Add a high level questline to increase base HP

Discussion in 'Closed' started by FireHeart, Apr 4, 2018.

  1. nosebleed

    nosebleed Well-Known Member

    Jan 10, 2018
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    This is the top server. What we offer is clearly what appeals most to the largest percentage of those seeking a pre-BB experience. Other servers--dying servers--actually have HP quests and such implemented already. Why aren't people flockin' on over there?! As you cited, other servers are implementing HP changes, but they are clearly catering towards a much smaller crowd, right? Hence their population size compared to ours. The way this server is attracts the largest player base. The way other servers are, including those with these "HP washing fixes" aren't. Just because others do it does not mean that it is right for this server. Other servers have higher rates, like 8x, that would be 'more fun' too! The grind sucks for me, I hate it, so we should make leveling easier. New players can boss even faster and won't have to invest so much money on lower levels and training!

    So instead of requiring us to wash a small-moderate amount in order to be able to participate in the very strongest end game bosses, we should just give it to everybody for doing a quest? Make it quest based instead of currency based? I am not asking for data on your suggestions, lol. Rather, data to show that the supply of AP Resets does not meet the demand. If people couldn't get enough AP Resets they wouldn't be accessible at ease and at the moderately stable rate they have been at. If that occurred it would absolutely be a reason for modifications to be made in terms of accessibility. Not, "oh, we don't like it because it's hard and expensive, so make it easier and free for us HEHEHE"!!! I get that, but this (topic in general - HP washing/AP Reset adjustments) is a major game changing modification and it should be dissected as much as possible, no?

    Precisely, and that's what I was trying to get at. We see things differently, but in terms of how we feel the game should be, neither you nor I are right or wrong. The issue I have is that you are making a game changing suggestion based on your differing views, and ultimately it would impact the game that I too play. Naturally one should stand up for their opposing views and attempt to point out the errors and/or flaws in the suggestion. After all, there is a reason nothing has been implemented to date - clearly some others don't see eye-to-eye with you either. It's not intended to be personal, and when I say you are lazy, I am referencing HP washing. Like, you're lazy towards HP washing. Too lazy to work hard to do it (granted, you did, so good job to you), and you want it to be easier. I'm not talking about the other aspects of the game, your personal life, or anything like that, so I hope you didn't take it as such.

    It will make the game more fun for you and the people who feel the same way as you. There are people who don't feel the same way as you, and their view is that it will not make the game more fun. Imagine things were reversed and there was no HP washing - if I were in here saying that adding HP washing back makes the game more fun, what would you say? Hell no! Right? Because I'm speaking for you and not myself. I'm essentially lying to sell my viewpoint. Trying to make people believe that it's more fun for all!!! Get it? Stahp doing it

    All of those are accomplishments of a casual player, especially if the individual played from beta onward (no offense intended, play as you wish). I was merely checking to see if the OP actually had any credentials because everything he was referencing was the total opposite of what pre-BB gMS was about. How could one have the knowledge needed to talk reference pre-BB MS while being so entirely out of touch with the game play and what it featured? It can be taken the wrong way, I get that, but I was just pointing out that he had no place using pre-BB as a reference when he didn't play it enough to even know what it was about. I wasn't saying it like "I was the best pre-BB player to ever live, your accomplishments are dick all compared to mine, peasant!" or some shit like that lol
    brightsunshine likes this.
  2. FireHeart

    FireHeart Donator

    Aug 6, 2016
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    So let me get this straight. You disagree with changing washing because you don't want to help "lazy" people. As I've stated multiple times, it's not about effort at all, it's about making the game more enjoyable by opening up more content to players instead of barring it behind HP washing and leeching which is not a classic or fun Maplestory experience. Yes, fun is subjective, but do you really think leeching and washing is fun as opposed to just playing your character? Anyway, I'm not saying to remove washing, I'm just suggesting a questline which would give players more choices to not do it if they didn't want to leech and wash, without their characters being hopelessly barred from endgame content.

