I want to know if a guy stand in a map and using her/his summoning monster to kill But do not reply me is banable? (Not using other system just timer and hand) Like this guy https://royals.ms/forum/threads/ban-appeal.118296/ If he just telling the truth he used timer when times up go back to rms after summon monster go watch youtube is ok or banable? Thank all gm
Like the GM said in the ban appeal. It is only bannable if player/GM prompt you and you dont reply but still casting skills. That's considering robotic play or macro botting. If you watch youtube video with screen up, when you recast skill you should take a look at your screen and see if anyone request for response.
robotic play and macro botting are 2 diff things. Robo warrarnts 7 day ban whereas macro is permanent
This rule has never made any sense to me. I can fully understand responding to staff members, but if I don't want to acknowledge another player while I'm training, I shouldn't have to, and that doesn't make me a "botter" lol. It just means I don't want to respond/talk to some douche looking to fulfill his role as an online moral crusader. Not that this would ever impact me considering I play a class that has no summon-able skill, but any time I read some nonsense in a ban appeal like "A PLAYER WAS PROMPTING YOU FOR 5 MINUTES AND YOU KEPT ATTACKING!" I just weep for the individual involved as I would do the same in their shoes - not even acknowledge the player pestering me.
Thank you guys tell that But I still hope we can have official response by GM If I watching Youtube not focus on rms but let summoning monster kill,didnt reply anyone is banable or just not good?
5. Robotic Play - This act will be defined as the failure of a player to respond to a member of staff when prompted and visibly at the controls of their character, as evidenced by actions such as movement or use of skills. In the situation where a player is prompting another player, a response is not strictly mandatory, however a player report in which a player is being prompted numerous times without a response over a long period of time may be considered sufficient evidence for consequences under this rule at the discretion of staff. As such, we strongly suggest to all players to respond to any prompts in order to avoid being portrayed in a manner which may not be true. Please be aware that scripted macro programs which control your character may be considered a game hack and subject to punishment under Major Infraction - 2. Game Hacking.
probably would advise against it given the number of people getting perma-banned for it at the first instance.
I don’t know if you’ve ever seen a botter in action but it is pretty obvious, they have a pattern that seems almost too perfect for a normal human player to replicate. And if u hang around them long enough, you can kinda figure out their routine XD you won’t get banned just because you didn’t response, slight randomized non repetitive movements/skills/attack animations and people will leave u alone Then again if I were to bot, I would set a program to include a random pattern for a longer time frame, so I guess that’s where the prompting and reply rule comes in and prevents this loophole
Only takes two seconds to type go away or no english. And they leave you alone. And obviously you have to respond to GMs, that's a no brainer
I'm kinda glad people do farm on 5 characters at once. It helps keep prices down. The easy solution is to have other decent mobs drop heartstoppers. Maybe a map at ToT that's locked behind a quest chain. Or another map that's hardly used to encourage people to grind there instead of popular grind maps.
Have mixed feelings about altering drop tables. While the idea of having cheaper and more accessible attack pots is attractive, it could lead to further spiraling issues. I.e. the monsters they choose and the drops that those monsters provide would have an impact as well. Also regarding multiple afk summons. It gives a good supply of drops but denies newer players from accessing these maps. I heard that some more intense players can have up to 8 afk farmers and you just need 2-3 of these guys to deny other players from a potentially good training spot and a meso farm for them as well. I think the reason for the original poster's query is the ambiguous line between macrobotting and robotic play. As deLuna highlighted it's quite easy for those in the know to make their bots appear to be robotic play, however the punishment meted out is totally different. Is the benefit of the doubt given in ambiguous cases? Or how are the decisions made in cases where it isn't too clear? 1. true positive botter 2. false positive botter - some hardworking afk summoner that does it so regularly it looks like a bot 3. true positive robotic play - left phone on spacebar or something 4. false positive robotic play - randomised the bot or something to appear less scripted I don't think we can confidently say we are sure of every diagnosis but therein lies the issue of - if there's ambiguity, does it warrant a potential permanent ban status? This applies to vote abuse as well i think - i don't think i've seen anything that distinguished minor from major vote abuse, and many people who never suspected their lapse in judgement were permanently banned. I'm sure all of us have had some friend permanently banned for this reason at some point. Is there any clear distinction between minor and major vote abuse? (I think i've read threads on this previously but i can't find them at the moment).
