Hello Since i have seen crazy Hp washes in this server, i asked me how somebody can get the 30 marples in 2nd job adv test or even defeat the clone from jobinstructor during 3th job test, if all Ap are placed in INT ? I asked me if it is possible to stay first job and leech to lv100+ and do all the job advancements after AP are back into the stat the char actually needs to be able to hit smth?? XD
You can do third and fourth job at any level you want, even level 200, without any consequence! However, you really should do second job at level 30. The natural HP and natural MP formulas are apparently different if you stay at first job, so doing second job on time is quite important. To do second job with all your AP in int, all you need is: 30 Heartstoppers 30 Maple Pops 10 luk earring 10 luk bathrobe Garnier Ilbis You'll kill the mobs for the marbles just fine, promise.
You get 5 fresh ap from each 3rd and 4th job advancement. If you are still putting base int even after lv 70 and lv 120, then you will have slight disadvantage if you job advance later.
Thanks for your answers You helped me alot how much base luk i need to success the 30 marplestest if i just have a garnier100% scrolled 14luk bathrobe and 8 att wg XD ?
4 base luk is just fine! It'll take you a bit longer, but you'll be okay. Luk earrings are super cheap though, so you might want to buy one. Don't forget your Heartstoppers and Maple Pops or you'll regret it!
I think if you go with those gears and bring heartstoppers & amoria basket (or maple pop) you will be fine. Just bring them enough. about 30 heartstoppers just in case. Edit: Also buy luk earring like Shiyui said. 3rd job advancement is gonna be alot harder if you dont have any luk in your stat. You will eventually need descent luk earring
Ok i have another question: I watched this video: The dude gets fresh levelup AP and puts it into MP, then he resets from MP into Dex. But isnt it more usefull to do HPwash and MPwash at the same time with the fresh 5AP? Like: (1) you put all 5 fresh AP into MP (2) Reset 5xMP into HP (to do the mp wash) (3) Reset 5xMP into Dex (to do the hp wash) He is doing: (1) put all 5 fresh AP into MP (to do the mp wash) (2) Reset 5xMP into Dex (3) If he use AP-resets now it wont allow him to get MP to HP anymore, because he did put into a mainstat, right?
oh wait... iam noob XD I just realized i can hp wash as often i want aslong i didnt put the AP back into mainstat ^_^ Thats right?
As far as I know. The only class you need lvl up AP for is thieves. All other classes you can simply put 1 AP into HP and then reset -MP to +HP. It either gives the same HP or more. I've tested with warriors and bowmen. Only class I haven't washed is mages and pirates. But yea, as far as I know the only class you have to save AP for is thieves. That's for normal HP washing anyway. I've never had to MP wash because I can't be bothered to wash past 10k hp. Except for warriors which you can easily get to 18k hp at 135 with just 80 int.
Yup, that's right! When you HP wash with AP Reset AP (using AP Resets to -MP +HP over and over again), you're recycling just one AP between MP and HP forever. So as long as you have just one AP in HP or MP, you can do the -MP +HP cycle at any level! Thieves do not HAVE to use level up AP. Level up AP HP gain: 20-24 HP AP Reset AP HP gain: 16-20 HP So you gain a bonus of 4 HP every time you use level up AP to HP wash a thief, but you certainly don't have to use level up AP only. In fact, with very high HP goals, there's not even enough level up AP that exist to get to say 30k HP, so people who make 30k HP NLs end up having to use AP Reset AP to HP wash to get there. Mages and pirates also get more HP when using AP Reset AP for what it's worth. Only thieves benefit by using level up AP.
Does anyone know if the natural hp/mp gain is indeed different before and after the second job advancement? I've heard both side of the story. https://royals.ms/forum/threads/double-hp-wash.1456/#post-5573 From this it seems that only the first job advancement is significant and important to do on time. Not sure if I'm misinterpreting it but do let me know.