[New Source] Nany's Bowmaster Guide-Road to Lord Sniper

Discussion in 'Class Guides' started by nany625, Jun 5, 2018.

  1. nany625

    nany625 Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2017
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    Nany’s Bowmaster Guide-Road to Lord Sniper

    Table of Contents

    1. Introduction
    2. Pros and Cons
    3. AP Builds
    4. SP Builds
    - Bowman Basics
    - Hunter's Guide
    - Path of the Ranger
    - Bow master
    5. Mastery Books and Skill Prequests
    6. Equipment
    - Weapons
    - Hats
    - Capes
    - Gloves
    - Overalls
    - Shoes
    - Earrings
    - Eye Accessories
    - Face Accessories
    - Pendants
    - Belts
    - Rings
    - Medals
    - Arrows
    - Bow range formula
    7. Training Locations
    8. Videos
    9. Credits and Feedback


    Hello everyone, I’m Nany, have played a Bowmaster whose in-game-name is nany625. Welcome to my Bowmaster Guide! As I’m dedicated to play my bowmaster and the current Bowmaster Guide (Fius’) is sort of outdated, I would like to spend my free time on making a new one which will more correspond to the current contents, as well as share my experience to who are interested in this job. Hope whoever after reading this guide will experience a better, smoother Bowmaster journey from the start.

    Pros and Cons

    Pros :
    1. Long attack range.
    2. Have high accuracy to attack monsters whose level are much higher than yours.
    3. Fun skills make training interesting.
    4. Fourth job skill Sharp Eyes benefits every other jobs, makes you popular in every party.
    5. Pretty decent damage output throughout all the jobs.
    6. All mastery books you need are cheap on the market.

    Cons :
    1. Low HP unwashed.
    2. Unable to use most skills within short range (bow whacking).
    3. No party skills until fourth job.
    4. Can’t get any benefit from other jobs’ party skills to deal more damage output.
    5. No mobility skills unlike Night Lords’ Flash Jump and Corsairs’ Recoil Shot.

    AP Builds

    As an archer, you need Dexterity to increase damage output, and Strength to equip some weapons. However, the question is how much Strength you should allocate APs to, get from equipment, and keep your base Strength as low as possible, so you can get more Dexterity by using Maple Warrior in future. Following is the way I recommend you to build your APs, it’s called STR-less into low STR.

    The idea of the build is to pump all your APs into DEX and equip Maple bows which don’t require STR to equip, until you reach high level and get good amount of STR from equipment, then fill in the STR you lacked to equip the endgame bows which require STR. For example, you can equip Zakum Helmet since Level 50, equip Almighty Ring since Level 70, equip Silver Deputy Star since Level 80 (since Level 50 if you buy from people), equip a good Level 90+ bowman overall which is scrolled by DEX, and equip Horntail Necklace since Level 120. Before doing so, you can use scrolls on a Maple Kandiva Bow or a Maple Pyrope Bow which is better than Arunds and Metuses since their attack speed is one step faster than standard class bows even though they have less weapon attack. So you can stick with a Maple Kandiva bow or a Maple Pyrope Bow until you can equip a Nisrock or a Dragon Shiner Bow.

    SP Builds

    Bowman Basics :
    1. [​IMG]The Blessing of Amazon : Increases accuracy.
    2. [​IMG]Critical Shot : Launches a Critical Attack with a given success rate.
    3. [​IMG]The Eye of Amazon : Increases the range of attack for Bows and Crossbows. Required Skill : At least Level 3 on The Blessing of Amazon.
    4. [​IMG]Focus : Focusing to temporarily increase Accuracy and Avoidability. Required Skill : At least Level 3 on The Blessing of Amazon.
    5. [​IMG]Arrow Blow : Fires an arrow with authority. Applies more damage than usual.
    6. [​IMG]Double Shot : Fires two arrows at once to attack an enemy twice. Required Skill : At least Level 1 on Arrow Blow.

    Level 10 : [​IMG]Arrow Blow (0+1)
    Level 11 : [​IMG]The Blessing of Amazon (0+3)
    Level 12-13 : [​IMG]The Eye of Amazon (0+6)
    Level 14 : [​IMG]The Eye of Amazon (6+2), [​IMG]Critical Shot (0+1)
    Level 15-20 : [​IMG]Critical Shot (1+18)
    Level 21 : [​IMG]Critical Shot (19+1), [​IMG]Double Shot (0+2)
    Level 22-27 : [​IMG]Double Shot (2+18)
    Level 28-30 : [​IMG]Focus (0+9)

    End results :
    [​IMG]The Blessing of Amazon (3/16)
    [​IMG]Critical Shot (20/20)
    [​IMG]The Eye of Amazon (8/8)
    [​IMG]Focus (9/20)
    [​IMG]Arrow Blow (1/20)
    [​IMG]Double Shot (20/20)

    Explanation :
    At Level 10, allocate 1 SP you get after job advancement to Arrow Blow to help you train faster. At Level 11, allocate 3 SPs to The Blessing of Amazon to unlock The Eye of Amazon and Focus. Next, maximize The Eye of Amazon to extend your attack range. After your attack range is extended, you should start to increase your damage output, maximize Critical Shot and Double Shot. As to why you shouldn’t use Arrow Blow instead of Double Shot as your main attack skill, below is the calculation what calculates damage output Arrow Blow and Double Shot give you. Last, both The Blessing of Amazon and Focus give you 1 accuracy as the skill level increases 1, but Focus gives you extra 1 avoidability, allocate remaining SPs to Focus until Level 30.

    [​IMG]Maximum Arrow Blow damage output :
    X * 60% * 260% + X * 40% * (260% + 100%) = 3X
    [​IMG]Maximum Double Shot damage output :
    [X * 60% * 130% + X * 40% * (130% + 100%)] * 2 = 3.4X

    Hunter's Guide :
    1. [​IMG]Bow Mastery : Increases the Mastery and Accuracy of Bows. It only applies when a Bow is in hand.
    2. [​IMG]Final Attack : Bow : Strike with a follow-up attack following the initial attack with a given success rate. It works only when holding a Bow. Required Skill : At least Level 3 on Bow Mastery.
    3. [​IMG]Bow Booster : Uses HP and MP to temporarily boost up the attacking speed of the equipped Bow. It only applies with when a Bow is in hand. Required Skill : At least Level 5 on Bow Mastery.
    4. [​IMG]Soul Arrow : Bow : Temporarily allows the character to fire Bow arrows without using up the arrows. Only works with a Bow in hand. Required Skill : At least Level 5 on Bow Booster.
    5. [​IMG]Arrow Bomb : Bow : Fires an arrow with bombs attached to it. If struck cleanly, the bomb explodes on the enemy, stunning them with a certain success rate. Can’t attack more than 6 enemies at once, and it only works with a Bow in hand.
    6. [​IMG]Power Knock-Back : Increases the success rate for pushing off the monsters when swinging a bow. As the level rises, the number of monsters that one can push off with one swinging increases.

