To make things easier for everyone.. can we get a swear filter so every time someone swears it just comes out as *'s eg: i type "my damage is shit" everyone sees "my damage is ****" Especially for the N word.. it's so commonly used in some cultures and people are getting banned left right and center over that, why not just bleep it out to avoid the issue? Should consider that swearing in young adult culture has become so second nature most people don't even think about it/realise they do it. Talking naturally amongst friends almost feels like a risk to me just in case I slip up.
i agree it's lame, i would prefer to say whatever the **** i want but if it means that every time i send anyone a message I get ****ing banned.. well that's even more lame. Either allow it or get rid of it, or make clearer rules on exactly where/when/what you can say otherwise it's like walking through a field of landmines
You could always learn how to control it. Just because it's a server, doesn't it really need a mature filter.
Tell me the logic behind this.. the rules below make it seem like you aren't allowed to swear AT ALL, yet this server allows you to do so. People have also said to me that you can swear in private chat to friends etc... but what if someone overhears eg: buddy chat or party chat etc.. then you get insta banned with no mercy.. at least swear filter the N word since it seems like no matter where you say that, you get insta banne wut?
If you're afraid of getting banned, don't swear. And no, I don't speak english. What language is that?
Don't know if this is a coincidence or not but I have contemplated adding the n word and magatia to a filter system lolol. I even though about "gm plz help" hahaha... but figured that was a bit extreme.
Lol man too funny.. magatia lololol The rules could be a little clearer regarding the use of common swearing, it's much easier to obey and enforce the rules when they're clear Eg: - No swearing in Smegas - No swearing in FM/Towns while talking in "All" - Swearing allowed in "All" if you're out of a populated area - Swearing allowed in buddy/party/guild/etc (unless your buddies/party/guild has specifically requested otherwise) The best possible option would be having a swear filter that the user could toggle in the options. Then whether or not they see swears is up to them, and everyone who swears could happily carry on talking as they normally do without jeopardizing their accounts safety