crown [kroun] : a noun // any of various types of headgear worn by a monarch as a symbol of sovereignty, often made of precious metal and ornamented with valuable gems. STATUS: DEAD established on: July 7th, 2014 created by: Hanny & Starfish " The best thing about Crown is that we are always here for one another and we are never too quick to judge others. " We love one and other like a real family, and we always will, even if it's hard to know sometimes. Leaders Spoiler Hanny 14x Bowmaster Starfish 16x Bishop Jr Masters Spoiler Himeragi 17x Dark Knight Spoiler Nick is good looking and thick according to Kouki. He is one of the most helpful people that in the guild, knows basically everything and can easily figure out the answer for you. 11/10 worst DK ever though, can't even Zerk without a having his pet penguin out. ALWAYS dies everytime we zrun, while holding the best record of having 17 consecutive deaths in a run. Huff15x Dark Knight Spoiler Haider is hands down, the King of Kindness. No matter whom you are, he will help you out until his job is done. He's been with us since the beginning of Crown, and hopefully you'll stay with us forever, because only Crown can have Haider. ps. HAIDER YOU NEED TO TEACH US HOW TO BE NICE LIKE YOU I DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW YOU CAN BE SO NICE. JUST ACCEPT THE GIFTS WE GIVE YOU PLEASE, YOU SCAMMER OF OVERPAYING!! also, He is cute and smart inrl ladies. Hit him up Rehab 14x Hero Spoiler Matt is the biggest joker of the guild. If he can't make you laugh, you need to rethink your purpose of life. HE IS STARFISH'S HUSBAND NOW SO ALL SEA CREATURES INCLUDING WHALES. BACK OFF. joking, he is a kawaii boy that carries me in League and IS VERY GOOD AT IT, IAN. Oh yeah, have fun in Jail Matt. I'll visit you often. Rabbits 11x Chief Bandit Hefty 13x Dark Knight Members Spoiler Warriors masscome [17x Hero] 4thJobSeries [14x Hero] Lioness [14x Dark Knight] Caboose [14x Hero] Weakest [14x Hero] Excalibur [13x Hero] KoolAid [13x Dark Knight] Tommy [12x Hero] Underoath [12x Dark Knight] DatAssian [10x Dragon Knight] Ammi [11x White King] Supernatural [8x Crusader] Kairos [8x Crusader] PattyCake [6x Fighter] Kafei [6x Fighter] Devkit [3x Fighter] Seashell [2x Swordman] Malicious [2x Swordman] Magicians Corrosive [18x Bishop] Livelily [18x Bishop] Kekturi [17x Bishop] Weezing [17x Bishop] Plenty [17x Bishop] Dakkery [16x Bishop] SenaChan [16x Bishop] Ducel [16x Bishop] Guinevere [15x Bishop] Assembly [14x Bishop] GriZ [14x Bishop] HSSlave [14x Bishop] Snickers [13x Bishop] Ninja12 [13x Bishop] Flashmonkey [13x Arch Mage] Forbidden [12x Bishop] XDDD [12x Bishop] Hiraboshi [11x Priest] DYEL [10x Priest] Hullie [10x Mage] Corrosion [10x Mage] Emilie [9x Mage] Lyte [9x Priest] Noah [9x Priest] BishPATTEh [8x Priest] Macaroon [8x Priest] pumpkinsoup [8x Mage] Verb [7x Priest] Quasar [6x Wizard] PinkBanana [4x Cleric] Heiress [2x Magician] Archers Quiver [14x Bowmaster] Pubes [14x Bowmaster] Huntsman [13x Bowmaster] KingOfSwag [8x Ranger] AlphaOmega [8x Ranger] Breathe [8x Ranger] Tourist [8x Ranger] Jutter [7x Ranger] RoachIV [7x Ranger] Panikak [7x Sniper] Lucidity [7x Ranger] Shoogy [4x Hunter] Ison [3x Hunter] Thieves Kouki [16x Night Lord] Linyah [15x Shadower] Dakker [14x Night Lord] Booties [12x Shadower] Strr [12x Night Lord] PerpIexed [12x Night Lord] Perplexed [12x Shadower] Tritonal [10x Chief Bandit] Protien [10x Chief Bandit] Emuree [10x Chief Bandit] Deej [10x Hermit] Gamaclz [8x Hermit] Tribute [8x Hermit] DatAssassin [8x Hermit] SwaggyP [8x Chief Bandit] Yeji [7x Chief Bandit] NightlordGL [6x Bandit] Pangsai [5x Assassin] Memnarch [4x Assassin] Pirates Lunatic [13x Corsair] StayGold [5x Gunslinger] Beginner Relative [6x Beginner] Follow the T & C of MapleRoyals, which can be found here. Be respectful the other guildmates, this means do not start stupid drama or cause unnecessary conflict between guildmates. We know we can't always be on Maple 24/7,but aleast try to get on whenever possible, if you become unactive within a week without a notifying anyone as to why you're not on, you will be kicked from the guild. HACKING will NOT be tolerated. If anyone alerts us that you're hacking, you will not be permitted to join us again. Don't bother asking to become a Jr. We don't plan on giving away Jr like it's candy. We give out Jr only to the people that truly deserved it. Since the Crown family is growing rapidly, we're fairly limited on space. Filling this out will help us get you know you better before joining the guild, and best of wishes to you! Spoiler Name: Age: Sex: Character Name: Job: Level: Location: Join date: 1] Do you know anyone in Crown? if so, who? 2] Why would you like to join Crown? 3] Do you use Skype? 4] How much do you play MapleRoyals? 5] Have you ever been in any other guild on MapleRoyals? if so, which and how long? 6] Tell me a joke. :')
Had to clear my room earlier then expected so I'm on hiatus my closest estimate as to when I'll be online again is 2-3 weeks.
Name/Location: Jeremy/ US, GA CharacterName/Level/Class: Unlucky/152+/Bishop Interests: CSGO, Diablo 3, Maple Royals Why do I want to Join? Because nobody wants me and i want to wreck zakum
IGN: Rehab level :130 class: hero interests: i like long walks on the beach, candle lit dinners, and tomatos with pepper
If you still want to join, whisper me in game :') Hi Rehab! please tell us when you're online and we'll gladly add you to the guild ^^