I don't know if I'm doing this wrong or there's some kind of mechanism behind it, but it's very frustrating to farm those ingredients compared to last year. I just had the worst experience of taking 30 whole minutes to get a full set in wraiths with BISHOP, not to mention the other time suffering. Hope staff can enlighten on the reason behind the low rates.
same. Mages farming with ultimates should be annoyed by pig spawn. instead i spend hours. cant imagine doing this event on regular characters.
there is no problem with the pig spawn rate . The problem should be the low drop rate of maplemas spirit from monsters. i can tell they nerfed the drop rate. everyone is having difficulties in getting them
I feel like every 10 minutes for mage is already too much if we look at non-mage classes. I was doing on regular characters first, it did took even longer averagely.
I used my drk to hunt ,the pig only spawn after 30mins+++ and sometime it even doesn’t drop any ingredient.
Took me an hour to get 4 full sets and some spares for the past 2 days. Maybe it is just bad rng for some people. Also, it is only 5m per set in fm so you could tell it's considerably high in supply.
I would agree that stars of maplemas has too low of a drop rate. I wasn't here past christmases, so I was looking forward to getting my hands on santa girl set for this christmas past several months, only to find out that it costs almost 10k for hat and an overall. I've been incredibly active on snowman event + farming for stars ever since the beginning of the event, but I have 1k so far.. Not only do I have to keep this hard activity up for rest of the event in order to get the set, I have no opportunity to get anything else in the event that the santa NPC is offering. Event doesn't look too christmas-y in comparison to what I looked forward to for months. https://puu.sh/CjgRD/57c86c7570.png
I quite like the star rates as it increases the value of event equips and chairs. Obtainable things from events have been constantly plummeting year after year in terms of price. The term event should be associated with valuable