I'm not actively seeking stuff now but if you stumble upon this thread and own some of the following you can try contact me. Perfect Blue Crescent Boots (10 STR, 8 DEX, 7 accuracy) Maybe I can accept Green Crescent Boots too, but the accuracy needs to be 7 and DEX 8+ Nowadays Dark Crescent Boots drop from Wulin Yaoseng so they are not incredibly rare anymore. Should you stumble upon a pair with 7 accuracy, let me know. (They can't reach 8 DEX though, so I might not buy. But they look cool) I guess I'm still interested in Taru Spirit Capes (which this thread was originally created for) but I'm not so eager anymore and will certainly not pay as much as before considering the heavy drop in Cape prices in general. The cape needs to be at least 10 ATT (will not accept 9 ATT even if it's high STR). You will find me online on the character EclipseDK or McBuck. Thanks~
Grab your Gachapon tickets, walk up the mountains of Victoria Island (a.k.a Perion) and go nuts! If you get a Taru Spirit Cape (and you will, eventually) - sell it to me! Simple as that.
Today I saw someone getting a bunch of erasers from Perion. Well those aint doing much for me, but please gacha a Taru Spirit Cape
I'm going to get back into business. Perhaps it's time to go to Perion and waste some NX? Or someone just sell me a Taru Spirit Cape please!
@Credits I haven't seen your response to my offer yet. Are you interested in selling or just a price check? Also, looking for others' capes.
Thanks for letting me know but I think it's too much for me. I'll probably just scroll that one to 0 ATT anyway.
I'm interested, but I think it's kind of in the upper limit of what I can afford. I will check my resources and get back to you (probably on Monday cuz I can't get online before then)