    Level 30 : [​IMG]Arrow Bomb : Bow (0+1)
    Level 31-36 :[​IMG]Bow Mastery (0+18)
    Level 37 : [​IMG]Bow Mastery (18+1), [​IMG]Bow Booster (0+2)
    Level 38 : [​IMG]Bow Booster (2+3)
    Level 39 : [​IMG]Soul Arrow : Bow (0+3)
    Level 40-48 : [​IMG]Arrow Bomb : Bow (1+27)
    Level 49 : [​IMG]Arrow Bomb : Bow (28+2), [​IMG]Power Knock-Back (0+1)
    Level 50-55 : [​IMG]Power Knock-Back (1+18)
    Level 56 : [​IMG]Power Knock-Back (19+1), [​IMG]Bow Booster (5+2)
    Level 57-60 : [​IMG]Bow Booster (7+12)
    Level 61 : [​IMG]Bow Booster (19+1), [​IMG]Soul Arrow : Bow (3+2)
    Level 62-66 : [​IMG]Soul Arrow : Bow (5+15)
    Level 67 : [​IMG]Bow Mastery (19+1), [​IMG]Focus (9+2)
    Level 68-70 : [​IMG]Focus (11+9)

    End results :
    [​IMG]Bow Mastery (20/20)
    [​IMG]Final Attack : Bow (0/30)
    [​IMG]Bow Booster (20/20)
    [​IMG]Soul Arrow : Bow (20/20)
    [​IMG]Arrow Bomb : Bow (30/30)
    [​IMG]Power Knock-Back (20/20)
    [​IMG]Focus (20/20)

    Explanation :
    At Level 30, allocate 1 SP you get after job advancement to Arrow Bomb : Bow, from now on you are able to attack multiple monsters at once by using this skill. After that, you are better to improve your unbalanced damage output by increasing Bow Mastery, but not maximizing it immediately since the difference between Level 19 and Level 20 is only 1 accuracy, what is extremely minor. Once your damage output is more balanced, allocate 5 SPs to Bow Booster to improve your attack speed, as well as unlock Soul Arrow : Bow. Allocate 3 SPs to Soul Arrow : Bow. Level 3 Soul Arrow : Bow prevents you from using up any arrow for 90 seconds, what is long enough for temporary use. Now you are free to maximize Arrow Bomb : Bow right away. Next, you, as a Hunter who can’t use most skills normally while there is any monster nearby, it’s time to maximize Power Knock-Back what gives you the ability to push monsters off, then you are able to use some skills such as Double Shot and Arrow Bomb to defeat them. Now, all your attack skills are maximum, maximize Bow Booster and Soul Arrow : Bow to extend the time they last. Last, you might notice Final Attack : Bow hasn’t been mentioned at all, since that’s a skill which disrupts Double Shot and Arrow Bomb : Bow and doesn’t work with any of your third and fourth job skills. You can simply skip over that, maximize Bow Mastery and allocate remaining SPs to Focus until Level 70.

    Path of the Ranger :
    1. [​IMG]Thrust : Boosts up the moving speed.
    2. [​IMG]Puppet : Summons a Puppet for a certain amount of time and HP. While the puppet is around, the monsters might focus their attacks on it instead of you.
    3. [​IMG]Inferno : Uses Fire-based arrows to attack up to 6 monsters at once. Arrows will burn enemies , setting them on fire and causing damage over time. Only works when equipped with a Bow.
    4. [​IMG]Silver Hawk : Summons a Silver Hawk. The Hawk will be hovering around you, attacking nearby monsters with a high chance of stunning them. Required Skill : At least Level 5 on Puppet.
    5. [​IMG]Strafe : Fires 4 arrows at an enemy.
    6. [​IMG]Mortal Blow : Allows the bowman to shoot an arrow at point-blank range with a given success rate. Has a small chance of killing the enemy outright.
    7. [​IMG]Arrow Rain : Fires a number of arrows into the sky, attacking up to 6 monsters on their way down. Only available when equipped with a bow. Required Skill : At least Level 5 on Mortal Blow.

    Level 70 : [​IMG]Strafe (0+1)
    Level 71 : [​IMG]Mortal Blow (0+3)
    Level 72 : [​IMG]Mortal Blow (3+2), [​IMG]Arrow Rain (0+1)
    Level 73-81 : [​IMG]Arrow Rain (1+27)
    Level 82 : [​IMG]Arrow Rain (28+2), [​IMG]Strafe (1+1)
    Level 83-91 : [​IMG]Strafe (2+27)
    Level 92 : [​IMG]Strafe (29+1), [​IMG]Puppet (0+2)
    Level 93-98 : [​IMG]Puppet (2+18)
    Level 99-103 : [​IMG]Mortal Blow (5+15)
    Level 104-108 : [​IMG]Silver Hawk (0+15)
    Level 109-118 : [​IMG]Inferno (0+30)
    Level 119-120 : [​IMG]Thrust (0+6)

    End results :
    [​IMG]Thrust (6/20)
    [​IMG]Puppet (20/20)
    [​IMG]Inferno (30/30)
    [​IMG]Silver Hawk (15/30)
    [​IMG]Strafe (30/30)
    [​IMG]Mortal Blow (20/20)
    [​IMG]Arrow Rain (30/30)

    Explanation :
    At Level 70, allocate 1 SP you get after job advancement to Strafe since it’s stronger than maximum Double Shot at Level 1 only (below is the calculation). After that, in order to unlock Arrow Rain what is a skill you can use to train regardless of whether any monster is nearby, allocate 5 SPs to Mortal Blow, then maximize Arrow Rain immediately. Next, maximize Strafe to improve your damage output on single target. Now, you are at Level 92 or so, I strongly recommend Headless Horseman to you since it gives you juicy experience and favors you to kill with maximum Strafe. There is a skill which is pretty useful, prevents you from suffering attack from monsters once you learn how to use it properly, that’s Puppet. Maximize it right away to train faster as well as save potions. Next, I will recommend you to maximize Mortal Blow since it gives you better ability to defeat monsters within an extremely close range. Now, you almost eliminate the issue you had during being an Archer and a Hunter. Last, here is a lesson how to allocate remaining SPs to Thrust, Inferno, and Silver Hawk. My recommendation is to allocate 15 SPs to Silver Hawk but not maximize it, since you will have a fourth job skill which is called Phoenix, stronger than Silver Hawk and requires Level 15 Silver Hawk. So do not maximize Silver Hawk, allocating 15 SPs to it is fine enough. As your move speed can be gave by several equipment, pets, and mounts, you don’t highly rely on Thrust to have the fastest move speed. There are enough SPs for you to maximize Inferno, and allocate remaining SPs to Thrust. As to why I didn’t recommend you to maximize Inferno early, since it’s a skill same as Arrow Bomb : Bow, gives you the ability to attack multiple monsters at once, additionally Arrow Bomb : Bow gives you the ability to stun monsters, and in terms of damage output there is not much difference between them, so you were completely fine to maximize Inferno late.

