S/B 3Bcoin A/W 3.5Bcoin Common Equip 16int Green Bandana - s/b 170m a/w 190m Accepting: 1Bcoin Ap resets 17m each. All bid ends 48hrs after a offer is made/change. My store is at cc2 rm1. Spoiler Sold: Int 24 doro - 400m Int 12 Yellow Adv Cape - 120m TMA 16 WG - 650m (friend's deal) Int 9 Sword - 90m (friend's deal) Int 23 Bathrobe - 750m
Price updated. Int 14 (2x) - S/B 85m by nivthekind (1) A/W 100m Int 18 - S/B 300m A/W 380m Int 20 - S/B 650m A/W 800m Selling the int 14 bandana bid by nivthekind at 13/04/2018 0700hrs servertime
update. Int 14 - C/o nivthekind a/w 90m. (sold 1 in store at 90m) Int 18 - S/B 300m A/W 380m Int 20 - (sold in store at 800m)
Hi, if there's no higher offer after 48hrs from your bid, i will sell it to you. S/B stands for starting bid.