Then again you've been stuck at a giant wall freezing your nuts off for the rest of your life AND you have zero game so... But you are pretty, Ceci
The story you had provided was very relevant to most people who play this server I assume, since a lot of us are teens or newly made adults. Being in high school you feel very pressured to not dress nice, for fear of being called out on it or "overdoing it" or "why would you dress nice for school?" So instead of not giving a shit and doing something, we stick to the same fucking ugly t-shirts and jeans. Well, college is fucking amazing, because you no longer have to worry about all of those people. You're in a new environment. New people. No need to worry about making a drastic change, because who is going to notice? You can become a new person. I'm doing the same thing, sort of! I cut my hair a bit different, getting VERY different glasses, thinner jeans (I used to wear baggyish jeans), and just going for a better look overall. Something I'm more comfortable in and don't feel like I look fat or ugly as shit in. I actually think I look fucking sexy now, and I damn well do! I haven't gotten my new glasses yet (they should be ready for pickup sometime this week) so I haven't posted a picture. When I get them, I will though! Other than that, I really like the first picture in this cluster. The one with the striped shirt and yellow skirt. It looks really nice and cute! edit: I guess I didn't make a good point to the people still dealing with this issue! Don't worry what the fuck people think. If you look in the mirror and aren't happy with yourself (clothes, body shape, anything) then do something about it. Buy nicer clothes. Get that different haircut. Work out a bit. The idea of being happy with yourself is all fine and dandy, but if you have the means to change yourself for the better then why let anyone hold you back? This was always such a huge issue for me. I was always very self conscious. Don't let it hold you back from anything, even things other than your style. Do what you want to do and what will make you happy, fuck everyone else! =)
OOOOOOOO. Gettt itt baby boyyyyyyy. Can't wait for your next post > ..I mean... you betterr come back with something for us all >:O
Any other gym rats on the server? Been bulking so the abs are fading but they'll be more chiseled than ever after my next cut.
TRICEPS ALERT TRICEPS ALERT TRICEPS ALERT Though, where I'm from gym rat applies to basketball more than weights.