In a real country, its criminal law would be divided to various degree. Some people violate law by accident, it gives them slightly punishment like months; some people violate more serious law, it gives years of punishment; only a few people who really do something can not be made up should get death penalty. But in our rule now, we have only "under 1 month ban" and "permanently ban". It like a world just gives you "1 month term of imprisonment" or "death penalty". I think everyone who played this game is really like maple and they wanna regain their childhood. Human's life is just 80-90 years at most, I think if GM gives them like 1 years ban, it's really enough to let them know such a bad thing they did, also enough to make them wont violate the rule again. I post this proposal really from my heart. I hope GM teams can seriously take this issue.
You are just thinking for those who break rules and get better advantage in game to be given chance. What about those who don't break rules and don't have any advantage? If the GMs give chance and free them, they will continue to have advantage. So what's the meaning of playing the game? You play the game with effort and hardwork and not free and easy. I feel like what Kai said read rules and don't break it. So if murder a person in real life and sentence to death are you going to ask for another chance? Lol weird question..
i think the hard punishment is what server like this need and what keep so many people at bay!.. this should remain like this, and i for once don't want to see a guy who hack/bot/cheat/vote abuse/harrash people etc. for god know how long and gain illegitimately levels, wealth or ruin other people good time to be back a year later like it was nothing.. he should not be part of this community or be able to play in this server with or without new account/fresh start. if you like the real world analogy and don't mind cliche, think about this: "Ignorance of the Law Is No Excuse" "if you can't do the time, don't do the crime" "you have to be responsible for your own actions" you agree to the rules when you open your account and create character.. all you have to do is follow them and don't brake any of them! and enjoy the game as it meant to be played.
I read the rule, and I'm suggesting to change it to make it better. As carrot said, we shouldn't give murders another chance. But as I said, we just have "under 1 month" or "permanent" ban. Only the people who made a slightly mistake we gave him "under 1 month", that means we saw which others did as serious as a murder … ? Another question asked by carrot is people who break the rule will keep getting adventage after they unban. As I said, if we gives him like 1 years ban, he can do nothing like vote, making mesos or lvling, it should enough to make up the adventage which they had got.
how is suggesting to keep hackers, abusers, and nasty people in the game is in any way "better"? we better off without them and it's not like we short on players in the community there are about 5,000 active players, if someone did something horrible to get perma ban we don't want anything to do with him. if someone stupid/nasty enough to commit the same minor crimes for the third time he/she is not deserve a fourth chance! it's that simple follow the rules else "you" OUT! and no!, if you get busted for take adventage in illegitimate way, even if you get ban for 5 years when you get back (unban) what you got is still illegitimate and should not be in your possession in the first place, no matter how much the ban was and how much time he lost to "atone" for the illegitimate act. the current rules is what a game like this need! (maybe little bit add some about scam topic) but nothing less then what its like right now!
That's just not viable. And, you can't compare murder with vote abuse. They're way^∞ far apart in terms of severity, since you're using real life examples.
My point is we shouldn't just simplely gives"under 1 month" and "permanent" ban. We're not a country doesn't means we can't make the rule(or the punishment) complete like the real world. This is what I means "better". To response absolian's 2nd pharagraph. If a person vote abused to gain 240k nx(just assume), equal to 1 month that normally you can get by voting, and we gives him 1 years ban, obviously it won't still keep abuser in adventage position. We should not tangle in "what they got is still illegal". Just like if someone violate law, you wouldn't say: We can't remove the advemtage which he had got(not to mention in royal we can still make him remove adventage like my 2nd paragraph), so we make it simple to gives him death penalty. Murder is not my example btw.
My point is we will not make the rules anymore relax than it already is, as it'll only open doors to more abusers. And no, giving them a 1 year ban solves nothing. And we get alot of such requests from rule breakers -- "please ban me for 1 month, or 3 months!! I promise i won't do it againzxc!"; sorry but not, that's not how the system works. You quoted it and used it to support your statement, so if that's not an example used by you, I don't know what is. But that's not what I'm here to discuss about. I'm here to tell you that relaxing the rules any further is not something we'll consider.
