Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that RWT is good. I'm not saying that we should allow RWT. What I'm saying is that you need to think of its indirect effect this suggestion has. The GMs of this server already have their own techniques of finding them out. Why are we making unnecessary additions when the job is already being done?
I couldn't have imagined this suggestion to be controversial at all, but apparently anything can LMAO what even...
Hmm. . I wonder why one would defend so strongly the ability to drop high valued rwt items. . :thinking: Have you maybe heard of the phrase “prevention is better than cure”? If you can stop rwt altogether, GMs can spend more time upgrading the server and adding contents which will then attract more people to join the server. Sure GMs can spend their time catching rwters as they pop up, but as long as there is a way for them to continue, they will keep on doing it and it’s a never ending cycle. What a great use of GM time!
1) Add more content like what global maplestory did? 2) It's always a never ending cycle. Do you expect customer support representatives to have no tickets to answer? Is that your ideal situation? GMs sign up knowing that this is their responsibility.
Are you actually naive enough to think that solving one problem would make GMs jobless? Are you also saying you’re happy with the amount of content royals currently have, and that no more need to be added? No dojo, no Malaysia, no more new nx, new events etc? Bruhhh
You seems to feel there's a large group of droppers, how many of you guys are there lol I of course trust that GM is doing their part in preventing RWTs - hence why they decided to forbid the drop of White & Chaos scrolls And I agree with your last point 1000%
Where did I say that solving one problem would make GMs jobless? And yes, even though I'm hyped for dojo, some people might not like it, although I don't know who wouldn't, and I'm fine with that. I'm fine with the content this game already has. According to your logic, might as well add black mage and shit.
This is where I'm getting at. Yes I feel as if there's a large group of droppers. Large enough relative to the population size Mapleroyals is currently at. that this server cannot afford to lose. I mean this with no aggression or toxicity whatsoever: Most of the players here on the forums are like hella funded and so I don't expect ya'll to agree with me cause quite frankly, like you guys said, you guys never drop WA items so you guys never would associate yourselves with people who actually do drop for fun. You guys have your own way of playing mapleroyals just like how the ironmen people have their own way and summon farmers. This is how casual droppers play the game. Respect it.
I've always thought drop games were just some weird way of scamming people. I've not seen people really advertising them much either, is it really that significant? The only attack equips I see dropped are like 0 att ones lol or people who show up on the forum whining because someone looted their cape in the freemarket.
If these so called group of "drop gamer"s' game play pattern rely so heavily on dropping trash att gear (of the specific 8 I listed), I'm guessing they must be quite rich to afford them clean in first place. If that's not the case, do you guys owl FM all the time to buy off trash att gear just for the sake of dropping them? Where and how often do you guys do this? This can't be including the quitters because they do it once throughout their lifespan in the sever and don't regard it as their "playstyle". How many of you guys are out there?
Is it just some kind of guild/friend thing? There's next to no mention of drop games on the forum and rarely are they positive mentions. Just some ban appeals, a couple of old videos and some general threads. Seems like a very slim population that would be unhappy with not being able to drop attack equips.
I searched "Mapleroyals Drop game" and found only 1 relevant video where 1 youtuber and 2 drop gamers (1 got banned for vote abuse) were dropping cheap chairs. This thread suggested blocking only 8 items of hundreds and thousands of existing items in the game that can be used for drop game seeing how the people in that video didn't drop any of the 8 I mentioned. I don't understand how limiting 8 aforementioned items will influence your so-called "drop gamer community" (assuming there is one although we've yet to see one) in such a bad way it'll discourage players from playing.
Because its illegal in mapleglobal, stated in their ToS
1) You found one youtube video in regards to a drop game in royals. That was a contest between friends. Just cause only one is there, doesn't mean that only one was played throughout whenever royals was released. Why would I even need to record drop games when I have no intention of putting it on youtube? 2) If you read what I told you to do, you would have found out that there are multiple videos of drop games in global maplestory, which means that many have experienced drop games at some point. Mapleroyals aims to obtain nostalgia does it not? 3) The cheap chairs you're mentioning is just between those in the videos. I remember back in halloween event of 2016, I think it was (correct me if I'm wrong) @AhLiGaddo and I bonded over a drop game with pgc in the fm. He was wearing a full sun wukong outfit and I was just an unfunded noob that just started around late august. I heard pgcs were a lot and once I got it from him, it was 0 att. The thrill and fun was still there though regardless and nothing should take that away. I also met @Snail's Law through a drop game that too consist of pgc and later on, after bonding we got married in maple. I even made my bishop named after her: BishopJeff. I haven't played many drop games after that since I was so focused on gear. Maybe that's why you don't understand where I'm coming from since you're always focused on gear? Regardless, just last month when Peanutz (a mm) dropped free stuff, I saw another dude by fm 8ish drop his bfc while we were all near the christmas tree waiting for Peanutz to drop his things. It gave me my idea to drop my 0 att pgc just for fun and so I did it near the side of fm 7. I didn't know it would drop below the christmas tree since I thought the GMs fixed the drop misplacement due to no announcement above. I lost the pgc but it was still worth it as moments like these for me are cherished. 4) Why those 8 items? Because they're symbolic in terms of being worth a lot regardless if they're failures. You don't wanna drop cs/ws cause theyre straight out valued at 400m. I personally don't wanna drop chairs either cause chairs themselves have set values. I don't want to lose something high due to some incident like the christmas fm I just encountered. Similar to gaching, it also gives hope to people in terms of hoping that it's decently scrolled. These are moments that I cherish similar to how you cherish having 3 accounts at lv 200 or having perma lv 50 cpq mule or making an islander or ironman. Achieve your 30 att fs or whatever, I'm not going to complain. But to make jokes about how others enjoy the game is just plain depressing. Slim population or not, when a good friend quits, another one will and so forth.