    [​IMG]Maximum Double Shot damage output :
    [X * 60% * 130% + X * 40% * (130% + 100%)] * 2 = 3.4X
    [​IMG]Level 1 Strafe damage output :
    [X * 60% * 71% + X * 40% * (71% + 100%)] * 4 = 4.44X

    Bow master :
    1. [​IMG]Maple Warrior : Temporarily increases all players’ base stats within the party by a certain percentage.
    2. [​IMG]Sharp Eyes : Grants party members the ability to locate enemy weaknesses, and in turn inflict more damage by exploiting them.
    3. [​IMG]Hurricane : Fires away arrows at a tremendous speed, as chaotic as a nasty rainstorm.
    4. [​IMG]Hamstring : When active, all shots from the Bowmaster have a chance of crippling the enemy, slowing its movement speed for a short time.
    5. [​IMG]Phoenix : Temporarily summons the Phoenix, who is a fire-based ally. Attacks up to 4 monsters. Require Skill : At least Level 15 on Silver Hawk.
    6. [​IMG]Hero’s Will : Cures you from various abnormal conditions. The higher th skill level, the greater the number of conditions that can be cured. The cooldown decreases as the skill level increases.
    7. [​IMG]Bow Expert : Increases the Bow Mastery as well as the Weapon Attack. Only applied with a bow equipped. Required Skill : At least Level 20 on Bow Mastery.
    8. [​IMG]Concentrate : Temporarily increases Weapon Attack, while simultaneously decreases skill-based MP usage. Time required between skills : 6 Minutes.
    9. [​IMG]Dragon’s Breath : Drawing upon the spirit of the dragon, fires a powerful arrow of tremendous force that will knock back targets a long distance.

    Level 120 : [​IMG]Hurricane (0+1), [​IMG]Sharp Eyes (0+2)
    Level 121-129 : [​IMG]Sharp Eyes (2+27)
    Level 130 : [​IMG]Sharp Eyes (29+1), [​IMG]Hurricane (1+2)
    Level 131-139 : [​IMG]Hurricane (3+27)
    Level 140-149 : [​IMG]Bow Expert (0+30)
    Level 150-155 : [​IMG]Maple Warrior (0+18)
    Level 156 : [​IMG]Maple Warrior (18+2), [​IMG]Hero’s Will (0+1)
    Level 157 : [​IMG]Hero’s Will (1+3)
    Level 158 : [​IMG]Hero’s Will (4+1), [​IMG]Phoenix (0+2)
    Level 159-167 : [​IMG]Phoenix (2+27)
    Level 168 : [​IMG]Phoenix (29+1), [​IMG]Concentrate (0+2)
    Level 169-177 : [​IMG]Concentrate (2+27)
    Level 178-200 : [​IMG]Concentrate (29+1), allocate remaining SP by your preference

    End results :
    [​IMG]Maple Warrior (20/20)
    [​IMG]Sharp Eyes (30/30)
    [​IMG]Hurricane (30/30)
    [​IMG]Hamstring (30/30)
    [​IMG]Phoenix (30/30)
    [​IMG]Hero’s Will (5/5)
    [​IMG]Bow Expert (30/30)
    [​IMG]Concentrate (30/30)
    [​IMG]Dragon’s Breath (30/30)

    Explanation :
    Congratulate you on reaching fourth job! There are 3 skills you will want to maximize as soon as possible to improve your damage output, I will explain to you how to allocate them in order.

    Sharp Eyes is a skill which increases your critical rate and damage output dramatically, benefits not only you but also every other jobs. But before maximizing this skill, allocating 1 SP to Hurricane is my recommendation since Hurricane will replace Strafe to be your main attack skill and give you more damage output than maximum Strafe at Level 1 only with at least Level 1 Sharp Eyes (below is the calculation). After that, you can maximize Sharp Eyes immediately. Next, maximize Hurricane, then Bow Expert. At this moment, the most important 3 fourth job skills are maximum, let’s work on maximizing Maple Warrior (either Level 10 or Level 20 if you buy Maple Warrior 20). Now, you are near Level 155 and supposed to start joining Horntail expedition, it’s time to improve or maximize Hero’s Will what cures you from being Seduced. Next, Phoenix and Concentrate are the 2 skills you are going to maximize, my recommendation is to maximize Phoenix first. Maximum Concentrate gives you 26 weapon attack boost, but can’t be stacked up by any attack potion such as Red Cider, Heartstopper, Onyx Apple, Gelt Chocolate, and Naricain’s Demon Elixir, additionally it has its own terms between skills time, so Phoenix should be the priority you maximize. Once they are maximum, you are completely free to allocate remaining SPs by your preference.

    Strafe + Bow Booster shoots 85 times every minute, Strafe + Bow Booster + Speed Infusion shoots 100 times every minute, Hurricane shoots 500 arrows every minute (Bow Booster and Speed Infusion don’t increase Hurricane’s attack speed).

    Now, let’s see how Sharp Eyes dramatically affects damage output :
    [​IMG]Maximum Strafe + [​IMG]Bow Booster damage output every minute :
    [X * 60% * 100% + X * 40% * (100% + 100%)] * 4 * 85 = 476X

    [​IMG]Level 1 Hurricane damage output every minute :
    [X * 60% * 51% + X * 40% * (51% + 100%)] * 500 = 455X

    [​IMG]Maximum Strafe + [​IMG]Bow Booster + [​IMG]Level 1 Sharp Eyes damage output every minute :
    [X * 59% * 100% + X * 41% * (100% + 100% + 111%)] * 4 * 85 = 634.134X

    [​IMG]Level 1 Hurricane + [​IMG]Level 1 Sharp Eyes damage output every minute :
    [X * 59% * 51% + X * 41% * (51% + 100% + 111%)] * 500 = 687.55X

    Conclusion :
    Do you understand how amazing Sharp Eyes is?

    Next, let’s see how Buccaneers’ Speed Infusion affects damage output :
    [​IMG]Maximum Strafe + [​IMG]Bow Booster + [​IMG]Speed Infusion damage output every minute :
    [X * 60% * 100% + X * 40% * (100% + 100%)] * 4 * 100 = 560X

    [​IMG]Maximum Strafe + [​IMG]Bow Booster + [​IMG]Speed Infusion + [​IMG]Level 1 Sharp Eyes damage output every minute :
    [X * 59% * 100% + X * 41% * (100% + 100% + 111%)] * 4 * 100 = 746.04X

    [​IMG]Maximum Strafe + [​IMG]Bow Booster + [​IMG]Speed Infusion + [​IMG]Maximum Sharp Eyes damage output every minute :
    [X * 45% * 100% + X * 55% * (100% + 100% + 140%)] * 4 * 100 = 928X

    [​IMG]Maximum Hurricane + [​IMG]Maximum Sharp Eyes damage output every minute :
    [X * 45% * 100% + X * 55% * (100% + 100% + 140%)] * 500 = 1160X

    Conclusion :
    In fact, Strafe + Bow Booster + Speed Infusion gives more damage output when Hurricane and Sharp Eyes are still low level, but for most cases there isn’t a Buccaneer with you and Hurricane will be your final attack skill, so you don’t really need Speed Infusion to train.

    Last, let’s talk about which we should maximize first between Hurricane and Sharp Eyes :
    [​IMG]Level 1 Hurricane + [​IMG]Maximum Sharp Eyes damage output every minute :
    [X * 45% * 51% + X * 55% * (51% + 100% + 140%)] * 500 = 915X

    [​IMG]Maximum Hurricane + [​IMG]Level 1 Sharp Eyes damage output every minute :
    [X * 59% * 100% + X * 41% * (100% + 100% + 111%)] * 500 = 932.55X

    Conclusion :
    In fact, maximizing Hurricane first gives you more damage output than maximizing Sharp Eyes first, but isn’t my recommendation. During early fourth job, you will mostly kill bosses with other people instead of killing alone, maximizing Sharp Eyes makes you be wanted by other people, do it as soon as possible and you will definitely train faster in this way.