We have thousands of players but fewer than 10 staff. What if a player finds a botter, and no staff is online at the time? What if the botter already logs off when a staff member is available to check? If we only ban botters based on staff prompts, then many botters may get a free pass in this way. Moreover, as @deLuna said, usually botting patterns is very different from human patterns, in the sense that it is very precise and lacks awareness to the environment. In such cases, usually a player's video evidence is more than enough to justify a robotic play / macro botting ban. You can check out the following example to see what I mean: Ultimately it comes down to a tradeoff between effectiveness of rule enforcement and freedom of legit players. In this case, banning botters based on solid player evidence makes the combat against botting much more effective. The downside is that legit players need to reply a single phrase "yes I'm here" when prompted by other players even if they are not staff. I don't think this is a very unreasonable thing for legit players to do, especially when the benefit is so large. Both staff and players need to put in some effort to maintain a bot-free server. It's okay to not reply when your character is not doing anything, and only your summon (Bowman birds/ Bahamut / ifrit / elquines) kill the mobs. You will only be banned if you do not reply while recasting the summon. And frankly speaking, you should look at your screen when you recast your summon. The people who were banned 7 days at first offence were deemed to perform robotic play, which warrants a 7-day ban at the first offence. Robotic play means the player didn't use any 3rd party program to control his / her character. Instead, the robotic fashion were caused by other factors, such as: Placing a weight on a key to continuously cast 1 skill (such as heal). Manually playing the game while not paying enough attention to the game screen (e.g. focusing too much on a TV show on another screen, or playing at 5AM and being too tired to focus), and as a result was incapable to respond to other players. The people who were permanently banned at first offence were deemed to perform macro botting, which warrants a permanent ban at the first offence. Macro botting means the player uses some kind of 3rd party program to automatically perform actions. Usually, this exhibits in the following forms: Casting a skill exactly every XX seconds. Moving and casting skills in a precise and repetitive fashion, since that cannot be accomplished by placing a weight on a key, nor can it be accomplished by manually playing without paying attention. Using keyboard programming to perform flawlessly telecasting falls into this category too. See my thread for more info: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/simultaneous-teleport-and-mage-ultimate-a-k-a-telecasting.108717/ These definitions and examples are from my own understanding of the ban appeals I read. Of course, they may not be 100% accurate, so it would be nice if a staff member can take a look. But honestly, just pay attention to your screen whenever you do something on your character, and you will be fine.
Agreed. Replying something relevant is a basic thing to do. Not looking at the screen when recasting is a little suspicious and shouldn't be done. In your video it's quite clear what's being done with active movements and attacks, but i don't think the distinction between botting and robotic behavior is as clear cut in cases involving summons.
Yeah in that case, it depends on how the botter appeals the ban, and what the staff member chooses to believe. It is possible that a botter uses a program to recast summon every 3 minutes, but manages to convince the staff that he / she is manually recasting the summon while not paying attention to the screen. In this case, he / she would get a 7-day ban instead of the deserved permanent ban. The reverse scenario could happen as well, i.e. getting permanently banned while only deserve a 7-day ban. Without clear-cut evidence, usually it's up to the discretion of staff. For example, if the botter in question also committed hate speech / minor vote abuse before, then the staff may be less inclined to believe him or her.
I hardly disagree. Every player has the right to not reply to other players. There are some players that don't know english or any basic word and it's fine. In addition, there are players like me who wouldn't want to reply simply because some disgusting players are clearly looking for players to report. lol people should look at their screen while playing? wut? what's wrong with robotic play?
Just smile if u dont wanna reply, response doesn't mean speaking. also, if you have nth to hide, you have nothing to fear from these players u speak of. not responding to them just makes things worse. i'm not even going to comment on that last part haha think about it
I don't see the point of this thread being created ... Especially linking that one ban appeal specifically when there are hundreds of the same type of ban appeals .. I'm not sure if this is a thread about that guy specifically or botters in general? Yes everyone has the right to reply or not to anything but as these things go, when a regular player finds a botter and asks, the person 100% of the time asks if they are botting or not to make sure to get a response and if someone doesn't reply to the question but continues instead, even if he/she isn't botting, that's still good enough evidence and it's the player's fault for not responding for such an accusation which would lead to a ban. The botter should know that as well since he/she would have read the server rules. I really don't think "I didn't want to reply" type of responses are valid in a situation like that. When someone accuses you of botting (or any other bannable offense in that matter) and you don't reply, you can't blame anyone else but yourself for not showing any reaction whatsoever but continue your pattern. All in all, as I said before, I don't see the point of this thread. The rule against botting has been clear since the start of MapleRoyals and a lot of players tried to find a way around it to prove that they were false-ly banned .. The people who had banned for this had made their ban appeals. The one you linked as well and received it's final decision. Nothing will change that. Even, hypothetically, if everyone in this thread you've made agreed with you and every player had the same ideology as you do, the result of that ban appeal and hundreds of others would still not change. Which also isn't the case anyway. If this thread is an attempt to get that person or a similar banned player unbanned, or if this thread is an attempt to change the ways of banning botters, then unfortunately it's a pointless effort as those will not be changed. If this is a thread about a person's right to respond to whatever text, then I hope you've read my previous paragraph on it and realized why it is a wise thing to do, not saying obligatory, but a wise thing to do and that person would have no right to complain against it ..
I think the original poster was just trying to seek clarity before doing any farming - probably because of the case he cited in which there was some ambiguity?