    Your point about wanting "data" about AP resets seems pretty vague to me. But, if you want numbers, here are some. Royals gets about 4.3k votes per day, or 34.4million NX per day. This is also a good indicator of the amount of active players, minus maybe a few hundred vote abusers. If each player votes once per day at 8k nx per day, then they can get 240k NX per month or 77 ap resets per month. To wash say, a Hero to 30K will take about 350 AP resets. To wash a NL to 9.8k takes about 450 AP resets, and a BM maybe 500 or 550(not sure on BM). Either way, it takes about 4-7 months of voting if you want to supply your own AP resets. But, many players make mages or sell AP resets to help along the way, and it becomes the whole free market supply and demand thing. I don't know what more there is to say or what you're looking for. The supply is theoretically unlimited as time goes on and players keep voting, minus the fact that the server won't last forever.

    But as I've said before, the issue I have with washing/leeching is not about difficulty, but about gameplay. Washing forces you to play the game a certain way just to experience end game content, which simultaneously makes you miss out on early game content because you have to leech. I don't think this is a choice players should have to make, because it's a lose-lose decision. It forces you to skip out on playing the classes you want and playing through most of the game content just so you can do bosses later on.

    Doing something to fix this would make Royals appeal more to casual players, just like the original Maplestory did. What I think it comes down to is you seem to think this game game is meant to be competitive and want to it to be as much as a challenge as possible, even at the expense of the gameplay. But, I think Maplestory is more of a game of socializing, hence the beauty of the online aspect. If you want a competitive game, that's what fps/mobas or other PVP games are for, not a kid oriented game like Maplestory that's over a decade old. You can play it however you want, but stop basing your arguments as if this were a competitive game.

    Let's face it, Nexon kind of sucked as a game developer and lots of things they did didn't make sense. Their business model was more about making money off cash shop and later became P2W. Not giving players enough base HP to do one of if not the most important boss and end game content in the game, Horntail, is a pretty huge oversight. HP washing is not supposed to be the solution, because it wasn't even viable in GMS, and is more of a loophole that only exists as a bug, further proof of Nexon's flaws in their game. Yes, my suggestion would be adding custom content. But, this server is already far from being exactly like GMS, and doing something to change HP washing would at least help people play the game like it was originally played if they wanted to.

    As far as asking me about my pre-BB credentials, that has nothing to do with it, and I find it strange you'd even ask that. I won't ask for your credentials either, because quite frankly I don't care. This game is like a kids game and was mainly popular among young audiences. Asking for Maplestory credentials is a stone's throw away from asking somebody how big their igloo was on Club Penguin to see if they're qualified to have an opinion. I think you're the one out of touch with the game.
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2018
    poophead and Distilled like this.
  3. nosebleed

    nosebleed Well-Known Member

    Jan 10, 2018
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    HP washing and leeching are both a significant part of the classic pre-BB gMS experience. This is not a matter of opinion. If you think otherwise you did not play pre-BB Global MapleStory. If players wanted to participate in the end game bosses on gMS they had to HP wash and in most cases have HB as well.

    I'm unsure of why you keep pairing leeching with HP washing. You can train and just put on INT gear right before you level. Like any normal player. You do not need INT base to get enough HP to boss with HB on any class. You can train identical to how you would train if you didn't HP was, the only difference being at 99.98% you change your equips. That's it.

    Also unsure why you're using those HP reference points. Why does the hero need 30k base and the NL 9.8 base? I'm quite certain you don't need that to participate in HT, and we don't have PB on here so we can't reference that. Do correct me if I am wrong here, but I just don't think that is what is necessary. We're talking about being able to participate, and in order to do that you don't need to excessively wash to 30k or whatever. Ultimately "what I'm looking for" is for you to provide me some sort of valid reason WHY we need a change to the current HP system beyond "it's no fun for me!". Data on something of relevance that actually supports your stance. Not some random "well 30k on a hero takes X resets which takes X months" WTF is that supposed to prove about the ease of accessibility/affordability?

