24张10%不成的概率大概是8%。概率不算高,但是真遇到了也只能认倒霉。 你这个其实还好了。我以前5M一张买了30张耳环智力10%, 全都没成。 找工会的话可以看看这个:https://royals.ms/forum/threads/华人新公会sweethome招收新生(新手老手都欢迎).114277/
其实中国玩家一般都用QQ群交流,并没有一个很大的工会把大部分中国玩家都招进去。 听说以前有这种工会的,但是会长被封了,之后就都用QQ群了,汗 搜索一下MapleRoyales主题的QQ群,能搜出来不少。最大的那个群(好像是叫MapleRoyals 冒险岛怀旧服)有800多人,非常活跃。其他的群活跃度也都不错。找人组队练级/ 打boss / 拼车都很有用。 注意很多群里有人打现金交易(RWT)的广告,如果做这种交易被发现就是永久封号,所以不要随便回复他们
很好的建议,以后打算这么办。只是还没到50级之前,不能卖AP Reset,升级路上捡的钱只有少几百万,而有些职业到50级比较吃力(两天不行就三四天,也没事,哈哈)。 话说,想买100%的卷轴,鳄鱼潭的卷轴商人卖的种类好少啊
May I ask a question about vote? My friends and I are not in the same household, but in China, we need to open vote website through SS. I have built a SS service used only by us, but when we vote, the IP may be the same. Can we 3 persons vote a day?
I may not say it clearly, it's Shadowsocks, like VPN. We can't open Google Verification without it. It may bring a side effect that when we visit the vote website or gtop100 website, our IP will be the same, at Miami, America. But we can play MapleRoyals without SS.
投票时是不需要VPN的,因为投票时候的谷歌验证码并没有被屏蔽。只有当你注册游戏账号,论坛账号,在官网登录,才会需要用到SS/VPN,其他情况都不需要。 You don't have to use vpn while voting,because the Google Verification for voting is not shielded.Only when you are registing game account ,forum account and login in offical website(Home),you need to use SS/VPN,and needn't in other situations.