IGN: KazuhaAoi Level: 16x Job: Bishop Nationality: Nihon Country of Residence: Nagoya Recommended by: parkus95 (ERO SPARKY) Can you speak Korean? Nope If you can speak Korean, can you join the guild open chat on KakaoTalk? Im sorry I dont! Sparky, please teach me some korean T^T Can you join the guild Discord server? Yes Have you read and understood the guild rules? Sparky has mentioned all the rules and would keep me under control Are you aware that you may be expelled from the guild if you violate the guild rules? Yes. Arji chan and ERO Sparky trusts me xD Please briefly explain why you would like to join our guild. ARJI CHAN AND ERO SPARKY PULLED ME INTO THIS!! EVERYONE BULLIES ME SIGH!! SEND HALP, SOMEONE! Im kidding xD Love ya guys hehe!
IGN: Lovenana Level: 188 Job: Bowmaster Nationality: USA n TW Country of Residence: Taiwan Recommended by: parkus95 Can you speak Korean? 안돼 If you can speak Korean, can you join the guild open chat on KakaoTalk? 안돼yo Can you join the guild Discord server? YES Have you read and understood the guild rules? YES Are you aware that you may be expelled from the guild if you violate the guild rules? 알았어 Please briefly explain why you would like to join our guild. sparky threatened me
IGN: Keepers Level: 128 Job: bishop Nationality: singapore Country of Residence: sweden Recommended by: PARK Can you speak Korean? no If you can speak Korean, can you join the guild open chat on KakaoTalk? can i join to learn korean? Can you join the guild Discord server? ofc Have you read and understood the guild rules? yea Are you aware that you may be expelled from the guild if you violate the guild rules? ye Please briefly explain why you would like to join our guild. KOREA#1!!!!!!!!!!
IGN: AyumuOsaka Level: 145 Job: Bishop Nationality: Usa Country of Residence: Los Angeles, California Recommended by: Arji Can you speak Korean? No If you can speak Korean, can you join the guild open chat on KakaoTalk? - Can you join the guild Discord server? Yes Have you read and understood the guild rules? Yes Are you aware that you may be expelled from the guild if you violate the guild rules?Yes Please briefly explain why you would like to join our guild. I always been wanting to join the guild for a quite long time! I am looking forward meeting new people and friends!
IGN: Moraemii Level: 56 Class: Wizard Nationality: ROK Country of Residence: South Korea and Japan Can you join the guild open chat on KakaoTalk?: Yes Can you join the guild Discord server?: It is difficult for right now. Have you read and understood the guild rules?: Yes Are you aware that you may be expelled from the guild if you violate the guild rules?: Yes Please briefly explain why you would like to join our guild.: (In Korean) 빅뱅 이전 메이플을 하다가 빅뱅 이후로 접었는데, 여기서 다시 메이플을 하고 있습니다. 혼자 하기 심심해서 길드에 가입하려고 합니다. 카톡이야 가능하지만 디스코드 사용은 어려울 것 같습니다.
IGN: SeongBin Level: 127 Job: Archmage Nationality: Korean Country of Residence: Virginia Recommended by: chrrypckr Can you speak Korean? Yes If you can speak Korean, can you join the guild open chat on KakaoTalk? Yep Can you join the guild Discord server? Yes Have you read and understood the guild rules? Yes Are you aware that you may be expelled from the guild if you violate the guild rules? Yes Please briefly explain why you would like to join our guild. 별이유없습니다 ㅎㅎ
I'm sorry but I cannot imagine why you would reply for a guild for no reason . We cannot review this in a positive manner until you are more serious about the application. Please whisper me when you are online
IGN: XXXSniperXXX 길초 부탁드리겠습니다~ LVL: 100 (110 메인) JOB: 저격수 (메인은 용기사) Country of Residence: 한국 서울 Availability of Kakaotalk: 가능 Agree Guild Rules: Check! Reason for applying: 오랜만에 다시 시작하는데 한국 분들이랑 함께 하고자 지원했습니다! 잘 부탁드립니다!!
IGN: ssen, InsaneDamage LVL: 74 , 37 JOB: WhiteNight, Theif Country of Residence: South Korea Availability of Kakaotalk: 가능합니다! ( ID : netAr727 ) Agree Guild Rules: 체크했습니다 Reason for applying: 다시 뉴플래닛 유저들과 즐기고싶습니다! 복귀합니다!^^
IGN: Janner LVL: 3 JOB: Theif Country of Residence: South Korea Availability of Kakaotalk: 가능 Agree Guild Rules: 체크~! Reason for applying: 올드플래닛 했었던 사람인데 메이플이 다시 하고싶어져서 왔습니다!
안녕하세요~ 새로 업데이트된 길드 가입 양식을 사용해주세요~ ! 길드 가입양식 - 한국인 멤버 전용 닉네임 : 레벨 : 직업 : 국적 : 거주 국가 : 카카오톡 길드 오픈채팅에 참여 할 수 있습니까? 길드 디스코드에 참여 할 수 있습니까? 길드 룰을 이해하고 숙지 하셨습니까? 길드 룰 위반시에 퇴출 될 수 있음을 이해하셨습니까? 길드 가입 신청하신 이유를 간단히 적어주세요.
닉네임 : Janner 레벨 : 3 직업 : 도적 국적 : 한국 거주 국가 :한국 카카오톡 길드 오픈채팅에 참여 할 수 있습니까?네 길드 디스코드에 참여 할 수 있습니까?네 길드 룰을 이해하고 숙지 하셨습니까?네 길드 룰 위반시에 퇴출 될 수 있음을 이해하셨습니까?네 길드 가입 신청하신 이유를 간단히 적어주세요.한국인들과 같이 하고싶어서 가입신청을 하게되었습니다!
IGN: Taeheeya LVL:55 JOB:Theif Country of Residence: South Korea Availability of Kakaotalk: 가능 Agree Guild Rules: 동의합니다. Reason for applying: 밴때문에 한동안못하다가 복귀한유저입니다 !!!
IGN: Dyostr Level: 96 Job: Hermit Nationality: Canadian Korean Country of Residence: Canada Recommended by: Arji Can you speak Korean? 네 If you can speak Korean, can you join the guild open chat on KakaoTalk? 네 Can you join the guild Discord server? possibly Have you read and understood the guild rules? yes Are you aware that you may be expelled from the guild if you violate the guild rules? yes Please briefly explain why you would like to join our guild. Just want to play maplestory like I did long time ago with fellow korean friends.