    Uh...what? You do not have to leech if you wash to the necessary HP in order to participate in all of the bosses with HB. Who told you that? You just have to throw on INT gear right before you level. It can be a bit annoying, but that's exactly how it was done for most back on gMS. I remember hating having to do it during the 2x events. Missin' out on that 2 minutes of 4x EXP. As much as you've convinced yourself it will, it's not suddenly going to make people start training and stop leeching, or make people no longer want to fund themselves through selling leech. It's just going to change where people allocate their funds - the $ saved from resets will go towards gear...or even buying leech for those newer players since they no longer have to worry about spending their NX on APR.

    gMS was both highly competitive and social. It was not just some social game where everybody sat dick in hand in Henesys looking for an e-girl to get a Crush Ring with like you seem to think. How you've managed to play it for so long while completely blinding yourself to how competitive it is/was for many is truly mind boggling.

    Please, please actually answer this question. HOW is changing HP washing to quest-based making it "more like the original pre-BB gMS"? Please please please fucking PLEASE explain this to me because last I checked you HP washed on gMS JUST like on here and there was no HP quest or anything similar. It was an identical system to how we currently have it. Frankly as close to "the original" as possible when it comes to the mechanics involved with HP washing. Modifying it like you are suggesting would only take it further from the original state.

    It does because you're referencing pre-BB MS and nearly everything you're saying about it is incorrect/entirely off base. You're inaccurately representing what pre-BB gMS was like. It's like you were living in Henesys the entire time and were oblivious to the whole competitive scene involving grinding, bossing, and HP washing that composed a tremendous amount of the game. If you were actually experienced in the game you're referencing you wouldn't be so damn clueless as to what it was about. If you don't have the knowledge and experience, why mention it and inaccurately reference a multitude of things? That's ultimately the point I was getting at by asking you if you attained anything respectable on pre-BB gMS.
  4. brightsunshine

    brightsunshine Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2016
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    You only miss early game content on one character (the one you leech).
  5. ImJakeFromStateFarm

    ImJakeFromStateFarm Donator

    Aug 6, 2015
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    MapleRoyals culture and meta is drastically different than pre BB GMS. Comparing MapleRoyals to Pre BB GMS is like comparing an apple to a toaster with an apple sticker on it.

    Yes leeching exist, and hp washing exist in GMS, but percentage of the player base that does leeching and hp washing, and how much they do leeching and hp washing is night and day compared to MapleRoyals.

    I played Pre BB for no less than 4 or 5 years, and I have yet to meet a single person walking around with 200~400 INT base doing double and tripple wash that requires thousands of AP reset. That is fairly common on MapleRoyals.

    Is that extreme HP washing "necessary"? No, it simply degrades the quality of game play relatively speaking comparing between a well washed character that doesnt need HB to boss to a non washed or normal washed character that needs HB.

    As you know DC is an issue in MapleRoyals, and happened a lot more frequent than GMS. Your quality of game play decrease for you or other people play with you if you DC during the boss run. If you're HB and other people need HB to survive, you just destroyed the entire run. If you are SE, Seduce, or Bishop, you increase the length and lowered the success rate of completing the run.

    MapleRoyals started off with exactly like you said 5 years ago, almost every boss party has HB, but over time player base at MapleRoyals as a whole wanted to get away from relying on HB. It' a culture and meta change.

    I doubt majority of the player base actually think MapleRoyals is like the original pre BB GMS since it's not. It's even a well known meme that MapleRoyals is not "nostalgia". I can probably find no less than 100 reference on the forum, or if you don't believe me make a poll and see if people truly think MapleRoyals is "nostalgia".
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2018
  6. FireHeart

    FireHeart Donator

    Aug 6, 2016
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    You're completely missing the aspect of scale. For instance, you're conveniently leaving out the fact that 99.9% or more of players didn't reach level 120, much less level 155. The whole need to HP wash and leech just wasn't present the same way in GMS as it is here in Royals or other private servers. This is because it wasn't really feasible to wash in GMS and much harder to get to a higher level compared to Royals.

