Im sure this has been suggested before, but I think maybe it should be time to give this some real thought. First, I believe this would give the opportunity for all the "Newer" players to start on equal ground. There wouldn't be an issue of "everyone is just leeching" and the first start would be pretty cool to see. Everyone would be able to PQ and play as if it was their first time. Scania has already been bled dry. The economy is really bad. It should stay reserved for the older players. Its been what? 3-4 years since the start of MapleRoyals? IT should be about time to open a secondary server. There are definitely downsides to this. One being that the server population on Scania might dwindle as newer players would favor the fresher server. However, it might also attract new players with the opportunity to become a top player since everyone would start out fresh. It would also quell a bit the problem we are seeing with HP washing and lack of mid level gameplay. It might be only temporarily but it would allow the newer players a way to play the way they want on "fair ground" while also having the older players continue with their characters. The new server could also be used as an opportunity to test out alternatives to HP washing such as the quest specialist idea, or change the HP scaling. Lets discuss this. I think a lot of us could agree a new server is a pretty good solution, no?
A new world is good as you've pointed out. I think one of the main concerns is the lack of players to fill 2 worlds, as you've pointed out in the other thread that most of the nostalgia comes from the crowd. It might be possible i feel to counter that by balancing the number of channels. i.e. 16 : 4 at first between the 2 worlds, and as time progresses 12 : 8 or however best suits the response to the new world.
Yeah, thats a good idea as well. Definitely would be smart to hype it up first through vote sites and such. That way on a planned release, it would be busy enough to give a crowded feeling.
This topic may actually need some deep consideration.... OUR population may not be ready for a 2nd world, but a world where hundreds of more people joining due to the hype??? That would definitely suffice the population needs. A 2nd world that is hyped enough may entice so many more, new people to join that it increases the population of royals as a whole as well. Rather than just saying our population by itself is not ready (which is obviously right), this may potentially attract so many more people to join. We need to think about and consider this topic at multiple fronts.
Probably the biggest reason to not make a second world right here. But I think theres still an interesting discussion to be had. I feel like a lot of players, mainly the ones who have already achieved a lot of goals here, would be against it. But I think it could work out pretty well if the word gets out about a second server opening. It'd be a good opportunity to increase the server numbers in general. Players count on Scania might drop a little during a few hours but I don't think it would be negative for either world. Also, I believe that since its close to Summer and classes for many students and such will be ending (unless they do summer terms), then there would be a lot of activity going on to help sustain the numbers. I really think something of this magnitude would take a lot of work, but I think the payoff could be really great. Especially considering how new source has progressed so well from last year, it could definitely be something to help grow the community! I really hope upper admins consider something like this.
I'm down for a server-wipe. ROFL Forget the new world, force everyone to start clean. #sorrynotsorry On a serious note, I do like the idea of a second world where HP washing is not allowed or not possible. This is the ideal new start. A fresh, original-inspired, non-hp washed experience. I'm all for it (assuming we can attract new players to fill the space).
If a server-wipe occurs, I think a lot of players would quit playing the game because they would lose all their time investing into this game
The thing is, this kind of hype dies down really quickly. 2nd world/server wipe has been quite the topic recently. As I've wrote before, I don't think it'd change anything. There'll be a little hype for a month or two, then people will get bored and it'll be just the same as the current situation - but with two divided, a lot smaller communities. I highly doubt we could end up with two servers with the same populaton as Royals holds on it's one server, even with no hp washing or something (there already are servers for that after all). And let's not forget that the online counter you see on the main page includes all of those mules people have aswell, our actual numbers being lower than that. Fresh starts don't create a long-lasting effect or a constant stream of new players, new content does
I agree with Kai. I agree with this, I think the second world will become dry as well as time pass by which results of what it is now. So, I rather just focus on attracting and improving the current world Scania.
Royals has reached a dead end in terms of content. There are a few smaller things that can be added, but as far as keeping it pre-BB, its almost at the limit. PB is unlikely to be released and even if it is, HP washing would become even more of an issue, considering a lot of players did not wash to meet PB requirements. A new world would benefit the progression of the server. Scania is without a doubt bled dry. The economy is only getting worse. Players are reaching 3-4 level 200 HP washed characters. Genuinely new players are more than likely quitting as the early and mid game is lacking. Leeching is too prominent. Of course, since the game is in a closed loop in terms of progression, its only natural that we'd repeat the same cycle in the future, where the new world becomes the old world. I actually lost my motivation to fight for this because this community is far too stubborn to convince. /end thread please.