Your Character Names: GRABmybaiis, HUGEFatDude, RapperViper Last thing you did: AFKing in CBD on Grabmybaiis trying to buy zhelm for HUGEFatDude Why do you think you got banned?: I called someone a virgin then defamed him after I was accused of KSing, then I logged off. Two(?) days later when I logged on he /found me and defamed me. Point proven, he is a virgin Ban message when attempting to log in: "This is an ID that has been deleted or blocked from connection. Please check again." What GM banned you (optional): -
your ign GRABmybaIIs is inappropriate, you will need to chose a new ign for that character, the ban will be lifted in the next server check
We didn't have the time to deal with name changes in the last server check, it should be done in the next one
When can I expect the next server check? I would like to enjoy the Halloween event at least a little bit First offense: 3 day ban Next server check: 1 month from now Afaik there will only be a server check at the end of the event, or if Matt finds another bug he forgot to test when he rushed the update.
The offense committed was not Inappropriate Content, it was a breach of the rules of account creation. As you broke the rules, it is not on us to hurry up and remedy the situation.
So you deleted my post, is Muff not considered a sexually vulgar name? I would like to hear your thoughts on this