    Mastery Books and Skill Prequests

    Mastery Books :
    [​IMG]Maple Warrior
    Maple Warrior 10 : Automatically obtain
    Maple Warrior 20 : Horntail
    Maple Warrior 30 : Pink Bean (doesn't exist in this server currently)

    [​IMG]Sharp Eyes
    Sharp Eyes 10 : Automatically obtain
    Sharp Eyes 20 : Cold Shark, Left Pianus, Furious Scarlion Boss
    Sharp Eyes 30 : Right Pianus, Skelosaurus, Crimsonwood Keep Party Quest : Crimsonwood Armory (Bonus Stage)

    Hurricane 10 : Prequest
    Hurricane 20 : Nest Golem, Guild Party Quest
    Hurricane 30 : Leviathan, Papulatus, Lyka, Crimsonwood Keep Party Quest : Crimsonwood Armory (Bonus Stage)

    Hamstring 10 : Automatically obtain
    Hamstring 20 : Skelosaurus, Small Bronze Monk, Bronze Monk, Silver Monk, Giant Silver Monk, Small Gold Monk, Giant Gold Monk
    Hamstring 30 : Griffey, Dodo, Dunas, Wulin Yaoseng

    Phoenix 10 : Prequest
    Phoenix 20 : Skelegon, Silver Monk, Giant Silver Monk, Small Gold Monk, Giant Gold Monk
    Phoenix 30 : Manon, Dunas

    [​IMG]Hero’s Will
    Hero’s Will 5 : Prequest
    Hero's Will 10 : Von Leon

    [​IMG]Bow Expert
    Bow Expert 10 : Automatically obtain
    Bow Expert 20 : Memory Guardian, Dark Cornian, Papulatus
    Bow Expert 30 : Zakum

    Concentrate 10 : Prequest
    Concentrate 20 : Zakum
    Concentrate 30 : Horntail

    [​IMG]Dragon’s Breath
    Dragon’s Breath 10 : Prequest
    Dragon’s Breath 20 : Jr. Newtie, Left Pianus, Furious Scarlion Boss
    Dragon’s Breath 30 : Right Pianus, Lilynouch, Vergamot

    Skill Prequests :
    1. Talk to Legor, the fourth job Archer instructor.
    2. Legor will ask you to hunt any Kentarus for a Brown Glove.
    3. Bring the Brown Glove to Athena in Henesys and you will unlock Hurricane.

    1. Talk to Kumo in Leafre to start the quest.
    2. He will tell you to go over to El Nath and head over to the Cave of Trials III.
    3. Enter the hidden map with the giant egg and attack it.
    4. Pick up the egg that drops and talk to Kumo.
    5. He will tell you to head over to Sky Nest I and enter the portal at the top.
    6. Climb to the top, drop the egg on the nest, break and kill whatever pops out.
    7. Return to Kumo and you will unlock Phoenix.

    [​IMG]Hero’s Will
    1. Talk to Chief Tatama and he will direct you to Carta the Sea Witch in a hidden map in Deep Sea Gorge I.
    2. You will need to collect spirit rocks from a special map which can only be entered if you pay Carta a Miniature Pianus.
    3. Once in the map, defeat the monsters and collect the rocks.
    4. Talk to Carta after you are done and she will tell you to talk to Eurek the Alchemist.
    5. Eurek the Alchemist will tell you to hunt a Griffey for a Ragged Bracelet and 10 Mithril Plates.
    6. Obtain both items, hand them to Eurek the Alchemist and he will give you a Mithril Wristband.
    7. Give the Mithril Wristband to Carta and you will unlock Hero’s Will.

    1. Get an Ancient Book from Sharks, Cold Sharks, or Crimsonwood Keep Party Quest : Crimsonwood Armory (Bonus Stage).
    2. Give the Ancient Book to Wiz the Librarian.
    3. He will ask you to collect 50 Ink Bottles, 10 Pure Waters and 30 Magic Rocks.
    4. Return to Wiz the Librarian and he will give you a new book to give to Athena in Henesys.
    5. Talk to Rene in El Nath and then Shammos then back to Rene.
    6. Go to Sleepywood and talk to The Rememberer and then The Insignificant Being.
    7. The Insignificant Being will ask you to hunt Wild Kargo, Tauromacis, Taurospear and Jr. Balrog for 50 Dark Soul Rocks.
    8. Return to The Insignificant Being and he will teleport you to a special map where you need to kill 300 Jr. Balrogs with another fourth job Archer.
    9. Complete that task and you will unlock Concentrate.

    The Concentrate skill prequest guide in 4th Job Skill/Mastery Book Guide is inaccuract.

    [​IMG]Dragon’s Breath
    In order to unlock Dragon’s Breath, you must obtain the skill book from El Nath party quest, you need to recruit a fourth job warrior without the ability Power Stance because the only way for you even access El Nath party quest is for that specific warrior to talk to their third job instructor and enter the party quest. In there, you will need to protect that guy from the monsters that spawn from all directions and survive around 7 minutes of this. The monsters that you dispatch of will drop the Infinity skill book as well as Taunt skill book. Once you have it in your inventory, just use it and Dragon’s Breath will be unlocked.


    Weapons :
    Level 10 : [​IMG]War Bow
    Doesn’t require Strength, will be the first bow you use. It can be purchased from Karl in Victoria Road : Henesys Weapon Store.

    Level 35 : [​IMG]Maple Bow
    Doesn’t require Strength, has fast attack speed. It can be dropped by Wild Boar, Tick-Tock, Block Golem, Iron Hog, and Wild Kargo.

    Level 43 : [​IMG]Maple Soul Searcher
    Doesn’t require Strength, has fast attack speed. It can be dropped by Wild Boar, Drumming Bunny, Iron Hog, Drake, and Red Drake.

    Level 64 : [​IMG]Maple Kandiva Bow
    Doesn’t require Strength, has fast attack speed, maximum weapon attack is up to 88. It can be dropped by Minor Zombie, Wild Kargo, Officer Skeleton, and Sage Cat. You are recommended to use scrolls on this bow to use (Maple Pyrope Bow is rare) until you are going to use the endgame bows which require Strength.

    Level 77 : [​IMG]Maple Pyrope Bow
    Doesn’t require Strength, has fast attack speed, maximum weapon attack is up to 94. It can be obtained during Anniversary Event. You are recommended to use scrolls on this bow to use until you are going to use the endgame bows which require Strength.

    Level 100 : [​IMG]White Nisrock [​IMG]Golden Nisrock [​IMG]Dark Nisrock (endgame)
    Require 105 Strength, maximum weapon attack is up to 105. White Nisrock gives you avoidability, can be dropped by Red Kentaurus, Manon, Griffey, Nest Golem, Petrifighter, Leviathan, Zakum, Krexel, and Horntail. Golden Nisrock gives you jump, can be dropped by Zakum, Krexel, and Horntail. Dark Nisrock gives you speed, can be dropped by Chief Oblivion Guardian, Lilynouch, and Horntail. They can be your alternative endgame bows if you can’t find a nearly perfect Dragon Shiner Bow.

