hello i saw long time ago there now a new way to get zhelm. i have a problem with jump quest so i cant do it there a prezakumquest tkae more time for the normal quest but in the end i can enter zakum i need the guide or how i can do it ty!!!
Your English is hard to understand. There is no other way. You MUST complete the jump quest to get into Zakum
https://royals.ms/forum/threads/zakum-jump-quest.100900/ Here it is. This requires long hours of collecting tho.
There is another way as an alternative zakum prequest for those who can't really complete jump quest,but it's time consuming and complicated.
I've never heard of this. I am curious. I couldn't find any alternative zak prequest on search engine. Could you link some website that explains this method?
Perfect. But "Time spend on the total quest 15 hours. Char used lvl 145 Hero" really bothers me. Holy moly. That is a long quest... Have fun @SenpaiSama