Recent update which blocked drop trading of cs/ws made a positive impact against RWT activities in royals. After scanning through some of the infamous blackmarkets, I noticed how cs/ws was no longer part of their trade list. Now that intitial step has taken place, I wish to propose the proceeding step. It would be even better if all the main attack gear (glove/cape/shoe) can no longer be drop traded. Glove Brown work glove Stormcaster glove Cape Pink adventurer cape Pink gaia cape Black fist cloak Taru spirit cape Shoe Facestomper Red christmas sock There are total of 8 main items that occupy 99% of att gear in the server, that are most frequently targeted by RWTers. Perfect weapons should be excluded for now as it may cause too much inconvenience. I personally never drop trade any of the attack gear due to the entailed risk of loot delay, random wifi dc, server lag, loot hijack etc. There were multiple occasions in the past where named players lost their valuable gear during a drop trading scene as well. Spoiler: 21 att PGC Spoiler: 24 att SCG Matter of convenience may differ from person to person but I have never witnessed any end game players (those mainly in possession of att gear) drop trading their gear when trading or lending/borrowing. I believe the potential inconvenienve caused by this change won't be significant enough to have a negative impact on the QOL of royallers, just like the cs/ws change. One may suggest that RWT sellers will start producing att gear from more common equips (e.g 20 att WG). It will most likely happen but it'll cost them way more to produce something of smiliar quality, naturally reducing the supply and things will become very obvious. Imagine a 8k range NL in HT equipped with a WG . An alarm will go off immediately.
What about those who play drop games? Those who quit and want to drop their equips, giving everyone an equal chance of looting them? How will those issues be addressed?
Just for interest's sake, I've been to 10+ quitter's drop game and never managed to loot a penny. It's usually 1~2 ppl with lowest ping looting everything. I don't think everyone get an "equal chance"...? Assuming you are serious, one can easily trade a quiz winner or selected one via any method of quitter's liking, to give away their equips.
Well if those people really want to donate their items away they could have give it to those who traded to them first or whoever the donator clicks on. Besides, this is just a minor issue compares to OP's post.
1) Can't imagine that many people playing drop with the mentioned WA items 2) If they wanna quit, they can set it as who trade 1st = who get the item So the above issues aren't critical
off topic but this. I never bother with dropgames cause I play from Singapore it's a stable 200~ ping, can't loot anything at all. Accidental? :thonk: xd Anyway. Reiterating Sparky's proposal, note he mentions only specific gear should be made undroppable.
1) Dropping items when quitting can also be used to save time. 2) 1st trade never works because it gets overlapped 3) There are plenty of drop games I've been to where people enjoy dropping 0-3 att stuff I understand the issue with rwt but by implementing this, it will affect casual players, one of which I associate myself in that drops them around the fm for fun. I have no issue with the cs/ws update because that's fine, it's understandable. No one drops cs/ws because they have a hard set value. But if this were to apply to say facestompers, there will be literally no value in the poorly scrolled ones, not to mention that it will ruin much of the fun in royals.
1) Why would the quitters care about the time when they gonna quit anyway 2) Trade does work, the one who get accepted = the lucky one 3) I rather disable WA items in drop game than allowing RWT to continue, you can still play drop without WA items Are you prioritizing quitting event & drop games over RWT? The issues you mentioned are nothing compared to the seriousness of RWT
Yes, I am prioritizing the issue of having fun over rwt because I trust the GMs to be able to do their job. Not everyone is a hardcore royaler. People do drop for fun.
You need to realize that maple is a social game. You need a community for it to be fun. If you keep cutting the playerbase bit by bit just to favor another group of people, without a solid income of new players, this game will die. The heartstopper update without any sort of compensation has already caused many people to quit playing. Please do not repeat the same mistake as global maplestory did.
Drop for fun = must be WA items? Can't you drop high level weapons or something? (Sky Ski, Red Craven, etc~) I still don't understand why are you so opposed to the idea of not able to drop WA items
How does attempting to stop RWT = cutting playerbase lol The proposed idea is to protect the legit players and stop the RWTers About your mentioning of "many people to quit playing", I don't see that many people quitted We would be repeating the mistakes as GMS if we allow RWT, hackers to roam freely here
Because it's traditional for WA items to be dropped. That's like saying, why use a toothbrush to brush your teeth when you can use fingers. Fingers do the job just as well. It's weird to you because we were all taught to use a toothbrush, similarly how we are socialized to drop WA items.
What... Are you serious bro, you rather us allow RWT to continue - just so you can keep up the "traditions" of drop game???
The mistake I am referring to is in regards to is eagerly conducting change to favor a group of people while displeasing another group of people, both of which are groups of legitimate players. Even though it has good intentions, this is what kills the game because a multiplayer game is BASED OFF A COMMUNITY. Take League of Legends for example. After nine years, it still remains a popular game and this is solely due to the playerbase it has. Update after update, they don't change much. All they do is release a new champion and if you look closely, reverting update patches. Ex: Mikaels crucible from 20% heal and shield to 15% heal and shield back into 20% The only way they've lost players is when they introduce major changes such as champion reworks or the funneling technique simply because they disfavored what a certain group of people thought the game to be. In what I mentioned here, a controversial example would be the rework of aatrox. You may not know but although the devs had good intentions of making aatrox viable, there are several aatrox one tricks that have made their plead on reddit to have it reverted back and have completely left the game due to this rework. As for the rework for leblanc, several pros in the competitive scene including bjergson himself have made complaints about the new leblanc. In the efforts of keeping their interests, the devs had leblanc reverted back. I will reiterate once again, the survivability of a game is based off the community it upholds. The community is already as scarce as it is in terms of population. Trimming one group of it will not help this game at all, so if you truly care about this game living on, you need to either get a bigger inflow of newcomers or aim to not displease a portion of the server. Are you not trusting GMs to do their part in detecting rwters? Quit being selfish and start thinking about how other players of this server find this game to be fun.
I don't think you realize that one of the main reasons for the playerbase cut is RWT , it litarelly almost killed this server before ... Also I'm sure we all trust GMs but it's nearly impossible for them to keep track on every trade in the current condition , I really don't see how one could refuse such a suggestion , no offense, but your arguments don't make sense to me