    Level 110 : [​IMG]Dragon Shiner Bow (endgame)
    Require 115 Strength, maximum weapon attack is up to 110. It can be dropped by Horntail, be obtained from Henesys Gachapon, and be crafted by Mos in Leafre : Leafre.

    Hats :
    Level 10 : [​IMG]Green Bandana
    During your early journey, you will mostly use it since it has 10 available upgrades while other standard class hats have only 7. You are recommended to use Scroll for Helmet for DEX on it to improve your damage output and accuracy until you can equip a Zakum Helmet.

    Level 30 : [​IMG]Pilgrim Hat (endgame)
    It can be obtained during Thanksgiving Event.
    STR : 10
    DEX : 10
    INT : 10
    LUK : 10
    Weapon attack : 1
    Magic attack : 1
    Accuracy : 20
    Avoidability : 20
    Number of upgrades available : 1

    Level 50 : [​IMG]Zakum Helmet (endgame)
    It can be dropped by Zakum3.
    STR : average 13~17, perfect 22
    DEX : average 13~17, perfect 22
    INT : average 13~17, perfect 22
    LUK : average 13~17, perfect 22
    Accuracy : average 18~22, perfect 27
    Avoidability : average 18~22, perfect 27
    Number of upgrades available : 10

    Level 80 : upload_2020-2-5_21-41-38.png Scarlion Hat (STR) (endgame)
    It can be dropped by Furious Scarlion Boss.
    STR : average 15~19, perfect 24
    DEX : average 13~17, perfect 22
    INT : average 13~17, perfect 22
    LUK : average 13~17, perfect 22
    HP : average 25
    Accuracy : average 19
    Avoidability : average 19
    Jump : average 3
    Number of upgrades available : 10

    Level 80 : upload_2020-2-5_21-41-38.png Scarlion Hat (DEX) (endgame)
    It can be dropped by Furious Scarlion Boss.
    STR : average 13~17, perfect 22
    DEX : average 15~19, perfect 24
    INT : average 13~17, perfect 22
    LUK : average 13~17, perfect 22
    HP : average 25
    Accuracy : average 19
    Avoidability : average 19
    Jump : average 3
    Number of upgrades available : 10

    Level 130 : upload_2020-4-24_21-20-22.png Auf Haven Circlet (endgame)
    It can be dropped by Auf Haven.
    STR : average 0~2, perfect 7
    DEX : average 0~2, perfect 7
    INT : average 0~2, perfect 7
    LUK : average 0~2, perfect 7
    Accuracy : average 15
    Avoidability : average 15
    Number of upgrades available : 20

    Capes :
    Level 50 : [​IMG]Pink Adventurer Cape (endgame)
    It can be obtained from Perion Gachapon.
    Weapon attack : average 1~3, perfect 8
    Number of upgrades available : 5

    Level 65 : [​IMG]Pink Gaia Cape (endgame)
    It can be obtained from Kerning City Gachapon.
    Weapon attack : average 2~4, perfect 9
    Number of upgrades available : 5

    Level 100 : [​IMG]Blackfist Cloak (endgame)
    It can be obtained from Crimsonwood Keep Party Quest : Crimsonwood Armory (Bonus Stage).
    Weapon attack : average 3~5, perfect 10
    HP : average 120
    Number of upgrades available : 5

    Gloves :
    Level 10 : [​IMG]Work Gloves
    It can be dropped by Stirge, Desert Rabbit (F), and be crafted by JM From tha Streetz in Victoria Road : Kerning City. During your early journey, you can upgrade your damage output by scrolling gloves since gloves is the only equipment you can use scrolls to boost weapon attack without using a Chaos Scroll 60%.

    Level 10 : [​IMG]Brown Work Gloves (endgame)
    It can be obtained from Henesys Gachapon. Compare with all the other gloves, it has 7, the most available upgrades, so it can potentially be your endgame gloves. People usually use Dark Scroll for Gloves for ATT 30% on first slot, if successful, use Chaos Scroll 60%(s) to attempt the +4 or +5 weapon attack boost afterwards.

    Level 15 : [​IMG]Green Mittens (endgame)
    It can be obtained from Crimsonwood Keep Party Quest : Crimsonwood Armory (Bonus Stage), has 6 available upgrades. Compare with Brown Work Gloves, it has 1 less available upgrade, but can be your alternative endgame gloves if it's good.

    Level 50 : [​IMG]Stormcaster Gloves (endgame)
    It can be crafted by John Barricade in Bigger Ben : Lobby.
    Weapon attack : 5
    Number of upgrades available : 5

    Overalls :
    Level 20 : [​IMG][​IMG]Bathrobe for Men/Women
    They can be purchased from Momoyo in Zipangu : Locker Room. You are recommended to use Scroll for Overall Armor for DEX to improve your damage output and accuracy during your early journey.

    Level 90 : [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]Red/Blue/Green/Dark Ades, Red/Blue/Green/Dark Anes (endgame)

    Level 100 : [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]Green/Blue/Red Arzuna, Green/Blue/Red Armis (endgame)

    Level 110 : [​IMG]Red Mantle (endgame)
    It can be obtained from Henesys Gachapon.

    Level 90-110 Bowman overalls will be your endgame overalls since they give good amount of STR and DEX. Red Mantle, especially a good one, is much rarer than other standard class overalls, so people usually just look for Level 90, 100 ones to use scrolls on.

    Shoes :
    Level 10 : [​IMG]Red Christmas Sock (endgame)
    It can be obtained during Christmas Event.
    Weapon attack : 1
    Number of upgrades available : 7

    Level 50 : [​IMG]Facestompers (endgame)
    It can be crafted by John Barricade in Bigger Ben : Lobby.
    Weapon attack : 2
    Number of upgrades available : 5

    Earrings :
    Level 10 : [​IMG][​IMG]Single Earring, Amethyst Earrings
    They can be purchased from Sam in Victoria Road : Henesys Weapon Store. During your early journey, you are recommended to use Scroll for Earring for DEX on it to improve your damage output and accuracy.

    Level 50 : [​IMG]Anniversary Earrings (endgame)
    It can be obtained during Anniversary Event.
    STR : 2
    DEX : 2
    INT : 2
    LUK : 2
    HP : 45
    MP : 45
    Accuracy : 15
    Avoidability : 15
    Number of upgrades available : 5

    Level 110 : upload_2020-2-4_19-26-54.png Element Pierce (endgame)
    It can be dropped by Dunas and Auf Haven.
    STR : average 0~2, perfect 7
    DEX : average 0~2, perfect 7
    INT : average 0~2, perfect 7
    LUK : average 0~2, perfect 7
    Magic attack : average 1~3, perfect 8
    Number of upgrades available : 7

    Eye Accessories :
    Level 35 : [​IMG]Raccoon Mask (endgame)
    It can be obtained from Sleepywood Gachapon.
    Accuracy : average 0~2, perfect 7
    Number of upgrades available : 7

    Level 45 : [​IMG]White Raccoon Mask (endgame)
    It can be obtained from CBD Gachapon.
    Accuracy : average 1~3, perfect 8
    Number of upgrades available : 7

    Level 45 : [​IMG]Broken Glasses (endgame)
    It can be obtained upon you complete Ludibrium party quest 35 times.
    STR : 1~3
    DEX : 1~3
    INT : 1~3
    LUK : 1~3
    HP : 20
    MP : 20
    Number of upgrades available : 5

