Hi there, i have been wanting to start this thread for a while now for everyone to share some of their experiences facing various difficulties in this game. I have just returned from a break recently, and i must say i am slightly frustrated at some of my experiences throughout the past few weeks of playing royals again. But let me remind you, this is not a thread for you to come and vent your frustration, this is a thread for people to share their challenges and provide genuine advice on how to overcome them and make this game more enjoyable in the process. I should emphasize that my story only apply to those that seek progression in game, if you just like to sit in fm and chat, stay awesome! With that said, here's my story: I first joined this server in Nov 2016, pre-bb Maplestory was my childhood and i miss the days where i had fun progressing as well as meeting in game friends and just having a good time together. I was very excited when i found this server and started my first character which was a bishop as i was a bishop main back then too. (And here is my first hard truth and advice for struggling players: Making a bishop as your first character will be your best decision in this server, starting with a different class cause you a lot of trouble and money later on as you wont be able to wash and self leech efficiently.) As a cleric, grinding is relatively easy on this server, so fast forward to when i became a bishop and the end game begins. As a bishop i was able to join on Zak runs, sell leech to make extra mesos, make a new character and be able to leech her myself if i want to, and that's what i did, i grinded on day after day. And in the process, i met so many friends, joined a guild and i really enjoyed my time during the early days of grinding. (2nd hard truth and advice: you are going to be poor. be prepared to sell hours of leech, it may take the living soul out of you, but my advice is sell only a couple hours a day, and spend the rest of your time making friends, find a new guild, meet some trustworthy and helpful people that will help you along the way. I assure you, there are plenty of awesome people here as long as you are are a decent human being yourself. Don't burn yourself out by grinding too much.) I made a hero next, and here is why, when you reach the bossing lvl of 135, and you are introduced to zakum and krex, you will hear a phrase being thrown out alot called HP and MP washing. (3rd hard truth and advice: making a attacker class is going to be expensive, and you will NEVER be able to afford it without selling leech on a mage. In the context of a new player with no nx/rwt/rich frens/luckygachas. So here's my practical advice, make a bishop, start selling leech until you have at least a few billion mesos, a couple hundred AP resets, invest in decent INT equips and starter attack gear set > do your research on hp/mp wash on forums via class guides. You must wash your attacker, i don't care what others might say but let me say this, wash your attacker if you wish to participate in boss runs in the future. start planning at the char creation page. I recommend a warrior( drk/hero ) because it is the cheapest to wash and you get to participate in boss runs easily) Fast forward to my hero reaching 155, as a warrior, i did not have any trouble getting into zak runs or even some beginner krex runs. I was able to obtain decent int equips and attack gear via selling leech on my bishop, getting help from trustworthy friends in game and my guild, washing my hero to 30k hp and i was feeling quite proud of myself at the start. I was very fortunate to be able to meet some of the best people in game, you know who you are love you guys! (so, dont be a dick, help out low level people as much as possible, talk to random players, you will never know who you might meet that will come back and help u in the future, this is probably the best advice i can give you) And then i met horntail.... (4th: As a warrior, you are most probably a seduce mule unless you have godly gears so i assume you don't because i didn't. Don't be sad, those pesky nightlords will die without you, avoid their condescending stares and do your job right, and you will be regarded well. You will never be a attacker in horntail, and most parties will only recruit a bowmaster and nightlords. My advice here is to choose your 2nd attacker wisely, who am i kidding, haha. make a nightlord or bowmaster. Before you do so, farm up the best int gear you can get your hands on, at least 700-1000 ap resets, more billions worth of attack gear and proceed to MP WASHING guides.) As expected, i made a NL next, forgive my soul. I did everything i could, i farmed so hard and try so hard not to gamble my savings on scrolls. I was very lucky some friends quit and gave me some awesome int equips and a half completed weapon for my hero, i've got so many people to thank but i wont tag them here, that's going on my farewell post next time. And so, fast forwarded my