I thought about this idea, but it'd be bad because that'd give making warrior first a huge and unfair advantage over making other classes first. So I'd be strongly against it It'll be only fair for people to stick with the same class and same job within the class.
Oh haven't thought about that You could make it that you'd be able to change into another class from the same type (like BM to MM) but then Buccs got a lot more HP than sairs too
Right, so it's only fair if you stick with the same class ans same job within the class. It'll make coding easier too because even within warrior class for an example, three warrior jobs has different hp and mp formula. And like you mentioned knuckle class has more hp than gun class due to the 2nd job skill knuckle class.
I don't mean the speed of reaching level 200, what I mean by short-term solution is that if the main goal of this suggestion is to make use of early game content more, people would start to lean towards saving the mesos and spending some more time and do this method for HP Washing purposes only. From this thread even, even though one of the main goals, if not THE main goal, you've made this suggestion was the early-game content but almost everyone is more focused on the HP Washing aspect of it and looking the ways to understand it in this system. Unfortunately MapleRoyals gameplay is, and most likely will always be, focused more on end game content rather than early/mid game . Big reason to that is, this is an old version private server, and people would want to achieve the state they couldn't back then, which in most members' case, is end game content as almost everyone I've met and conversed with here didn't have a high level character as they do here. Being this way is perfectly fine, I'd be worried if people only stayed at low/mid levels and kept re-making chars to stay around there. Early-mid game content is indeed very enjoyable but my only worry is this method replacing the current ways of HP/MP Washing. You underestimate what people would do here to save billions of mesos if it means grinding their way up. I think I've explained why I think they're pretty tied together. As a proofcheck, you can also re-read others' comments on it which is mostly about HP Washing. If this is implemented, people, in most cases, recommend this as an alternative way of HP Washing rather than an alternative way of leveling up. Correct me if I'm wrong in that .. I understand it's a matter of choice and people can simply choose not to do it and it's a lovely idea to utilize early-mid game maps but I just want to know, in the long haul, the side-effects of this method besides "people can now choose this way to grind and rebirth to hp wash if they don't want to spend mesos on washing now" I also agree completely with what you said about nostalgia .. Nostalgia is completely subjective, what is nostalgic to you might not be nostalgic to someone else. For example, me. Nostalgia for me is end game content and even washing. I did wash my NL to 6k+ HP at around 17x/18x to be able to do HT when it was released. I was high level enough to jump straight into it as one of the first expeditions and I did have to wash to survive. Nostalgia for me is leveling up at skeles with bishops (sometimes leeching) and bossing the rest of my time when I was online .. For some people nostalgia is training at around level 30-70, for some it's 3rd job .. It all depends on the server and there's never a definite nostalgia to anything .For example you can also get nostalgia from a simple thing like conversing with someone in a random map, helping guildies/friends with stuff, and again in my case, trying to scroll a godly weapon and getting very strong. Royals is far from a "nostalgic" old school maple with it's custom contents and shouldn't be compared to old school maple and what everyone went through there. Especially nostalgia shouldn't be generalized .. I like this idea but I hope you can see my concern about the distant/not-too-distant future of the server upon implementing this feature as well as my concern over having significant amount of extra MP, though @3825 made a good suggestion there towards fixing a possible issue.
There are many ways to address this, like @3825 suggested to count the first "rebirth" lv 1 as 201 in the hp/mp formula, and second "rebirth" lv 1 as 301 and so on. As I mentioned in my opening post and other replies in this post. This is not for everyone and was never intented to replace the current leeching meta. It is a time vs money choice that's available for player to choose instead of dictate them that if they want to boss without HB you have to pump up int and leech. For people with funding and don't care about playing Royals the way you play in maple GMS, leech and wash is the way to go. What I'm proposing might be good for old players wanted something for a change, old player tired of leeching, old players wanted to play their character from 1 to 200 instead of 135/155 to 200, and of course the new players. That's why we are having this healthy and respectful discussion here. I've already reworded and refined this post many times based on feedbacks and discussions in this thread. I proposed a top level idea, and we as the community can reject, or accept and iron out all the finer details together.
I still a firm believer that it won't even come close to replace the current leeching meta. See my next reply for explanation. You see people buy leech everyday spending insane amount of money instead of making a mage and leech their own character. If majority of people truely will do anything to save billions of mesos, then they would have take the time to make mages and self leech instead of buying leech in the first place since it is so much cheaper to leech your own, plus you can sell split leech. I understand and appreciate your concerns and feedbacks. Let's see if we can change each other's minds lol
This maybe where we have our big difference. To me MapleRoyals is more than just bossing everyday and neglecte all the other wonderful content the game has to offer. However, there is absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying bossing everyday. It's a personal choice on how you want to play this game, but I'm afraid the choice is sort of limited due to the Royals leeching culture. What I'm proposing simply offer people a choice. It will not dictate how people want to play this game. Again if you just want to boss, the traditional leech and pump up INT will still be the way to go.
BM and MM and Shad/NL got the same HP. All the warriors/mages got nearly the same too. It's only bucc and sair who have different HP
I agree with you, but from the coding perspective keeping the coding logic the easier the better. There are way too many potential hidden bugs or issues if mix and match is allowed. Even if all warrior classes has similar hp and mp gain, the fact that they use different hp and mp formula mixing and matching will make coding a nightmare making it more suspectable to potential bugs or glitches. Also my personal opinion is that you should stick with the same job or class. If you want something else you should make a new character.