    Level 70 : [​IMG]Spectrum Goggles (endgame)
    It can be obtained from Crimsonwood Keep Party Quest : Crimsonwood Armory (Bonus Stage).
    STR : average 0~2, perfect 7
    DEX : average 0~2, perfect 7
    Speed : average 0~2, perfect 7
    Number of upgrades available : 5

    Level 140 : Ninja Toad Headband (endgame)
    It can be dropped by Castellan Toad.
    STR : average 1~3, perfect 8
    LUK : average 1~3, perfect 8
    Number of upgrades available : 5

    Face Accessories :
    Level 0 : [​IMG]Maple Leaf (endgame)
    It can be obtained from Sleepywood Gachapon and Showa Gachapon.
    STR/DEX/INT/LUK : average 4~6, perfect 11
    Number of upgrades available : 7

    Level 30 : [​IMG]Rudolph’s Shiny Nose (endgame)
    It can be obtained during Christmas Event.
    STR : 5
    DEX : 5
    INT : 5
    LUK : 5
    HP : 50
    MP : 50
    Accuracy : 5
    Speed : 5
    Jump : 5
    Number of upgrades available : 3

    Level 70 : [​IMG]Sweet First Love (endgame)
    It can be obtained during Valentine Event. Compare with Rudolph’s Shiny Nose, it’s worse but can be potentially better if you use Chaos Scroll 60%(s) on it and turn out well.
    STR : 3
    DEX : 3
    INT : 3
    LUK : 3
    Number of upgrades available : 3

    Pendants :
    Level 50 : [​IMG]Silver Deputy Star
    It can be obtained upon you complete “Fool’s Gold”, “Rags to Riches”, “One Step-A-Head”, and “Catch a Bigfoot by the Toe” quests. It can be your temporary pendant until you get a Horntail Necklace or a Mark of Naricain .
    STR : 5
    DEX : 5
    INT : 5
    LUK : 5
    HP : 100
    MP : 100
    Number of upgrades available : 3

    Level 120 : [​IMG]Horntail Necklace (endgame)
    It can be dropped by Horntail. Every Horntail Necklace can be upgraded by using a Dragon Stone, what ensures giving you 15 STR, 15 DEX, 15 INT, 15 LUK, and 15 avoidability, can only be used once and on first available upgrade. You can use Chaos Scroll 60%s on the remaining two available upgrades afterwards.
    STR : average 6~8, perfect 13
    DEX : average 6~8, perfect 13
    INT : average 6~8, perfect 13
    LUK : average 6~8, perfect 13
    Avoidability : average 21~27, perfect 32
    Number of upgrades available : 3

    Level 140 : [​IMG]Mark of Naricain (endgame)
    It can be dropped by Margana, Red Nirg, Relik, Hsalf, and Master Gawyllacs in Crimsonwood Keep Party Quest : Grandmaster Council Hall (Boss Stage).
    STR : average 4~6, perfect 11
    DEX : average 4~6, perfect 11
    INT : average 4~6, perfect 11
    LUK : average 4~6, perfect 11
    HP : average 290~310, perfect 315
    MP : average 290~310, perfect 315
    Weapon attack : average 1~3, perfect 8
    Magic attack : average 9~11, perfect 16
    Accuracy : average 13~17, perfect 22
    Speed : average 4~6, perfect 11
    Jump : average 4~6, perfect 11

    Mark of Naricain is worse than Horntail Necklace with average stats, but better with good stats.

    Belts :
    Level 25 : [​IMG]White Belt
    It can be obtained through So Gong by earning 200 training points from Mu Lung Dojo Party Quest.
    STR : 1
    DEX : 1
    INT : 1
    LUK : 1
    HP : 100
    Avoidability : 3
    Number of upgrades available : 3

    Level 35 : [​IMG]Yellow Belt
    It can be obtained through So Gong by earning 2,000 training points from Mu Lung Dojo Party Quest.
    STR : 2
    DEX : 2
    INT : 2
    LUK : 2
    HP : 200
    Avoidability : 6
    Number of upgrades available : 3

    Level 45 : [​IMG]Blue Belt
    It can be obtained through So Gong by earning 4,000 training points from Mu Lung Dojo Party Quest.
    STR : 3
    DEX : 3
    INT : 3
    LUK : 3
    HP : 300
    Avoidability : 9
    Number of upgrades available : 3

    Level 60 : [​IMG]Red Belt
    It can be obtained through So Gong by earning 8,000 training points from Mu Lung Dojo Party Quest.
    STR : 4
    DEX : 4
    INT : 4
    LUK : 4
    HP : 400
    Avoidability : 12
    Number of upgrades available : 3

    Level 75 : [​IMG]Black Belt (endgame)
    It can be obtained through So Gong by earning 14,000 training points from Mu Lung Dojo Party Quest.
    STR : 5
    DEX : 5
    INT : 5
    LUK : 5
    HP : 500
    Avoidability : 15
    Number of upgrades available : 3

    Rings (you can equip up to 4 rings) :
    Level 0 : [​IMG]Zombie Army Ring
    It can be obtained during Halloween Event.
    STR : 1
    DEX : 1
    INT : 1
    LUK : 1
    HP : 100
    MP : 100

    Level 10 : upload_2020-2-4_16-11-46.png Ring of Alchemist (endgame)
    It can be crafted by Han the Broker in Sunset Road : Magatia, can replace Zombie Army Ring and Pumpkin Pie Ring if you use a Chaos Scroll 60% on it and turn out well.
    STR : 1
    DEX : 1
    INT : 1
    LUK : 1
    Number of upgrades available : 1

    Level 10 : [​IMG]2 Carat Lovebirds Ring (endgame)
    It can be obtained during Valentine Event.
    STR : 3
    DEX : 3
    INT : 3
    LUK : 3
    HP : 150
    MP : 150
    Weapon attack : 1
    Magic attack : 1
    Speed : 5
    Jump : 5

    Level 30 : Pumpkin Pie Ring
    It can be obtained during Thanksgiving Event.
    STR : 1
    DEX : 1
    INT : 1
    LUK : 1
    HP : 10
    MP : 10

    Level 30 : [​IMG]Almighty Ring (endgame)
    It can be dropped by Krexel. You can use Chaos Scrolls 60%s on it.
    STR : average 1~3, perfect 8
    DEX : average 1~3, perfect 8
    INT : average 1~3, perfect 8
    LUK : average 1~3, perfect 8
    Number of upgrades available : 2

    Medals :
    Level 0 : [​IMG]New Collector
    It can be obtained upon you collect 30 Monster Card sets.
    HP : 75
    MP : 75

    Level 0 : [​IMG]Renowned Collector
    It can be obtained upon you collect 80 Monster Card sets.
    HP : 125
    MP : 125

    Level 0 : [​IMG]Amazing Collector
    It can be obtained upon you collect 150 Monster Card sets.
    HP : 250
    MP : 250
    Weapon Attack : 1
    Magic Attack : 2

    Level 0 : [​IMG]Master Collector
    It can be obtained upon you collect 250 Monster Card sets.
    HP : 500
    MP : 500
    Weapon Attack : 2
    Magic Attack : 5

    Level 0 : [​IMG]Legendary Collector (endgame)
    It can be obtained upon you collect 400 Monster Card sets.
    HP : 1000
    MP : 1000
    Weapon Attack : 3
    Magic Attack : 8