OMG! you right since he broke the rule in major scale this "adventage" is lost along side his account and his right to play! the 3 million (2.9m actually) NX he gonna miss during the one year of ban wont even cross his mind and when he's back, he will try other metheds to cheat since he clearly don't give a damn about rules! also from what i understand you can still vote during a ban. no room for fourth chance! its like you're real life analogy.. you first just a attack some innocent bystanders, get 7 days ban (ie 1 or 2 months jail time). you get release and then you attack another dude who walk by you, the judge get pissed then he punish you for 30 days ban (half a year to 8 months fail time.) then when you get out you attack and kill.. that's it you lost the privilege to play in royals and get perma ban (death penalty) i can't imagine anyone other than the family of the guy ask to give him another chance! the end! ill say it again, fourth chance is far to many! and change 30 days to 1 year wont gonna help either! "you" manage to get yourself perma ban, live with it! and move on with your life, other servers out there.. some of the x999 is right up those people ally since there is no need to cheat anymore. and after 5 minutes and 58 rebirth get to realisation shit this is boring..
For the serious offences that warrant a month to permanent ban, term "accidentally" cannot be applied. Unless the person has legit printed and certified note proving that he has down syndrome (and other pyschological disorders), every rule breaker does it intentionally. Us players always say we "didn't know such rule existed". Everyone is told to read the rules when they register and this is a MUST not "read if you are feeling generous and pitiful". If that wasn't enough, staff made a summary of the rules to appear when you login for the first time. If people ignore that hospitality, they are saying "I don't want to follow these rules so I'm not even gonna bother reading it". That's intentionally laying down the foundation for future excuse of "didn't know the rule". Even if the person didn't have that exact intention at that moment, such gesture implies aforementioned thought process. The lesser we have of those people, the cleaner the server will get.
if i may add to what Sparky95 said, there are also every few minutes (i think every 15 minutes) in-game "Global chat" one of the rules in unique yellow color. so the "i didn't know because i didn't bother to read the rules" is far from valid excuse..
I don't see this as an unreasonable consideration. While I agree that it seems silly to be as serious as to apply real world in-depth methods of obtaining justice to a game, it is true that if we cared as much, it would be necessary to follow them to get closer to being just in terms of punishments. I can accept the answer to keep the rules the same for the sake of simplicity and understanding, but I really hope no one actually considers the rules in place to be wholly just and fair. You can't boil down all incidents into being worthy of two different degrees of punishment without some cases seeming undeserving of the penalty. Say someone on trial for glitch abuse, despite the glitch hardly able to be considered giving the user a competitive edge, (the whole reason the rule is set in place) they must receive the same punishment as someone who abused a glitch clearly for a massive competitive edge. But those are the things we'll have to deal with so that the admins don't have to become a full fledged justice system.
I'd say, using strict punishment to force people don't dare to violate the rule is not a good method of management wherever in game or real world. The undeniable fact is, there's a big gap between "under 1 month ban" and "perm ban". This means we made the rule(or the punishment) too simple and incomplete. Even you says "this will open a door to banner", the fact still exist. You just pretend it invisible. I do agree the reasonable punishment should exist, but it shouldn't be a non-top punishment. Also, 1 year or years ban is not a slightly punishment, Banner would not take this as a "door"(I assume you wanna remain "strict" punishment), because the thing they lost during the period of banned would far away more then they get. It is enough that punishment more than the benefit they got. I just wanna clearly convey what I think, so if there's any word make you feel offended I apologize for it.
Does that mean you're suggesting we should have more lenient rules? (In what way can it help?) The purpose of strict punishment + rules is meant to ensure players won't even try to violate the rules I don't understand what's so hard to avoid offenses such as account sharing, RWT or vote abuse.
Can people not use analogies to drive an argument unless they're identically consequential to the thing being compared? Noone ever argued or implied that being permanently banned was even near as bad as the death penalty, it just serves as a similar circumstance at a hugely different scale. I don't agree that we should be so serious that we must reference real world laws to reduce in scale and apply to a video game, but it's true that if we were that serious in offering tiny justice to this similarly inconsequential game, referencing those laws could be necessary. I believe that is what the argument is aiming for. I don't like further giving life to this thread, but the appeals to authority and strawmen are getting to me, I wanted to get this off my chest.