Oh I couldn't agree with you more, as I believe this game has A LOT more to offer and it's what you do in this game that you take out of it. I probably should have phrased that better as what I meant was, it seemed like a suggestion to solve the issue of the current time without considering the future of the server too much. But the more I think of it, the more I get the hang of the idea. MapleStory itself, as well as this server, is capable of adapting to different styles of gameplay. If this was implemented now, and if it actually had drastic changes to the way we play the server or the market compared to how we do it now, for better or worse, I'm sure Royals and with it's ever-changing player-base can adapt to that changed gameplay as well. Also I might have misunderstood the purpose of this idea too. This is an alternative way to HP/MP Wash while encouraging people to experience and exercise more of the early/mid-game content, instead of what I first understood as this is an idea to encourage early/mid-game content while offering an alternative way to HP/MP Wash .. The wording is very similar but it changes perspectives haha I'm pretty convinced this would indeed offer something different and encourage people to play the game close to it's full potential and also offers an alternative, albeit more tedious and time consuming way to HP/MP Wash a character. EDIT: I would just like to add one thing. I've voted "Yes." in the poll as I do now believe this could be a nice change to see but, however, even though I do believe the server can adapt to the changed ways of gameplay, I highly encourage to go acknowledge better what this can cause in the future instead of leaving it to the future generation of Royals to decide and handle .. This way, all the doubts people may/will have about this can be solved .
They have the same HP formula, the only difference is that Drks get like 200 MP in the 2nd job advancement and Heroes get HP instead.
I disagree. See below and the source: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/fully-revised-hp-washing-guide.8286/
I 100% agree with you. That's why I approached and proposed this idea the way I did. Some of the previous changes on Royals were trying to alter how we play the game by direct and indirect game play change hoping the player base will do what the change was intend to do without an option op out. My approach is offering an optional choice. If you don't take the choice you'll still enjoy royals and play the same way you've always been playing. Edit: It won't give people unfair advantage taking either choices since it's a balance between time and money. If you're willing to spend the time you save money, if you're willing to spend the money you save time. Time is money and money is time!
Yes, yes, but what I meant was, even given the choice to do this or not, this is still something pretty big, in terms of gameplay options, to implement. Regardless of the number of people choosing to play this way being huge or small, it would still have an affect on the server sooner or later. I, myself, don't have the economic mind or the capability to make a prediction of what would happen for the better or worse. So I hope, with the healthy and on-topic discussion we've got going on here, people can shine a light to that so we can all be on the same page as well as know what to expect, for the most part, if this ever gets decided to be implemented.
Hmm I didn't know about the minimum MP/HP but the HP/MP gain you get per level and per AP are the same for all warriors, all mages etc, if you don't wash the only difference is the 2nd job advancement gains. Anyway would it even be possible to force someone to become a certain class? After you become level 1 you'd be able to advance to whatever class you want, the only way you'd have someone make the same class is if they start at level 30 instead. I mean I'm not sure if it's even possible to force a class with the code
Clarification: I do hope this proposal (if ever implemented) having short and long term affect by player's own personal choice. Let the players be the driver and play the game how they want to play instead of "this is how it's going to be, take it or leave it". The "problem" I observed was you either make mage and leech, or save money and buy leech or you'll have to rely on HB to boss later on. Nothing wrong with relying on HB. However the current bossing meta HB is a scarce compared to ranged class, the quality of life or game play for non-washed player is significantly lower than those who get on the leeching/washing train and just do it (myself included). Making arrow or star class as first unfunded character is almost never recommended due to the deeply embedded MapleRoyals culture with the free NX/AP resets. I'm hoping this proposal can resolve this short term or long term. Bonuse may be more people will utilize more maps in the game early, mid, and of course end game content. Another bonuse I just thought of may be harder for botters to stay in empty maps and hack due to lack of foot traffic in vast majority of the maps the game is currently offered.
It is entirely possible if implemented correctly since if you carried HP/MP over from the Lv 200 character, that means your character is "special" not a true jobless lv 1 character created freshly from scratch. Kind of like silver dupty star quest. Each character can only do it once. Coding wise you can set it to you can only choose one class once so even if you "rebirth" and do job echangee, all the other option disappeared or not available except the job you choose before. This level of implementation detail is too above and beyond us tho since we are not familiar on how the code works. However based on other features available in the game I don't view this as impossible.
I'm not sure if the whole idea of carrying the HP is possible either though. Maybe ask Kevin or something, he knows about the code a lot more than us
People keep saying that HP washing is discussed too much, but that just goes to show you that enough people are dissatisfied that a change should be made. Which is why we should continue discussing it until a reasonable solution is put in the game. I like the way you're thinking. It's a really good idea because you take into consideration keeping it challenging, non intrusive, and positive for early game content. I just wonder if we can come up with a solution of equality for all classes. (lol does that make me a Marxist?) It would be best if you could choose your job based on your own preference rather than the demands of the game. Because even with your idea, new players will still be punished for having a favorite job that requires HP washing. Should they be forced to either restart with a new name or grind their way to 200 to restart anyway? Also I wouldn't worry about the coding aspect of it too much. I haven't been here long but the programmer(s) seem very skilled.