Yes clearly because people knew that we wouldn't get the Fm button back due to Matt saying he doesn't want it in the game, so people were looking for a decent alternative. Now that they have implemented the lounge in the game people have come to the realization that it is such a sub-par feature that there really is no use for it and I stand by my previous post that it was a waste of time implementing when more important things could have been taken care of for instance a small list of things such as: -Certain skills not providing exp when killing mobs, Certain skills not providing the correct amount of damage boost (combo-Attack) and also I believe some skills still don't properly function. -Fixing GFX for good so that bossing is actually fun for everyone. -Amoria PQ, Guild PQ and Carnival PQ (might be others but I cant think off the top of my head) Im sure im missing a few things, so anyone feel free to add on to the list of a million more problems that should have been fixed before adding something that seems to be a complete waste of time imo.
I think its just more of an inconvenience thing, other than a good solution. You can do literally nothing useful aside from play omok and match cards. People flash jump around the FM when they are bored talking to their friends and you can't even do that. You can't trade or buy things / sell things. Moving slow af is also a small annoyance. The FM has literally everything you need, so why go to the lounge. The only void that this button fills compared to the FM button is teleporting away from maps that already have safe spots.
Thank you for posting that because I would have. The lounge was a direct response to people saying they would like it if the FM button and what it entailed (trading, muling, etc) would not be coming back. I'm in there a lot, and it's honestly kind of big which may be part of the problem but I do see a lot of people there sometimes. It would help if transportation skills were allowed (FJ, tele, haste) but I think there's issues with allowing X skills and not Y skills.
Like.. I'm just going to point out the obvious. The #1 reason reason no one uses the lounge is simply because no one is ever there (and if they are, they're usually AFK). Even if the staff were to make no changes to the lounge, I am willing to bet that if people suddenly started to use it, others would follow. It's a newly implemented feature that the server hasn't gotten used to nor have the time to use yet. However, that's not to say that there aren't changes I would prefer to have implemented to make the lounge a more enjoyable place to be. Since this is a feedback thread, I'll stick to what I feel adds to the conversation. The lounge is pretty much everything I needed from the FM button: 1) A place to safely AFK 2) A place to meet your friends or new people from the server 3) A place to just chill or do something silly However, there are factors that detract me from using it: 1) You currently don't lose XP when dying so there's no need to AFK somewhere safe 2) The FM button has been gone so long I forget it even exists 3) It feels like a MapleRoyals Jail Map - Lifeless (TBH there's probably more people in there waiting to be unbanned than in the lounge) Jokes aside, I could care less if you could trade or NPC items on the map and the restriction of skills is something I'll probably get used to over time, but honestly it's just because there's nothing interesting about the map right now other than pressing ↑ to get into the pond, which also has the same problems as the lounge itself. My suggestions [that haven't already been mentioned]: 1) Reduce the size of the main map 2) Redesign it so it doesn't resemble the FM 3) Allow movement skills or give players unlimited max speed/jump upon entrance 4) Allow dropping items (since you can't drop the 1b coin anyways) or at least only restrict equip dropping to prevent easy NPCing for mesos5) Place some NPCs in the pond map. Here are some (meso sinks) ideas: a. Purchase 'Cash Shop -> USE -> Weather Effects' and chalkboards using mesos b. Similar to OPQ, purchase records and drop them in front of a music box to play for the entire map c. Taxi NPC to return to the lounge d. Pay for something ridiculous like a temporary seduce status ailment or kill another player Although some of these suggestions are a stretch, the idea is to make the lounge more interactive and engaging for players. The Lounge button is a unique feature that other servers don't have so being creative with how we implement it won't hurt the server as long as game-breaking NPCs aren't added, but considering that the FM button used to be a part of the server, the impact of adding such NPCs does no more harm than reverting the original FM button changes anyways. I mean, what could go wrong?
Following on some of the points @Succubus made, maybe it (or the "inner" lounge) could be treated like the christmas tree maps where you can drop items, but none of the drops are permanent? Also, +1 the idea for max speed and jump in the map, that would be cool lol.
I think for the lounge to feel like home, we shouldn't feel like we're being restricted in it. I think the movement speed/skill issue is a huge problem - allowing us to use Haste and our natural movement passives and actives (Thrust, Dash, Wings, Recoil Shot, Teleport, Flash Jump, Monster Riding) should be a bare minimum if you ask me, but honestly, I think every non-buffing skill should be usable in the map. How many people have taken screenshots making a heart using two Buccaneer's Dragon Strike? Or used Paladin's Heaven's Hammer to whack people, spammed Crusader Shout and Dragon Knight's Dragon Roar at one another? I can totally appreciate the effort of not wanting to allow buff mules, and honestly, they get used anyway, just in different ways, so that restriction isn't as hard to swallow, but it kind of sucks that we can't use our regular skills to make our own personal movement and flashiness possible. Trading is another thing that people touched on that I honestly think should be allowed - some good points were raised about quick trades being possible and not interrupting whatever a person might be doing otherwise, and another really interesting one is the concept of trades following Omok/Match Card money matches, which I hadn't even thought of but realized I've done before myself. I can once again appreciate that this is may not fit with everyone's view of a Lounge, but honestly, there are a lot of completely innocent trades that can occur just through relaxing - swapping NX items to see how we look with a friends' cool item, or tossing chairs to friends to match as we sit together are huge ones that I think we've all done many times. I think getting back every non-party skill and having the one exception in Haste being allowed in the Lounge, and also allowing trading in some form to re-allow proper innocent movement of items would be a huge step in making the Lounge what I personally voted for in the last feedback thread. Having the function at all made me very happy, but it does honestly leave something to be desired, and I think it's why many people don't use it now that it's here. Hopefully these changes can be considered as a start, and other concepts in here that were good ideas (jukebox, smaller map, better layouts, etc) can come in time as well.
