I currently have a lvl 99 hermit with 200 int. The goal is to reach around 18khp but I can't afford that many AP resets, especially not right now. It would take me almost half a year of leeching and getting lucky with gacha/scrolling to finish it. Also, I needa fund him with good gear which is also expensive af. I like the idea of making another warrior since HP washing is much cheaper. I enjoy playing both jobs but funding my thief just costs way more. I'm also into the idea of making a chief bandit, it's one of my favorite jobs.
In that case I would go for hero . I found it pretty hard to find a boss party with low range NL even though with decent washed HP. But at the end, enjoy what you find the most fun.
For NL, I think you should lower the goal standard if you are lacking meso. 10k hp is enough without hb in HT party. Instead you can use those extra fund on your gear. I don't how much ap reset these day. But from what I have heard, we are almost at old source price so ap reset prices should be much affordable than what they were used to be. Warrior route isn't bad at all. Currently, I think all 3 warriors are good in their own way. Dk has HB. Hero can hit muli targets (Hero has potential hit more target than DK). DK and hero both delivers decent amount of damage. Paladin can nullify weapon cancel. I actually had a daily zak duo hero partner that had base int 350 with paladin crash mule. I actually prefer him over any other higher range warrior because it was much faster with his helpful paladin crash mule. From him, I've heard Paladin has a potential to beat hero and dk in damage output if the target has elemental weakness. Chief bandit might get buff according to here . It's one of the most unique class to play. But I've gotta say I agree what @Woni C said It's a game that you should enjoy what you are playing. Choose a class that you think you enjoy the most.
Yeah I enjoy playing NL's too but I can't enjoy it if my dmg is so trash. That's why I'm considering playing other jobs. I think i'll go with a hero/CB. From my knowledge, CB's dont need exp gear because of Meso explosion; they only needa HP wash correct?
18k is a waste of money, I washed my nl to 16k at 175 and then stopped washing (even though I could wash 18k with my extra mp) and I can do every boss in the game and do sed in ht easily with it Honestly even 16k is a bit high, 12k is probably enough for you (can tank shaolin with 12k)
the 18k target is probably to get ready for pink bean, since you can't say there'll be a DRK for sure in every run. The game in its current state though, 12k is way more than enough for sure.
this. if PB comes out and I dont have enough HP, i'll have to remake a new one. Even with HB, i believe pink bean has debuff
All non mage classes need funding if you want decent damage output because they all eventually wear same attack gears (fs/rs , bfc/pgc, scg/bwg). It's just NL requires little more washing than other classes. Once you overcome that, funding any classes is pretty much same. You don't even need to wash 10k. You can just find a DK friend or right community who can HB you in HT. With HB, the minimum hp you should aim goes down to like 7k which is very durable with now us having a lot of equips with HP, HP quest, and extra HP buff. From what I know, CB don't require any hp washing because of meso guard. People choose CB as a sed mule for HT for a reason because it's impossible to die as CB having meso guard/ shadow shitfter/ high avoid. Even they get 1/1, CB is only class that don't get 1/1 because of meso guard. Since you are worrying about hp washing, I think you are aiming to do HT run eventually. I don't know how CB works in HT. But @Helicases, who is probably top or one of the CB, never uses meso explosion: And if you do have to depend your damage on meso explosion. You better have a strong finger or it will get numb. With HT run being for 2 hours, you gotta constantly click. Meso explosion damage output will depend how fast you drop meso. I can't imagine doing that for 2 hours straight.
You'd need like 9k+ range to join pink bean probably anyway, even if you were high HP you wouldn't be able to beat pink bean with a normal NL (cause of the 1 hour timer) so only the strongest ones could join
i guess I'll try a hero and see where it goes. Also, I dont have the funds to afford balanced furies, only enough for like 3 sets of cilbis
Hero is super strong and easier to wash, especially if you have funding with a farmer bishop. Wash it to 30K HP is cheap, while leveling and CPQ will be easy for you. Without SI, DPS will be higher then a DK so thats also another plus. Hero is also super strong in CWKPQ, with the upcoming mulung dojo and alchemist ring, you can easily equip a MoN instead of a HTP which boost your range quite alot as well!
It's not worth holding cilbi until you have high attack gear (like +50 attack gears). You better off using those fund to upgrade attack gear for constant damage. Gaining+2 attack to hold billions worth of stars with low attack gears isn't a wise move. Cilbi/fury are not mandatory for NL. Using ilbi and hwabi is fine. I myself who holds + 63 attack gears use hwabis:
I'm going to take a completely difference stance on this situation and recommend him to play night lord instead, although hero is also a well rounded class. Personally I think going Night Lord is the best option because they have amazing utility (alchemist 15 min onyx apples + 1.5min heart stoppers), avoid (30% dodge rate from shadow shifter), and mobility (flash jump & haste). In the official version of Maple Story, their only real flaw was the lack of hp but hp washing fixes that on this server. Other than that they are dependent on sharp eyes but many bossing parties should have a bowman anyways. I would assume your main goal is to eventually Horntail but sadly many parties only like to take one or no melee in their squads. It seems like the only obstacle in your situation would be HP washing but as many said above you don't have to wash to 18k immediately as its not necessary (I'd personally recommend hp washing to ~9-10k by 155 anyways so you can enjoy horntail without hyper body). Furthermore, attackers use the same equips (cape/glove/shoe) and weapons are generally around the same price. unless you are comparing a perfect dragon purple sleeve with another weapon.. @Eli answers this really well here
Hm, so it's hard to get recruited as a hero to HT unless you got connections/buddies. How's the dps comparing NL to hero?