oh hi Do any of you have a ritual you do for gaining favor with the scrolling gods? I don't like to do them all consecutively and do it like one scroll per map. Or I pick the tallest area in a map or the nicest view. Doing so, I've successfully averaged booming more than half my 70% scrolls. Which is unfortunate but statistically impressive. But I also seem to avg more than 1 in 10 pass for 10% scrolls. I also drop the scroll in fm 1 entrance and pick it up fast without anyone looking for good luck. And if you accidentally lose it and someone runs off with it your next one has increased odds!!! What do y'all do if anything?
Type "IM QUITTING" in all caps then throw it all in and enjoy the 100% fail rate and fireworks. Sadistic gods
I've noticed the stated percentages actually vary depending on what youre scrolling. For example... Successfully scrolling shield MA or bottom Dex 30s, at least once every 3 times, and yet, consecutively fail 21 claw ATk 30%s and 8 destroyed red cravens.
I usually use class buffs just for kicks before, then troll scroll with some random useless scrolls before using the important scroll. With 10% troll scrolls I usually wait until at least 5 or 6 failures before introducing my initial 10% or 30% scroll. When troll scrolling with 60%s I add the important 60% after 2 - 4 failures. I honestly would say this is just a supersition, but it's a lot less stressful than just instantly throwing your important scrolls on the equip and watch them fail in a row. And when the 10% troll scrolls succeed 2, 3 times in a row I usually want to double the amount of failures before introducing my main scroll. Not that this would have ANY affect on a scroll's success rate cause let's face it, it's still just a superstition.
This is actually best way to play I feel. Hahaha... The difference is while you may have to pay a premium for godly scrolled equips, and take a smaller cut of profit if you only merch pre-scrolled equips, you don't have to suffer the heartache of seeing all your money turn to dust because RNG decided to be a grumpy bitch that day.
ask buddy list if they want to see me scroll ch7 fm7 get all the party buffs from them sit in my favorite toilet ducky chair when i'm ready, jump and scroll it at the peak of my jump and then cry and screech that i'm quitting royals because it fails
I was half expecting a huge multipage debate regarding the dummy scroll paradox but i see some dumb funny shit here lmao inb4 'i believe in myself making 36att sock so i make it' nek minnit 0 att
I just YOLO it everytime. Never waste any time (or money) on superstition or dummy scrolling. Just keeping throwing 30's on it until you see the boom
excuse me fm7 ch7 is trash yesterday i hit a cs in fm7 ch7 on my 4 att clean PGC +0 att i hit another cs on it, 4 att 4 slot failed bought a nice near-perfect craven first 30% boom
For me, the best solution was simply not to scroll altogether. I almost always buy items that are already scrolled beforehand by other players, to save me the trouble of dealing with scrolls failing. Scrolling always has had this feeling of being inside a casino and doing a gamble, basically. The only times I do scrolling myself is when I simply cant find what I'm looking for already scrolled in FM stores. The spot or the situation in which you do the scrolling, really doesn't affect the success rate. Although, in the past, I noticed when you're around many people - it somewhat reduces the success rate by a bit. I remember it back in the day from GMS, when I used 7 60%'s in a row which all failed - in a crowded channel 1 free market entrance.
I invite @gtsoldi4r along to watch me fail. Then he succumbs to his desires and ends up with ALL the godly stuff!