my finger hurts from holding down a button for hours. a toggle hold down button would be nice. is it allowed? this would be considered "robotic play" in other words not allowed idk i see posts saying its allowed. any clarification from a gm would be appreciated. the extent of ahk i want to use is toggle to hold a button down until mob dies and then toggle it off. if there are specific perimeters where ahk is allowed in mapleroyals i would love to know that, thank you.
The one you post is a guy who wants to remap his keys because he has a broken keyboard. What you're asking to do is considered robotic play which is a ban worthy offence. Basically what the rules says is anything that allows your character to attack or do something without you being there is robotic play, no matter if you are there or not.
Basically 1 key = 1 action, and that key must be pressed by a human. If it's controlled by, for example a program like AHK or your own scripts, it's bannable.