My banned homie @welch123 helped me put this together shoutout to him! Check it out! @Don @FarmerStory #HTHoodRich
HOLY SHIT SLAVEBOY CAN’T BE STOPPED Edit: you know it’s good when you see that it is a Welch Production. #fkyoudotards
Damn bro you joined welch123’s record label!? Congrats on the 200 homie glad I was able to make it! But time to go job hunting
Me & @Don have been repping #TeamSlaveBoy exclusively! His designer clothing brand is coming, stay tuned!
PISH WINS!!! @Don I think Tony's a natural. Lets tell slave to recruit to him he'll be selling more shirts than we ever have! AHHHH omg Anohana FTW Luna!!!!
Pretty sure that lag tore a rift in the spacetime fabric, and the transcendental beings people see on DMT are now sacking leechers.
-Internal screams!!!!!- IM NAT CUTE #BuccBuffs Thanks Stella!!! Appreciate it Brandon, been a pleasure bossing with you! #BeheBro Dont worry Eugene, for my sairs 200 you'll get your own exclusive VIP invite la!