Not having much luck joining zak expeditions so I'm counting on BFs for exp. I have a hs mule and you'll be getting solo leech exp as well as toe if you need it. All you need is to be level 105 and above, be willing to afk for 10 mins-ish, and to find me a BF. Exp you get is around 5.1million. All i need is exp and the nx it drops. Pm me in game at 3825 or 3285 lol Also, J> zak always.
He is currently self ban because he has no self control. Told me to let yall know. Here is his self ban thread.
So now we're gonna see a wild broccoli roam the forests. I guess there's no use I go there anymore. BF = Broccoli Fanatic?
I am willing to Zak with you I often host runs with weird classes, because one morning I realized that there were other classes available in Maple than just NLs. I'm just semi-active though, so it won't be daily. But tonight, perhaps?