Yay to latest update Wedding is now available and legally marry to any genders as we wish Let's share our wedding photos Spoiler: NOT YET MARRY? How to marry? Thanks to Kai for making a thread to guide us! Wish all couples in MapleRoyals forever happily ever after
Married with one of @Waterlemon 's girl character yesterday~ We invited our mutual friend @WooHoo321 to attend our wedding We love the new wedding functions except collecting ingredients. Spoiler: Brought my own bishop to attend my wedding >.>
Hehe married with our first mains~ Spoiler: Summon our animals in our wedding Spoiler: Married our new characters too ;)
Yeah it was a nice wedding :3. We all laughing cause my "kiss face" looks more like a pissed off anime girl than an actual kiss.
Not sure what else I can add to this. But... I'm so, so lucky. And thanks for coming @TheDel, @kindereggbom, and @Ayane. And everyone from the Earth guild!