Pretty difficult if I don't care about the subject I'm writing about. When I was in college and took classes I wanted to take, then essays or exams were easier because I cared more.
If it's something I'm interested in, I can easily exceed the word limit, if there's any. But generally, I find it a chore because most of the time, academic requires you to write tons of essays for things you're not interested in.
Precisely this. It’s entirely based on the topic. By entirely, I mean, the difference between staring at a blank page for hours versus completing it in that same timeframe lol.
"Write a problem-solution essay on cultural appropriation using only academic resources". I hated this essay of mine the most lol... it was almost impossible to find any academic resources for it.
I hated writing essays when I was in high school. Now that I look back... I actually miss those days where I could express anything I wanted on the paper. I'm currently stuck for months writing a research report that stretches up to 20000 words and 60 pages in length. SOS
Generally, I just hated essays because I knew I was just writing it for some class or some professor to read it once for a grade and then throw it away, but the research part can be fun because I like learning about new stuff. I find writing essays themselves comes pretty naturally to me, even if it is a topic I don't really relate to. My boyfriend recently asked me to help him with an essay on the influence of totalitarianism on Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, and it was boring as hell to write but he ended up with an A. I graduated from a STEM field though, so hopefully I never need to write another essay again.
(loved all my subjects) English used to be one of my favourites in high school even though it was easily my worst subject. I find literature based essays extremely interesting and used to love writing them as well as proofreading others'. Research-based essays and papers generally appeal less to me unless I'm actively involved in forming the research question. My extended essay in high school was in maths and I loved every bit of it :x... uni research papers was entertaining but a rather steep learning curve as a result though since I learnt 0 research skills writing that high school one lel By far the least favourite type of essays for me are the "reflect on ________" that in my course is usually related to indigenous cultural awareness or reflecting on a certain placement / interaction. These are generally hurdle requirements and tickboxes more than anything and unfortunately I don't really find these meaningful. Ironically these take me the longest time because there is the infinite tendency to procrastinate, but I know of friends who can easily do 1000+ words/hr when it comes to these (it's like, they don't even need to think about what kind of bs they're putting down). But yeah in generally I'm quite happy about writing, to answer OP's question.
I have trouble bsing them past 3-4 pages. English class was so tedious to where writing/typing has gone college level for me forever. I see people going to college and still typing like they haven't learned a thing.
Well, you see... the truth is I'm not actually trying to write essays on the forums. Most users on the forums keep their posts shorter, using simpler vocabulary and less words, but I try to introduce something newer to the community. Yeah yeah, not everyone likes it, but you can't satisfy everyone. I dont get as many likes as many others on here, but who ever said I care about how many Likes I get, etc.? Most of the time, my posts or threads lead to a healthy, detailed and interesting discussion of a certain topic. As stated before, if you don't like it, you don't have to read it, or reply to it, etc. Did I ever criticize anyone else on the forums here? I'm probably the first one lately to be criticized by a few people. To these people, I say, "keep it to yourself and we won't have any problems".
I actually miss writing essays as my academic/career trek has relied on math almost exclusively. Math is comforting because it's concise and often absolute. Writing is an entirely different way of thinking, like a left or right brain sort of thing. Perhaps if one's current occupation focuses only one side of the brain, the other side feels malnourished lol.