I disagree with allowing trade in lounge because it's so easy to abuse. Just press the lounge button, come in, trade and gtfo. All it does is make the lounge a more convenient version of the Free Market, and besides we already have the Free Market for this kind of activity. If we want the lounge and the free market to coexist, then we need to keep the kinds of activities permitted in both maps separate. The giveaway of prizes for Omok/Match card matches is really a simple matter. I think the simple workaround is already right here. Just do the matches in the lounge and do the trading in FM. Easy. The lounge already makes it so much easier to hold these matches than it was before and it's not like Omok/Match card matches happen all at once. I havent played in a single tournament but i bet there's lots of waiting already. With that logic, taking a while to collect prizes shouldn't even be a deterrent to these matches.
To restate for you since you appear to have missed it; I didn't say to allow all trades, just something to enable people who are using them innocently. As I said in my post, I can appreciate the goal of not wanting to allow everything, though I fundamentally disagree with it, and would be happy to accept a compromise that does not allow all trades, but still allows us to trade items with friends for more casual purposes, such as moving chairs and NX around to one another to match with friends or to try on different equips that friends may have. If we want the lounge and Free Market to coexist, I think we need to separate fun, the lounge, from business, the Free Market, and moving items around is part of both sides of this, and as such, a solution needs to be found, as currently this is not the case. Inconvenience is a deterrent to anything, and I think having to use two maps to accomplish one thing is inconvenient, but I suppose everyone's different. The owner of this server does not want it under any circumstances.
I do very much like the idea of the Lounge, I go there quite often and mostly to afk on whatever channel I was training/playing on but also for socialising purposes. But I too get exhausted by the fact that movement skills are not possible in the lounge and making every movement inside there tedious. I do agree with @Michael on which skills should be allowed besides the movement ones as it gets quite fun playing around with the skills in a peaceful environment, but not allowing the buff skills to avoid making Lounge a place where people store their skill mules and get to become one of the reasons why FM button was removed. An NPC like the one in FM selling smegas/tp rocks, etc. could be useful there as well. Smega'ing randomly happens quite often and it would happen again if there was a place where people just went to with the aim of chatting and relaxing. However, personally, I wouldn't want trading to be allowed there. If trading was allowed, sellers/buyers would prefer going to the Lounge instead of FM Entrance as they will go where ever there's more people. It could make FM Entrance obsolete and a ghost town only people passing through to stores. When there would be sellers/buyers, there would become a lot of spamming for sales and purchases and might disrupt the peaceful chatting environment for most. I know spamming ill go to whichever place that has more people in it but not allowing trading would restrict it even if it is by a little. FM would stay as a place people would go to for their market transactions and the Lounge would be a separate place for socialising. I could only see nx cosmetics items as a harmless trading but not sure if restricting trade to that is even possible.
I am not sold on the idea of a lounge that is separate from the FM. The community is pretty decent sized, but diluting numbers where numbers matter feels a little counterproductive to me. While it may seem convenient to go to the lounge, there is ultimately no real benefit (for non-minigame players) other than to chat or AFK. This defeats the points of convenience that players really desire, i.e. the FM button. The FM is a hub of activity and will always be without trade and buff restrictions. Conversations can always take place through buddy and guildchats anyway. To me it's good that it's implemented, so we can see how well it actually functions. The aesthetics are especially pleasing in the Lounge Pond, though I'm not sure why it needs to be in a second map? Would be good if it's all just 1 map since there's movement skill restrictions.
I don’t get the Lounge. I just don’t. And what’s up with the pond- is that a place supposed to have dates or something
Can't it be made so that all skills dispel when leaving the map? If so, you could make all skills usable, and just have the portal leaving dispel everything.
I'm getting used to the lounge, but I want to ask if it's royals specific, at least I didn't have this place in the former Maple Story, I like the music in the lounge pond, very much!
I recently noticed that lounge is mostly used to house mules safely when people are killing dangerous area bosses like Bigfoot and also to prevent the mules from leeching exp. I have a faint memory of asking GMs before the implementation of lounge whether Staff have ways to prevent the abuse of lounge button and the reply I remember was that it might send the character back to nearest town when exited. However, this is not the case and characters are sent right back to the map they came from. Are staff aware of this? Can something be done about it?
We can't "fix" every loophole there is, and GodlyBread made a valid point - you could always AFK in CS. After 6 months of having the Lounge, I personally am starting to dislike it, and by this point I would rather have it removed since it's literally not serving its purpose. To fix this, I'm personally suggesting to allow all kinds of buffs in the map. But if we still want to preserve the "don't-want-lounge-to-become-buff-zone" kind of issue, we could always dispel all buffs when the user exits, and that includes Echo, GM buffs, etc.
I tried that too but including my self, many others are afraid of getting stuck in CS by mistakenly pressing 1 wrong button (X) so people are reluctant when it comes to leaving mules in CS but lounge is a completely safe alternative.
Yea I personally don't see the purpose of having lounge when majority of players use FM to chill anyway o_o. That no-buff zone idea will have to be maintained otherwise it'd defeat the purpose of removing the FM button in 1st place.