Why does he have the mining icon on the top left, I thought that came to Maplestory much later? Or was it different on KMS?
This ss was taken much later, after Bigbang. I couldn't find an older picture for his character after lvl 200.
I used to grind 8+ hours on x2 exp coupons with Maverin (Martin) daily for the longest time at Grim Phantom Watchers, in between grinding we used to talk alot, he was from Germany and his english was not that good. Shortly before he quit he indeed talked with me about being to addicted to the game and some health issues. He never talked about using any sorts of speed/drugs so I dont know if that part is true. I have alot of old school SS's from the good ol EMS days, sadly enough they are on a broken HDD if I ever decide to pay the money to fix that HDD ill be sure to upload alot of those good memories :3. My IGN in EMS was iSmex [DK] and was in one of the top guilds Solaris, if anyone on here recognizes my IGN feel free to hit me up in game ^^ Cheers ~~
Lol i was an ols player on EMS never to high lvl but i was played on the beginings was an amazing server what abouts lTzDaniel first spanish to get 200 and not too much later whent itzmjauz reach 200 Solaris and Aeon was amazing guilds
Super necropost here, but I thought it was relevant enough to warrant it. The brazilian MapleStory server opened on June 23 2008 and closed on November 11 2011. SrMACHINE was the first player to achieve Level 200 on September 12 2010 (a Dragon Knight! Who would've guessed it?!). We still didn't have 4th job, so he leveled mainly on Dreamy Ghosts. His girlfriend Myths was a Bishop and the second player to achieve Level 200. (We had 4th job by then...) FangBlade and Starlightzz vibes haha. Unbelievably, he also got the 6th (I think) overall place and 1st place Thief by leveling intimidation, a Night Lord, to 200 on April 25 2011 (who, btw, was a super badass 15k HP NL before we even had HT). Overall, he was our most successful player ever, haters be damned. This video is special because not only it captures the moment but because it's unique in the way that it was recorded by the man himself! The only 1st place on all servers to do so! Take a look on the level of spam you get when you are the first to level to 200 on an entire server: Note: His channel also has his NL leveling to 200 and other nice videos like his Zakum solo
I Knew of you Smexy same with Peter, Molly, Seb, Danny, Dani, Chris, Martin the lot lol. good to see people are still around and well. Maverin aka Martin deleted his character and made a new one using INT gear and high base int because his main Hermit had no HP wash at all and this was peak time when rumors kept flying around for HT. him being afraid he would be useless for Aeons first runs had him literally start all over. Even then he flew up to 140+ within a month or two, heavily washed. he could have had first place for 200 but ItzMjauz/Dani became the first lvl200. Also Honorable mention, Pewe/Peter will always be the best DK of all time, the dad of maplestory he was in his early 50's when he reached lvl200, true defiance that when it comes to playing games age is just a number. Also, here is ItzMjauz lvl200 video lol. no 4th job. no leafre. pure Anego grind.