    In GMS, leeching was not nearly as widespread, because the supply and demand was not there. Making a mage just to sell leech was harder so there was less supply. People didn't put points in int or didn't want to buy AP resets with real money, so the demand also wasn't there. The only leech I recall being sold commonly was Bigfoot leech. HP washing also wasn't at all a part of the pre-BB experience for 99.9% of players. Those who did wash, did so very little, as it was less viable and even then was only beneficial for a very, very tiny percentage of players who reached 155+ (or even higher due to HP requirements). But compared to in Royals, in GMS the HP issue for bossing wasn't as much of a problem because you weren't expected to wash and boss runs were more about just surviving rather than killing efficiently and farming them.

    What made Maplestory great was the community, immersion, and individualism the game let you experience. If you don't believe me, just look at the Cash Shop. It's filled with items for you to customize your character to express yourself or communicate with other players (NX costumes, NX effects, friendship rings, smegas, weddings). Nexon's entire income relied on this social aspect of making the game more fun for the vast majority, not on making the game more competitive for an inconsequential fraction of players.

    PQs, training, and exploring the world to find new parties or training spots were all crucial aspects to the original experience. These all go hand in hand with building the community, feeling of immersion, and opportunities for individualism the game offered. People often say they don't make MMOs like they used to. Just look at games like WoW where people complained that it became more of a solo game and the community died when there dungeon finder was added, and people want to go back to vanilla or the golden ages of the game. HP washing is not too different in that it discourages the social and leveling aspect of the game, makes it more end game focused, and kills the community.

    Overall you're just completely misrepresenting the experience of pre-BB as if it were about bossing and competition, which it may have been about for a tiny fraction of players such as yourself, but is not at all what made the game popular.
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2018
    poophead, Distilled and Raflos like this.
  7. Raflos

    Raflos Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2018
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    This is a great idea.
    I think the most important thing is that a new player can pick their class based on personal preference.
    The quest should be hard. Like zakum JQ on steroids. That way its still competitive and challenging to get these classes ready for bossing, but your options aren't limited from day 1 of playing the game.
    Since most players never got to late-game in gms, it would make more sense for early-mid game to be more true to the original than late-game.
  8. Ezequiell

    Ezequiell Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2015
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    I find this idea horrible.

    You can easily get extra mp from early levels by just adding int, even without any money.

    Wash is possible to everyone on the long run.

    A quest is unnecessary .

  9. Ayane

    Ayane Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2015
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    Yeah but I don't really do it much on BM anymore
    People only invite NLs often and I prefer to join on bishop anyway (more fun and cost no atk pot)
  10. Distilled

    Distilled Member

    Mar 6, 2018
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    I like this idea of a quest to do as an alternative to annoying HP/MP washing, but at this point, could it really happen on this server?
    So many people here are stuck in the past about their HP/MP washing, and don't want change.
    I've already decided to leave royals because of it, and going to a server without washing at all.
    I'll keep an eye on things here though. Hopefully they change. I don't see it though.
    Glenn93, Venom and Raflos like this.
  11. FireHeart

    FireHeart Donator

    Aug 6, 2016
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    If my original suggestion is too radical, I have a new suggestion. As I mentioned, the numbers can be changed as necessary. So, simply move the level to start the questline from level to level 190.

    Since Level 190 characters only has 4178 HP base, the cap for extra HP rewarded can be 3.5k HP (so you can survive HT wing dmg, but not leg/tail damage with 7.6k hp)

    Call the questline Maple Bloodlines or something. The questline should also be quite difficult and be something people have to work at. For reference, imagine the quest to become an Ultimate Adventure where you have to grind peridots (took forever). Though it's custom content, this quest could still make sense with the game thematically.

