LOL WTF IS THIS. You trying to get me to pay more for your friend or something? Anyway, if you bid 5.3, gl with the bidding, pce.
I do not know what you are now, but I think of it as a buyer, whether it is a guild member or not. That applies the same way to my boyfriend. Is there a problem?
You're the one that retracted your offer the moment I didn't bid more than 6.1B LOL................... ?? If you were seriously into buying it, you wouldn't have retracted at 6.1B. Reason I pulled out was you seemed to be bidding higher without actually wanting to buy it. So I tested you and I was right?
well the only reason i pulled out was: 1. Same guild suddenly bids 6b after my 5.3b 2. You retract after my 6.1b which shows me that you were here for fun 3. You also retract your 6b bid which is like and so I go for 5.3b again. SO I was testing you the same way you were testing me
Nah fam you're the one that's in the wrong here. Notice the time of the chat is earlier than the time you started to bid. gtfo pls
I don't think there is a wrong or right here. You tested me, and I tested you. No need to point fingers and use rude terms like 'gtfo'. So now we both know this, let's not get off-topic and continue with the bidding. My offer is still 5.3b (pls no 6b again unless you're serious).
I'm sorry, I feel very displeased. but if I've had enough credit and you can't trust me, I can't deal with you. Do you think he and I are guilty of manipulating prices because we're same guildmembers?
I was serious with the 6b lmfao. I tested you when you offered 6.1b. You backed off from a 100m difference of a bid. How does that not make you the very least suspicious?
I did not accuse you of manipulating prices. It's fine if we don't deal. It's not that I don't believe you. It just seems that way? I'm just stating my side of the story. Honestly here it goes. 1. I offered 5.1b. 2. KimchiFriedRice appears out of nowhere and says '5.2 lego'. 3. Fine, I'll bid 5.3 then, I'm cool with that. 4. THEN HE GOES '6b fite me' 5. err what, okay now somethings up. suddenly a guildmate increases bid by 700m? okay fine I'm cool with that too. 6. I bid 6.1b. 7. He leaves... 8. Since he leaves, it's kinda strange don't ya think? He increased the bid by 700m then leaves when i increase it by 100m? 9. So I leave my 6.1 bid too, don't wanna be a part of this. 10. Then he says he keeps his bid at 5.2. 11. Fine, I'll keep mine at 5.3. 12. and here we are, him accusing me of manipulating bid prices when I'm sure @hamji agree with me that I have had no prior contact with you throughout my Maple life here. Thus, I dont really see how I'm in the wrong, as he states? based on the information and the situation I just made my judgements and decisions. I even offered to let this slide and go back to business...
You didn't have to leave if I didn't offer more than 6.1B since my last bid was 6b, yet you backed out of a 100m difference. Meaning I take fs at 6B. Hello?? I can pull up all the conversation of the chat because you seem to be the one manipulating the price. At one point in the group chat I told sparky/arji that if someone offers higher than mine, I'll bid 6B to stop anyone else from offering higher than me. PIC AS EVIDENCE: Also, I showed you ss of my chat from earlier, but you're not going to acknowledge that? Okay that's cool too.
Honestly, I have no idea why you're treating this like a ban appeal. I'm trying to be as calm and civil with you as possible by telling you my thought process. Yes, I offered 6.1b to counter your 6b offer. We established that. You said 'I'm out LOL' after that. Now... Here's the crucial part. PUT yourself in MY shoes. A guildmate raises the bid by 700m. Then leaves when I increased it by 100m. is that not at all suspicious to you? And when I leave my 6.1b bid, you also leave your 6b bid. why not keep it at 6b then if you wanted to buy it at 6b? I even asked 'you're retracting your 6b bid?' to which you responded 'yes, i'll keep it at 5.2b.' Fine, I'll keep mine at 5.3b then. I've never known @hamji throughout my game time here. Honestly @hamji, you should be offended by your guildmate and not me because he accused us of fixing prices against him first. Following my thought process earlier posted, it's natural I would assume you guys are fixing prices against me. Which is why I replied to his accusation. but frankly I feel you have been unfairly put in the spot by both myself and him. Thus I apologise on my side, and wish you all the best. okay good, now we know you're serious. I didn't understand what you were trying to establish with your earlier screenshots so I didn't talk about them. You should have just showed the one you last sent and we would be fine. At the end of the day it's just a misunderstanding. All the best with the shoe.
I was serious from the start, Hamji knew it. The earlier screenshots of the conversation between hamji/sparky and I showed exactly this, that I was intent on buying and not manipulating the prices that you seemed to be accusing us of, since you kept mentioning 'same guilds'. She can be mad at me for accusing of fixing prices (sorry if u mad), but she highkey may be mad at you for accusing us for 'fixing prices' just because we're in the same guild. Anyway, I apologize if I came out aggressive. Happy mapling. inb4 some1 a/w's and this whole 'debate' didn't even matter.
Yes, hamji may have known it. But I certainly did not. As such based on that missing information I could not have known your bid was legit. Since I have that information now, I'm sorry for assuming the wrong thing but I was just protecting myself. Also, I would not have accused you, if you didn't accuse me first. I was perfectly fine with the way things were going until your accusation. She has the right to be mad with both of us and I apologise on my part for tangling her up in this. My apologies @hamji. TL; DR we both thought we were fixing prices against each other. Now we know we were not. His bid is 6b. thanks.
@KimchiFriedRice @TheDel I didn't get enough sleep in the morning thanks to you two. So, I read your argument using the translator again early in the morning. It doesn't matter if they suspected each other in their own way, but I find it very unpleasant to be suspected just because we were same guild. Also, koko, you shouldn't have doubted him if you were willing to buy. Anyway, I felt bad about the sales, but I'm glad it was solved well. Since 'TheDel' has withdrawn the last proposal, I accept your offer, koko. koko's bid noted [9att 2slots FS for 6B]