    Level 0 : [​IMG]Quest Specialist
    It can be obtained upon you complete 800 quests.
    STR : 5
    DEX : 5
    INT : 5
    LUK : 5
    Avoidability : 10
    Jump : 10

    Level 10 : [​IMG]Beginner Adventurer
    It can be obtained upon you advance to first job.
    HP : 50
    MP : 50

    Level 30 : [​IMG]Junior Adventurer
    It can be obtained upon you advance to second job.
    HP : 100
    MP : 100

    Level 70 : [​IMG]Veteran Adventurer
    It can be obtained upon you advance to third job.
    STR : 1
    DEX : 1
    INT : 1
    LUK : 1
    HP : 150
    MP : 150

    Level 120 : [​IMG]Master Adventurer
    It can be obtained upon you advance to fourth job.
    STR : 2
    DEX : 2
    INT : 2
    LUK : 2
    HP : 200
    MP : 200

    Level 200 : [​IMG]Lord Sniper (endgame)
    It can be obtained upon you reach Level 200.
    HP : 50
    Weapon Attack : 3
    Avoidability : 5

    Arrows :
    [​IMG]Red Arrow for Bow
    It can be dropped by Extra A, Red Slime, and be purchased from Doran in Zipangu : Showa Street Market.
    REQ LEV : 120
    Attack : +10

    [​IMG]Diamond Arrow for Bow
    It can be dropped by Fire Tusk, and be purchased from Mo in Phantom Forest : Dead Man’s Gorge upon you complete “The Fallen Woods” quest.
    REQ LEV : 120
    Attack : +10

    [​IMG]Royal Bow Quiver
    It can be crafted by Vogen in El Nath : El Nath Market.
    REQ LEV : 180
    Attack : +12

    I recommend you to always keep Red Arrow for Bow or Diamond Arrow for Bow or Royal Bow Quiver in your inventory since they give you 10 attack/12 attack boost as long as you are not activating Soul Arrow : Bow.

    Bow range formula :
    Max : Bow = [(DEX * 3.4 + STR) / 100] * Weapon Attack
    Min : Bow = [(DEX * 0.9 * 3.4 * Skill Mastery + STR) / 100] * Weapon Attack

    Where you get Weapon Attack from : bow, cape, gloves, shoes, Mark of Naricain, 2 Carat Lovebirds Ring, Medal, Arrow, Bow Expert, attack potion.
    Skill Mastery : 60% (maximum Bow Mastery), 90% (maximum Bow Expert)

    You can calculate which is better between Horntail Necklace and Mark of Naricain by this formula.


    Training Locations

    Level 10-14 : Quests, Victoria Road : Henesys Hunting Ground I

    Level 15-19 : Quests, Axe Stump, Dark Axe Stump
    upload_2018-6-7_20-13-40.png upload_2018-6-7_20-13-44.png

    Level 20-24 : Quests, Jr. Sentinel

    Level 25-29 : Quests, Brown Teddy, Ligator, Pink Teddy
    upload_2018-6-7_20-17-41.png upload_2018-6-7_20-17-45.png upload_2018-6-7_20-17-48.png

    During first job, completing serveral quests is kind of faster.

    Level 30-34 : Brown Teddy, Ligator, Pink Teddy
    upload_2018-6-7_20-17-41.png upload_2018-6-7_20-17-45.png upload_2018-6-7_20-17-48.png

    Level 35-39 : The Crack of Dimension (Ludibrium party quest), Tick, Rupin, Zombie Rupin, Tick-Tock
    upload_2018-6-7_20-14-27.png upload_2018-6-7_20-14-30.png upload_2018-6-7_20-14-33.png upload_2018-6-7_20-14-35.png

    Level 40-49 : The Crack of Dimension (Ludibrium party quest), Rupin, Zombie Rupin, Chipmunk, Red Porky, Black Porky, Jar, Ginseng Jar
    upload_2018-6-7_20-14-30.png upload_2018-6-7_20-14-33.png upload_2018-6-7_20-14-53.png upload_2018-6-7_20-14-56.png upload_2018-6-7_20-14-59.png upload_2018-6-7_20-15-2.png upload_2018-6-7_20-15-5.png

    Level 50-59 : Croco, Stone Golem, Coolie Zombie, Dark Stone Golem, Mixed Golem
    upload_2018-6-7_20-15-14.png upload_2018-6-7_20-15-17.png upload_2018-6-7_20-17-8.png upload_2018-6-7_20-17-12.png upload_2018-6-7_20-18-51.png

    Level 60-79 : Quest “Legends of Hometown”, Quest “The Forgotten Master”, Quest “Eliminating King Sage Cat”, Quest “Goddess’ Pet”, Singapore : Mysterious Path 3, Sage Cat
    upload_2018-6-7_20-19-7.png upload_2018-6-7_20-19-16.png upload_2018-6-7_20-19-20.png

    Level 80-89 : Berserkie, Veetron, Slygie
    upload_2018-6-7_20-19-27.png upload_2018-6-7_20-19-31.png upload_2018-6-7_20-19-35.png

    From Level 90 you will mostly kill bosses to train, following bosses are my recommendation.

    Level 90-119 : Quest “Snowfield Giant”,
    Headless Horseman
    Level : 101
    HP : 3,500,000
    EXP : 960,000
    KB : 1,500
    Location(s) : Phantom Forest : Hollowed Ground, Phantom Forest : Forgotten Path, Phantom Forest : Hidden Evil, Phantom Forest : Creeping Evil, Phantom Forest : The Evil Dead, Phantom Forest : Crossroads 1, Phantom Forest : Crossroads 2, Phantom Forest : Crossroads 3

    Level 120-199 :
    Level : 110
    HP : 32,000,000
    EXP : 8,512,000
    KB : 2,000
    Location(s) : Phantom Forest : Forgotten Path, Phantom Forest : Evil Rising, Phantom Forest : The Evil Dead, Phantom Forest : Twisted Paths 1, Phantom Forest : Twisted Paths 2, Phantom Forest : Twisted Paths 3, Phantom Forest : Twisted Paths 4, Phantom Forest : Twisted Paths 5

    I do not recommend you to kill Bigfoot as a Ranger! It will take a lot of your time.

