If I say it now, that'd spoil the fun. But, zak, krex? Pfft, that's too lame! You'll find out on the day itself!
Like I said, there won't be any drops for this summoning event. Maybe a few bags of mesos, but that's all! Will Horntail attack Perion this Friday? We'll see!
I think it's a good event to stress-test the server as well. If the server survived that 5000 bags summoning, the server definitely can survive this one.
Weren't there some people who already held this type of event? https://royals.ms/forum/threads/summoning-event-16-dec-5000-monsters.110515/ What's the difference?Anything new in this event?
Difference is I won't be summoning galore bags/snails/low level mobs which can be easily 1HKO by mage ultimates.
hyped for this boss auf haven - weak against poison/ice form 1: 180M hp touch 700~ dmg magic atk (huge hadogen skill) 6000~ dmg form 2: 430M hp touch 24k~ dmg super kb attack 5k~ dmg map-wide magic attack 11k~ dmg seduces to right (can affect more than 1, random timer???) EXP: 32,492,144
This boss won't be summoned as in GMS, it's heavily nerfed as compared to JMS or MSEA. You can easily 2HKO this boss in GMS as it's HP is ridiculously low, like, < 500k.
Suena genial ~ f14 Este evento se podría hacer todos los meses para reunir a todos y disfrutar en grupo matando a los jefes y para los jugadores de bajo nivel podría organizar a un jefe que no sea muy alto / gracias Kai They could also dropear miracle scrolls in events so that motivates more