ONE OF THE MOST DISGUSTING AD I HAVE EVER SEEN. -Featureing: +Social Engineering: Men bashing +EXTRA White male bashing +Over 4.7 million dislikes and millions of comments removed Brother and sister, let's make this the most second dislike video on Youtube. Thank you for your attention. Peace.
If the video is as terrible as it’s portrayed, which it is, it really doesn’t require a post like this to get others to dislike it—It’ll happen naturally, as we can see is already occurring. It’s always a shame to see big named companies/corporations try to cater to their minority demographic in the hyper sensitive radicals who push these absurd narratives. Normal people do not think this way, so it typically backfires (prime example right here with Gillette) and results in losing a chunk of their once loyal customer base.
Man this thread went from 0-60 really quickly. I'm assuming this is a joke- so moving on. The video is terrible- the message albeit convoluted... isn't. Hopefully- it brings to light that in reality, men face a lot of shitty issues that are all but ignored- one of which is this "toxic masculinity" a term I hate because it's not the patriarchy's (aka mens) fault men can't express feelings or cry, it's terrible shitty people- which if I did my venn-diagram right includes all sexes, and races for that matter.