A few times this topic has been brought up. Majority of the responses say that Manon is too easy to find. I guess you guys are just unlucky at that hour, at that one day, at that particular time. Horntailing more than 4 times a day 1-2 months ago, I only remember that I couldn't really find Manon once. To be frank as well, I think no one out there actually hunts manon for NX or Skillbooks. Whoever hunts them for NX should know it's just a waste of time since most of the time Manon drops less than 250NX. Skillbooks? Just owl them.
Since you can party kill Manon for HTp quest then it would be better to invite more people and share to achieve the quest..
It would be nice to have a portal on Manon's map that takes you into a generated area with a Manon just for 4th job advancement. No additional drops, no EXP, no NX, just simply a completion area for getting job advancement.
i once told my alliance that i hunted manon for energizers in my spare time that apparentally offended someone and i got blocked
I hunted like 700 Manons during early new source for phoenix 30 and achilles 30 . I wonder why their drop rate became so high in newsource. They used to be 150m ish in old source.
All quest + skill related bosses should be instanced with no nx, exp, drops or any rewards. I remember smashing my keyboard having to get a new one because it took me 3 hours of trying to find griffey JUST to unlock berserk
please dont look at the spoilers in my signature u might change that number immdediately Spoiler: But seriously tho One way i like to vent my frustation at the fact that no one wants to bring my 136 hero to krex is by killing manons I like to think that if no one can go ht then maybe they'll bring me krex too bad i get bored and go rest after killing the manons