I'm happy that LPPQ is now implemented, as there are a fair few quests that require entry into the PQ, and as someone going for quest specialist, those quests are invaluable. There is just one problem... I am level 102. fml, right? imo there is no reason for there to be such a level cap in place. I will now never have even had the opportunity to complete those quests. There shouldn't be a level cap for most PQs. The same goes for Orbis PQ- I'm not sure if it even works currently, but when I was in the level range, I tried so hard to find a party to no avail. I can now never complete the OPQ quests either, and presumably RJ too when that comes out. Maybe LPPQ has a level cap to prevent it from being a leeching ground? But that doesn't really make sense, as the buyers wouldn't be able to afk. Anyway, even if LPPQ were a better leeching method (I have no idea if it is), isn't it better that they do something remotely active, rather than just afk for 6 hours using regular grinding? Please enlighten me if there is any reason at all to keep level caps on these PQs (excluding LMPQ).
The level limit on PPQ stops higher level players like myself from getting that awesome hat. I would love to get it on my characters, but they cannot participate in the pq. I truly think the upper level limit should be removed, as well as for OPQ.
I think the concern is people just muling with high levels. Maybe a second level bracket above (120+ only) so there's no carry/rush/etc but opens it up for people to gather the items/do quests.
This would be fantastic if it got implemented! Just need to make sure someone can still accept the quests at those levels then.