I agree and disagree with this. I remember seeing from this thread that the second highest vote as to why people quit Royals was due to boring end-game, so I can understand why it would be nice to have some brand new end-game equips to make players stronger. And, the end-game equips could even be an achievement to players for defeating Pink Bean. However, one big problem I had with modern GMS was the overpowered system—not so much in bosses, mobs, or leveling, but with player damage, ubiquitous mobility, etc. I know that we are already heading towards that direction and it is inevitable, but is there any way we could prolong that concept so that deflation for end-game equips does not hit us vigorously with all the other content (i.e. Belts, MoN, HP Wash)? Spoiler ...or maybe that is the intent...
IMO, I think the weapons should stay consistent with how they were on GMS/EMS (etc), in that they will be better than current weapons, or rather, they have the potential to be better. Raising the ceiling in difficulty and reward is a good thing. @darkjordanx , I doubt a few extra attack, plus whatever you get from the weapon leveling up will be too much of a power creep. Nothing like what can be gotten with lucky CS'ing attack items.
Guys...Guys... Relax......... I dunno if you ever tried PB in pre-bb server or in ancient maplestory against original, un-nerfed state but it's bloody impossible with royals firepower. I dunno what you mean by raising the ceiling any higher....
Pretty sure some of the gear here is better than what you'd find on GMS when Pink Bean first came out (Like all that attack gear and perfect weapons). If anything, it'll be a boss unlikely to be done in small groups, which IMO, isn't a bad thing. Also, if PB is literally impossible to beat, it can always be toned down. That's a lot easier to do than releasing something too easy and toning it back up amidst a very predictable shit show (looking at you mage ults. lol)
Aye Evan, I'm in full support of releasing PB after all, like I have stated long ago in this thread. It's just that.... I don't think it's even possible to make it harder because its state in 1st release was too powerful already that no one in KMS, JMS, GMS managed to defeat it before BB patch.
Oh I never meant make it harder. I just feel releasing it in its original form without nerfing it (or its drops) is the best move.
Not sure if everyone has read this guide, but it sure is a pleasant read: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/pink-bean-comprehensive-guide-to-pre-quests-boss.21239/ Basically, the squad need to deal 5.55B combined damage to the statues, and 2.1B damage to Pink Bean, all within the 1-hour time limit. However, after pink bean reaches 90% HP, it spends 2/3 of the time in damage reflect, so the 2.1B HP of Pink Bean is actually equivalent to (90% x 2.1 x 3 + 10% x 2.1) = 5.88B HP. Combining the statue HP and Pink Bean effective HP yields 5.55 + 5.88 = 11.43B HP. In comparison, HT has 2.08B HP combined. So the squad effectively needs to kill 5.5 HT within an hour. Since at most 5 parties (30 people) can enter, each party needs to kill 5.5 / 5 = 1.1 HT per hour, or 1 HT in 54 minutes. In conclusion, if we can gather five 54-minute HT parties, then they have a chance to kill Pink Bean. Of course, this will further encourage the HP washing meta, since Pink Bean does 18K unavoidable magic damage, and recruiting DK in the party means lower DPS than a NL+BM combination.
I’m not sure if people get this, but the whole point is to have a boss so hard that it’s almost impossible and can only be killed by a miracle
They could just increase the time length? Without potentials, pink bean is just gonna be down right hard to survive and complete let alone speed running it.
I love analysis like this. Please provide more in the future. Only thing you didn't include is that damn pink little hamster has thicker skin than an elephant that most physical damage is like halved.... Comparing normal HT killing duration won't be anywhere close to proportional in PB scenario. Ofc luna that's what we all want. Just not "harder" that we'd need 2x miracle X) I said don't make it harder than what it originally was because of what I read from
Yeah you are right. After a bit more research, I found out that Pink Bean was made "strong against physical", so all physical damage against it would be halved. In the following event video you can see LuckyLook was attacking Pink Bean, but doing 42000 lines at most (right before Kai's client crashed). This confirms Pink Bean only takes half physical damage. https://royals.ms/forum/threads/gm-event-destruction-upon-maple-world.116443/page-4#post-65706 Taking this factor into account, the 2.1B HP of Pink Bean is actually equivalent to 2 x (90% x 2.1 x 3 + 10% x 2.1) = 11.76B HP. Combining with the 5.55B HP from statues yields 17.31B HP. This is 8.32 HT in 1 hour. Each party needs to kill 8.32 / 5 = 1.66 HT per hour, or 1 HT in 36 minutes. Basically, if we can gather 5 Fryslan parties, we have a chance to kill PB . Edit: Actually, I think this level of difficulty is pretty nice. It sure is a hefty challenge, but not entirely impossible.
Lovely calculation. And that's assuming no one dies during the run haha . 1 Extra sec of attack during dmg reflection will kill anyone insta Indeed this will be a great challenge for the server as a whole and provide an opportunity for 1st tier players to unite under the same goal. Hope server will become more stable so players won't lag when this day arrives.
Also, since this is a private server, we have the power to modify PB as @Evan said. If we notice that Pink Bean has gone undefeated for a long period of time, we could just bump up the number of parties allowed to enter (like from 5 to 8).
I think you're also forgetting statue Ariel (Pink Bean's chair) likes to spam weapon attack cancel which lasts for quite some time and she has the most hp out of all the satues. She also has mass dispel which used to be deadly back on gms since it took away hb and with combination of genesis it would wipe like half the range but I don't think that'll be a problem here on this server with how much easier hp washing is here compared to gms
A friend of mine also mentioned something about mini beans that constantly get spawned which takes a while to get rid of. Huehue all these factors. Does anyone know if they cause delay by sigificant amount of time?
They're usually dealt with pretty quickly by mage ultimates if you have any mages. The only thing they really do is make it harder to see the damage reflect icon over Pink Bean himself
Here is a post-BB video of a 278K range NL soloing Pink Bean just in time. I think the stats of Pink Bean hasn't changed much between pre-BB and this video. Although soloing Pink Bean is boring AF, it does give a much clearer idea of what's happening and how difficult it is, compared to 30-man Pink Bean videos where everything is a mess ... He wasted quite some time on mini-beans since there is no mage to clear it for him. Also, he is using Decent Sharp Eyes from his gloves, which only gives 10% critical rate and 115% critical damage (v.s. 15% critical rate and 140% critical damage here). Our NLs have advantages on both, so they don't necessarily need to have 278K range combined. My calculations are a approximation anyway, and was meant to give a very rough idea of how difficult it is to defeat Pink Bean. If we are really drilling into details, then I can argue HT has times where all living parts have weapon cancel as well