I'd love to CWKPQ but I won't be playing much until October because of real life duties. (I still have to do the PreQ too ) IGN: Gert LVL: 150 JOB: Marksman
Noted! I have duties IRL too. Hard to do both Maple and life sometimes, lol. So yeah, going to stay away from CWKPQ and Maple completely for a while
Finished my shads prequests aswell, hit me up~ loved to join forces and do some pqing! VunzigeHond - lvl 156 Shadower
i would like to join CWKPQ. DopeStylo - lvl 137 NL I have not done prequests or such. (if there is any)
I'm about to host a run, starting maybe around 13:30 servertime (within an hour from now) Currently have: Warriors: EclipseDK, <free slot> Archers: <free slot> <free slot> Mages: Exarch, <free slot> Thieves: Storie, PrayForYan Pirates: TEHrelentlez, <free slot> @Gert wanna join? We're missing both Warrior and Archer