Hi I'm requesting a rollback for my character (IGN:leroylin96) if possible ! I accidentally NPC-ed an 8 WA PGC at CBD while selling items to the NPC. I know it may not be much to some players but I really grinded a lot to be able to afford that PGC so I'm trying my luck to get it back one way or another... Anyway, if its possible, I'm requesting a rollback to 1st August 9.40 SGT for my character. Thanks in advance!
I'm sorry to heard that but I can say it is IMPOSSIBLE to rollback for your character, as to many cases happened before, I remember someone NPC-ed 5x Chaos scrolls and asked a GM to give back his Chaos! I'm sorry to say so!
Well, thats 21 hours of leech down the drain then. Kinda wish they had the system that allowed us to re-buy items from the NPC. Oh well, thanks for the reply!
Just did the same thing, very stupid.. 100 bow 30% and 69 claw 30% gone into the Item Seller Albert... I wish there is a way to get them back..