I'm not sure if it's much of an achievement but, after ~11 hours of slaying Qualm Guardians I found and passed Power Stance 30! P.S: Sorry the pic is so small! Wow, I just noticed.. It's bigger in my picture album if you're really interested
The struggle! Congrats on a skill every class is jealous of (Seriously shouldn't be a fourth job skill...)
I seem to get lucky with the fallen leafs everytime time I go to red slimes But I boomed my last 6 m.att clean. Landed a 30% on these beauties
I just hate seeing people use Pure waters (800mp, 1600+ mesos) instead of Sorcerers (1500mp, 1500mesos)
Scrolled my first yellow item! Spoiler cause image didn't resize properly. Spoiler 9 str 6 dex clean. 2 30's on the first two slots, 5 60s on the following 5 slots. Last three slots in a row failed =(. Still 35 total stats, when my goal (for now*) was only 30. Definitely happy with this, going to last me at least until I can get a bow, and rescroll a Zhelm ^_^ Also passed a 30% top luk on what will hopefully become my bandit's future top. More posts to come I hope.