    Kacchuu Musha
    Level : 120
    HP : 78,000,000
    EXP : 11,776,000
    KB : 250
    Locations(s) : Zipangu : Castle Corridor [9]

    I do not recommend you to kill Kacchuu Musha as a Ranger! It will take a lot of your time.

    upload_2018-6-7_20-25-14.png upload_2018-6-7_20-25-20.png
    Level : 125
    HP : 24,590,000
    EXP : 7,516,800
    Location(s) : Ludibrium : Origin of Clocktower

    Level 125-199 :
    Female Boss
    Level : 130
    HP : 75,000,000
    EXP : 12,480,000
    KB : 1,000
    Location(s) : Zipangu : Parlor

    Level 135-199 :
    Level : 140
    HP : 500,000,000
    EXP : 57,600,000
    Location(s) : Singapore : Ruins of Krexel II

    upload_2018-6-6_6-37-28.png upload_2018-6-6_6-37-34.png
    Level : 140
    HP : 479,600,000
    EXP : 50,498,560
    Location(s) : Last Mission : Zakum’s Alter

    Level 145-199 :
    Wulin Yaoseng
    Level : 150
    HP : 100,000,000
    EXP : 51,200,000
    Location(s) : Eastern China : Secret Library

    Level 155-199 :
    Bodyguard A
    Level : 152
    HP : 400,000,000
    EXP : 44,160,000
    Location(s) : Zipangu : The Nightmarish Last Days

    Bodyguard B
    Level : 155
    HP : 500,000,000
    EXP : 33,600,000
    Location(s) : Zipangu : The Nightmarish Last Days

    upload_2018-6-6_6-38-47.png upload_2018-6-6_6-38-50.png
    Level : 160
    HP : 2,740,000,000
    EXP : 344,146,432
    Location(s) : Cave of Life : The Cave of Trail I (Horntail’s Left Head), Cave of Life : The Cave of Trail II (Horntail’s Right Head), Cave of Life : Horntail’s Cave (Horntail’s Head A, Horntail’s Head B, Horntail’s Head C, Horntail’s Left Hand, Horntail’s Right Hand, Horntail’s Wings, Horntail’s Legs, Horntail’s Tail)

    The Boss
    Level : 175
    HP : 150,000,000
    EXP : 90,240,000
    Location(s) : Zipangu : The Nightmarish Last Days

    Level 175-199 :
    Level : 180
    HP : 620,000,000
    EXP : 72,160,000
    Location(s) : Zipangu : Tower Room

    Castellan Toad
    Level : 180
    HP : 450,000,000
    EXP : 80,960,000
    Location(s) : Zipangu : Tower Room


    Here are some videos I recorded by myself to show you some general tips.


    If you are washed, you literally have no trouble to kill Kacchuu Musha. But if you are not, there is a way I have developed for you.
    How an "unwashed" Bowmaster kills a Kacchuu Musha

    Following are the steps :
    1. Lure Kacchuu Musha to right side.
    2. Stand as far as your Hurricane can reach to attack Kacchuu Musha.
    3. After Kacchuu Musha is provoked, immediately run away and put puppet to left side before you suffer attack from Kacchuu Musha.
    4. Watch out your puppet anytime, repeat step 2 and 3 when it disappears.
    Additionally this way saves tons of HP potions for who are washed.

    Female Boss


    Master Gawyllacs


    Nameless Magic Monster

    Dunas V2

    Credits and Feedback

    Credit to :
    Old Bowmaster Guide (Fius’) where a lot of my inspiration comes from.
    @Buccaneer for some useful information in his Buccaneer Guide and checking my entire guide in person.
    My friends who gave me support during making this guide.
    Anyone who is going to play a Bowmaster after reading this guide.

    Feedback :
    I have received feedback from a few players who actually played Bowmaster because my guide interests them, you’re my motivation of maintaining it, I am grateful.

    On the other hand, there are also some questions which I found common they had to me, and I am sharing them with answers.
    In order to equip Nisrock, you need 105 STR in total. Deduct the STR you get from equipments such as Zakum Helmet (15 STR), Anniversary Earrings (2 STR), Rudolph’s Shiny Nose (5 STR), Horntail Necklace (21 STR), Black Belt (5 STR), Zombie Army Ring (1 STR), 2 Carat Lovebirds Ring (3 STR), Pumpkin Pie Ring (1 STR), Almighty Ring (3 STR), and Master Adventurer (2 STR), you still need 47 STR. Additionally, you can still get STR from overall, Spectrum Goggles, and Ring of Alchemists, slowly deduct your base STR by getting those.

    If you have other questions to me, you can comment this thread, send message to my inbox, or whisper me in game whenever you like to.

    Please do let me know if there is any grammar error and mistaken information, this guide might not be perfect by my own knowledge.
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2023
  2. drunkst

    drunkst Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2016
    Likes Received:
    rip. :(
    4. Can’t get any benefit from other jobs’ party skills.

    how about HB?
  3. Ayane

    Ayane Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2015
    Likes Received:
    I'd suggest maxing Thrust for that extra speed and leaving strafe at 1, usually you'd leech most of the 3rd job anyway and in 4th job strafe is completely useless
  4. MoriForest

    MoriForest Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2016
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    Also important note for future Bowmasters out there; don't show off your nisrocks on shop like OP.

    LMAO jk nany I love you good effort on the guide! Maybe put in some additional info like HP needed to survive the various bosses.
  5. MushroomYoYo

    MushroomYoYo Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2016
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    Are you sure whether the formulas are true or not?
    Lv1 SE will make 111% of range more damage when critical shot?
    or is it to multiply by 111% or something else?
  6. nany625

    nany625 Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2017
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    Clarified. Thanks!
  7. nany625

    nany625 Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2017
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    It's better to let them know how to train instead of how to leech.
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2018
    Cong Yang, TEHrelentlez and patnais77 like this.
  8. nany625

    nany625 Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2017
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    Thanks for kind words, I will add more information (include what you suggested) once I have time:)
    hanjo98 likes this.
  9. nany625

    nany625 Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2017
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    I'm pretty sure, and believe other bowmasters can confirm it. You are also free to Google how Sharp Eyes works.
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2018
  10. MushroomYoYo

    MushroomYoYo Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2016
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    thx, I'll give it a try when I'm free.
    btw, don't you know Bow Booster and Speed Infusion won't work at the same time?
  11. nany625

    nany625 Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2017
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    I tested Strafe + Bow Booster and Strafe + Bow Booster + Speed Infusion in person, there is an obvious 15 times difference every minute.
  12. MushroomYoYo

    MushroomYoYo Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2016
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    I see. That sounds like an interesting bug.
    Anyway, thx for your reply.
    David2016 and nany625 like this.
  13. MoriForest

    MoriForest Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2016
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    SI works on normal speed bows like Nisrocks or Metus. It doesn't work on fast bow like Kandiva or Pyrope. Certainly not a bug! Also only work on skills like Strafe and Arrow Bombs etc, but Hurricane is constant regardless with booster or SI's presence.
  14. FarmerStory

    FarmerStory Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2017
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    Can you make a guide on how to get more HP next?
    shanglelxd and Don like this.
  15. MushroomYoYo

    MushroomYoYo Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2016
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    I guess these two skills might not be able to work at the same time in GMS.
    For the same kind of skills, the weaker one should be covered by the stronger one or the former covered by the latter, shouldn't it?
  16. Nemo

    Nemo Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2016
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  17. nany625

    nany625 Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2017
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    Although I haven't actually understood how it should work, base on my experience skills that have similar function can stack up with each other unlike how it works between skills and attack potions, at least it's how it is working in this server currently.

    @MoriForest also mentioned they can't work on fast attack speed bows (Maple Bows) at same moment, what is a knowledge I lacked.
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2018
  18. Ayane

    Ayane Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2015
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    Si works on Kandiva/Pyrope, they have a speed of fast 5 (same like guns, knuckles etc) and not fast 4 (like claws, daggers)
    I tried it before actually
    Also the start of the hurricane animation (and spamming hurricane) is faster with SI, but afterwards the arrows have a constant rate of 500 per minute regardless of bow speed
  19. MushroomYoYo

    MushroomYoYo Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2016
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  20. Piffy

    Piffy Donator

    Jun 11, 2016
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    David2016, ginwolf and yaqzan like this.

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