma earring (6 int) a/w 77m 14 int ragged yellow cape (lvl 25) a/w 500m 16 int bandana a/w 160m 19 int bathrobe (male) a/w 333m 24 tma earring (9 int) a/w 444m 30 dex 27 acc bathrobe (male) a/w 555m 3 att facestompers (fs) a/w 300m 6 dex 4 att pink gaia cape (pgc) a/w 333m 28 tma maple shield (10 int) a/w 1.66b 3 att 3 slot pink gaia cape (pgc) a/w 155m 12 str 96 att king cent a/w 100m 8 int raccoon mask c/o 700m in-game 8 dex 9 avoid branch nose a/w 250m clean 158 tma elemental wand 6 a/w 333m 7 str 130 att 12 acc crushed skull a/w 188m 8 str 12 dex 8 acc 10 spd black neos pants a/w 188m Slime Tank Chair c/o 1.3b @MushroomYoYo 3 att 6 slot brown work glove (bwg) c/o - 1.8b @resum