NL reaching 155 and completed her washing, and i faced yet another obstacle. (5th: your nightlord is going to suck, very much, no one would want you, and you will go back to playing sed mule on your warrior until your NL reaches lvl 170, with a minimum of 6k clean attack range. If you are lucky like me and met some trustworthy friends, try to borrow some attack items from them and you can join in on runs earlier. So, my advice again, here end game is where you'll have to depend on some friends because....) (6th and last: You will never be able to obtain a full set of attack gear that is as powerful as some people you see in your runs, your weapon will never be perfect starting out and you will have to borrow one. Until you get super lucky in your scrolling adventure or gacha runs, be patient and always play honestly. You will feel frustrated like me sometimes, seeing new players getting absurdly powerful gear, while you only have mediocre ones after hours and hours of farming, but never ever resort to rwt or vote abuse because it sucks, it just ruins the economy and you will lose your motivation for progression. Just rant to a couple of friends from time to time, and you will be fine. Don't compare yourself to others when they talk about their gears, i made that mistake and even i cant help but feel a little frustrated. so..) ENJOY the game! The best part of maple is not about gear progression, it's about meeting people and just talk about random stuff making faces at each other in game! I have to constantly remind myself of that P.S. feel free to share your stories and sorry for the long rant, it's getting late and i feel much better now, ciao! happy mapling my minions
My advice? Don't try to compete with the top 5%, just try and have a good time and play the game for what it is.
Did you ever play a mmo / RPG game? In order to become stronger you need to waste so many time to be the one wish its fun. You can test you luck and chaos scroll some PGC /FS in order to save youself some leech hours en get eaay money ^-^ I know its kinda hard but even the original tittle of the game (MapleSTORY), motived to youself have alot of fun and get a nice experience in the server : D
i wouldn't suggest chaosing attack gears as they're not a reliable method to earn mesos, you'll probably lose more mesos than when you started with. Flashbacks of failing socks but i understand sometimes got to yolo, haha, do it when you are rich
I have been wanting to share my story too and you made it before me And be your friend,read all? Yes,I did!
I've washed my Hero to 23k HP at level 140, have an ATT cape, good Stonetooth, and I'm saving for ATT shoes. You don't have to make a mage or Bishop to have fun in the game. If you want to be the top 5%, as pointed out, you can't think of it as a game. It's a competition at that point. And that takes all the fun out of it.
My little tip too! I wasn't as good as many and stopped at the bishop step ever since. Well, if you can train and become really stable for horntail run, join a active bossing guild and make friends! With a great friends pool. You will start to be wanted in every run, and will be an exciting day and every other day! Spending almost an continuous excitment of 5-7hours in horntail/ Bosses From there, save up splits bit by bit, And really sell leech if u have extra time Just be skillful enough and you will be Earning 300 to even 700mil everyday in no time! Then start on an attacker once u feel rich enough!
I actually started with a bandit first. You don't need hardly any mesos to fund them and they lvl very fast. I did lvl 80-100 in a few hours. I made my mesos booming elder wrath for soiled rags and doing Zak runs and so on. Also himes were amazing exp and dropped earring dex. Scrolled about eight 10 dex earrings between lvl 100-120. Used all my money to fund a f/p. These were the two classes I played on EMS. So you actually don't need to make a mage or bishop first. Although it is easier. I've only been playing since November and have 2 chars 165 and an NL/BM around 150.
washing to 9.8k hp on those attackers is no easy task without selling leech on a mage. I am just recommending a quicker and more efficient method
It's actually very easy right now. Especially with this event. Also, killing bosses gives nex. If I do papu on my Shadower/NL and BM, that's a chance at 30k nex right there from 1 boss. Then always ask to drop the eye of fire for Zak. And since you can trade in tickets and get a chance at nex during this event, it's very easy even with no funding. The only char I haven't finished washing yet is my BM. I have the MP, just need to get the resets for it.
You don't have to be the strongest or the richest, and you definitely don't have to feel confined to playing certain jobs. Play what you want how you want, and embrace sucking at it. If you're positive and fun to be around then hopefully people will want to play with you and invite you to parties no matter your job or gear. Hopefully.