    Even if this quest is added, unwashed players will have to wait all the wait until level 190 to start the quest, and with the extra 3.5k could still only get up to 7.6k HP. Washing to 9.8k HP by level 135/155 would still be the optimal method. Also, this quest would give a way for players who have already washed to experience newer bosses like Castellan Toad (and pink bean lol).
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2018
  12. Enticing

    Enticing Donator

    Jul 31, 2015
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    I'm not trying to start a argument, but you're very much mistaken. Hp washing and leeching were not significant parts of classic Pre-BB Maple, and to say they were is incorrect. Leech was something literally bored level 160-200 mages did, but it was very uncommon unless you already had a character established on the server to afford it. Bishops and Mages still actively sought out parties to train at skele or ToT . Heck...we even brought them to boss with us. HP washing on the other hand was pretty rare due to its sheer cost. I did it all when I played. People like me were extremely uncommon. I think i spent atleast $1000 on just washing my BM. Probably another $3000+on everything including those cursed rare item loot boxes Nexon loved to drop into the cash shop from time to time. I was one of 4 BM's on Broa who had enough HP to HT and was one of 3 who was taken to Pink Bean. I obviously did not have anywheres close to the min amount of HP for PB, since i woulda had to basically level with hundreds of int from the start before anyone knew PB existed, but i was gonna try to wash as much as I could, and then just buy up a ton of Wheels of fortunes for the free res's. Only one person who I knew during my entire time that I played managed to do what hundreds of people have done here. She leeched her NL with several hundred INT then washed it to boss with. This was after she had already reached 200 on an NL beforehand and was doing it again because she had the money to do so. If i had to venture a guess, her parents were loaded. Money was never an issue for her. She easily spent 10-20k on Maple during the 2 years i knew her. She being the peak of rarity, and anyone like myself just werent that common. Maple during this time was still very much in the social aspect revolving around party quests, training, and bossing if you ever got to that point. Not as much as a when it first came out, but the community was still alive and well.

    Basically the whole reason ive said this, is because I wanted to give an example of what it took to actually boss on preBB GMS. And to actually boss efficiently you had to spend a hell of a lot of money most people didnt have access too. Compared to Royals, washing is free. Theres no real world value attached to NX, everyones on the same playing level as the next. If you want a 30k NL, the only thing thats stopping you is the amount of time you put into the game. Unfortunately as a result, since you cant actually train your character with 400 points in INT, this same person ends up having to pay people for leeching services to get their character to a point where they can actually "play" the character. Leeching has also become an easy way to get passed all the levels you've done countless times before since PQing is simply inferior to leeching. The best PQ for low levels hasnt worked since i joined in 2015. People have lost the desire to level up their characters since the most exciting thing we have to offer is at the end of the game. Theres not enough incentive to have people willingly taking their time to manually level their character through training or pqing. Ontop of that its not efficient if you want to maximize your time spent on Royals, you must wash your characters. If you want to just play your character and enjoy it, thats fine. I wish more were like you. But an overwhelming amount of people have felt forced into this bottleneck of progressing their characters, and nothing that we currently offer does anything to fix this issue.

    Photo of said washed BM below if you want. i cant prove the date of this but if you pay close attention you'll notice the medal I have equipped says 2010. I think it was maybe a few weeks after Neo City was released, so around march of 2010, and BB didnt come out till November/December of that year.

    Last edited: Apr 7, 2018
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  13. HuaiEn

    HuaiEn Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2015
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    Hey I guess they took your suggestion and added into the recent patch.
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2018
    FireHeart likes this.
  14. FireHeart

    FireHeart Donator

    Aug 6, 2016
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    no surprise. i am mad gangster :8):
    HuaiEn and David2016 like this.
  15. OrcaGel

    OrcaGel Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2015
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    I don't like hp washing since it hurts class balance and creates less HB available to those who didn't wash, but if hp washing is going to stay a thing then it's a good thing every player has the options to increase their hp easier.

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