Im a lvl 147 shadower , GPQ wasn't out for so long and because of that i cant get my main bossing skill maxed, no one has assassinate 30 and no one is taking me for boss runs no matter what , bombing is too slow now so i cant do anything anymore too weak even tho im funded and slow because of the speed of the skill rotation. either give us assassinate 30 for starters or boost our DPS since we attack way too slow. something needs to be done in general cause its not fair i cant do anything with the class i enjoy playing with its like im forced to make a new class because shadowers are too neglected.
Paladins important skills are terrible and shadowers can no longer achieve their important skills. It's almost like a conspiracy, they could drop assassinate 30 from toad boss it's not like he has anything amazing currently. Here Andreas is basically saying everything is still being worked on, so shadower players should just wait. But I think he underestimates how discouraging it is for shadowers to wait for an essential book for months. Especially when all other classes are getting their essential books already. Adding an alternative source for assassinate 30 should be easy to implement, does not have side effects on the current economy, and would make shadower players feel a lot better. So I don't really know why it hasn't been done.
It could take several months at least. The next update will take some weeks to be ready first, then some weeks more for CWKPQ then you'd have to wait for the GPQ update. I really see no reason why it shouldn't be dropped from other mobs. By the way Shadowers seem kinda neglected in general, it took them months to fix Meso Explosion too.
I know this is off topic but I wanted to mention that when I SMega "LF attackers for Zak" I have never (ever) been replied by a Shadower. (I SMega for attackers like this fairly often) Only time I've done Zak with a Shadower was with my ex-guild leader. It was great actually.
And it's still not 100%, ME is one of the most annoying skills to fix because apparently, Nexon decided to do it in a completely different way (that's how I understand it anyways). It's something Kevin has been working on though. ^ They're like the pallies of the rogue class. Always something more desirable, and even if theres potential a lot of players feel they aren't wanted. Historically (lol I feel so old) zak kills were only possible because of ME. Back in the day when Sleepywood owned the Zakum market on GMS, it was always taken down with a CB using ME. They also have one of the fastest 3rd jobs because of ME. I understand OP's position though (I'm playing a bandit now and I've all but written off assassinate for the time being), and the books being limited is annoying, but we dealt with the same thing when HT wasn't available as well. And like that, this too shall pass. There's a lot coming with these next couple updates
we are good as we are. I used to always get compliments whenever I ran bosses with new people. (and I am definitely not funded). bossing as a shadower takes some skill. and being skilled comes with practice... a lot. it's all about macroing skills and timing them. both bombing and assassination combos are incredible.
There is nothing wrong with Shadower's DPS. We've got probably the most DPS in game with ME and BStep. Just because you don't want to use ME doesn't mean that it's "impossible" to level. Either train, boss, or just wait it out.
The class is called "shadower" but it doesn't have shadow partner, while NL does?? how about give us a shadow partner that deals 0% damage. Yeah it'd do absolutely nothing and be a waste of rocks, but hey we get to look cool at least